Ron Paul Can't Win

still don't see an official campaign statement on entitlements

perhaps Dr. Paul isn't as brave as his supporters claim he is

You can do better than this. This cannot be your best effort. Paul has about 8 or 9 items on his website that he goes into detail about, but a simple google or youtube search would have given you what you were looking for.

I don't get it (it being your criticism of not calling him brave). Are you saying he isn't brave because you think he doesn't want to tackle the entitlements issue or what? I don't know where you are going with this.
You can do better than this. This cannot be your best effort. Paul has about 8 or 9 items on his website that he goes into detail about, but a simple google or youtube search would have given you. What you were looking for.

I don't get it (it being your criticism of not calling him brave). Are you saying he isn't brave because you think he doesn't want to tackle the entitlements issue or what? I don't know where you are going with this.

a simple google or youtube search doesn't lead me to anything on his official campaign website, specifically the issues section, where he addresses how he would reform entitlement programs.

You know as well as I do that those are the biggest drivers of our debt and deficit. Huffines even stated that he would reduce military spending in order to prop up medicare/Social Security. If that's the case, where are the reforms? He would still spend the money.
a simple google or youtube search doesn't lead me to anything on his official campaign website, specifically the issues section, where he addresses how he would reform entitlement programs.

You know as well as I do that those are the biggest drivers of our debt and deficit. Huffines even stated that he would reduce military spending in order to prop up medicare/Social Security. If that's the case, where are the reforms? He would still spend the money.

I said that?

Also, I would venture to guess that military spending has been just as devastating to our budget as entitlement spending has been.
sorry, Rasputin said that.

military spending is huge, but it is at least Constitutional

No, defense spending is constitutional. Military spending is the money we spend above and beyond what is reasonable for our national defense. He's articulated this distinction in at least 2 debates.

As far as entitlements, just view the video "Ron Paul on Entitlements" and he tells you exactly what I told you, plus adds in the option for young people to opt out. He is not going to expand entitlments programs, but instead do a gradual fade. Neither Romney or Obama will say that... or even have a plan for it.

Finally, you are bigger and better than this. Anyone with half a brain knows that Paul is not going to expand entitlements if they just look at his voting record. Why are you being petty? So he doesn't specifically spell it out on the website. Big deal, he has videos and quotes all over the place on other sites that tell you his philosophy. Are you trying to make the case that since it is not on his page, that he is either not serious about addressing entitlements or he has no plans to address them?

I'm really not sure what your agenda is right now.
my "agenda" is to point out that RP doesn't mention entitlement reform anywhere on his official campaign website and wonder why that is
my "agenda" is to point out that RP doesn't mention entitlement reform anywhere on his official campaign website and wonder why that is

Why do you think it isn't specifically spelled out? Do you think it is an egregious omission or are you suggesting that there is some political calculating or sinister reason why it is not specifically mentioned, even though he addresses the issue on numerous other times?

Where are you going with this?
And technically, he does address benefits for soldiers and health care. Social security and welfare are not specifically mentioned on his site, though.

But again, the internet has plenty of other sources of the information you are looking for.
Why do you think it isn't specifically spelled out? Do you think it is an egregious omission or are you suggesting that there is some political calculating or sinister reason why it is not specifically mentioned, even though he addresses the issue on numerous other times?

Where are you going with this?

it's quite clearly a political calculation on RP's part.

Since it's not addressed specifically on his website and since he's gotten far more attention for his statements on the fed, he will, by and large, not get asked questions regarding entitlements.

I know that he has addressed them in various media appearances but that isn't the same as giving them prominence (and permanence) on his campaign website.
If your issue is that the media has been more focused on his non-interventionist (they call isolationism) stances, gold standard/fed arguments or asking him every week if he's running as a 3rd party candidate... instead of asking him a broader range of questions in the previous debates, then I think you need to take that up with the media.
And lol at him omitting an entitlements tab on his webpage being a political calculation. Are you serious? His biggest liability with conservative voters is on iran/war on terrorism. He's not going to lose anybody on the right or many moderates by putting up an entitlements link.
And lol at him omitting an entitlements tab on his webpage being a political calculation. Are you serious? His biggest liability with conservative voters is on iran/war on terrorism. He's not going to lose anybody on the right or many moderates by putting up an entitlements link.

Ron Paul supporters surged to victory in yesterday’s Minnesota and Iowa district conventions, dominating the process and picking up more delegates to the Republican National Convention. As reported last week, a number of Romney Hawks are now deeply concerned that Ron Paul has already laid the groundwork for similar success in six more caucus states. Yesterday’s results will only increase their influence inside the Romney camp.

Ruh roh..Ron Paul Wins in Iowa and Minnesota, Romney in a Panic « Doug Wead The Blog
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While the Iowa Ron Paul campaign is keeping its cards close to the vest, we all got a sneak peak from an the Des Moines Register story which reported that six of the new Iowa GOP state central committee members elected Saturday have publicly expressed support for Ron Paul. Joes Kurtinitis, Kris Thiessen, Dave Cushman, Jeff Shipley, John Kabitzke and Marcus Fedler. “Two more,” Jennifer Jacobs reports, “have close ties.” The new state chairman is also a Ron Paul supporter, who served as a co-chairman for the congressman’s Iowa state organization.

The Iowa state GOP convention is set for Jun 16, 2012.

Meanwhile, the sleepy New York Times has posted for five months and still posts, even today, that the total delegate count for Ron Paul in Iowa is one.They say that the total delegate count for Ron Paul in Minnesota is nine. In fact, Ron Paul supporters will now dominate both state conventions. And the same trend is ongoing in states across the country.
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I still think it's a WAY outside shot that he'll win but I would love to see if happen. Talk about a shock to the system. The guy gets absolutely NO television coverage and the fact that he's hanging around still is pretty big.
He gets 10 seconds for every 2 minutes the others get, including Gingrich. So, I guess I overstated "No TV", my bad.
More on the Iowa Delegate count:


I'm also one who believes he would win Maine with all the votes counted correctly.

The party can't get people to buyin to Romney, and they let RP get ignored. Why not test the waters with RP (with some actual exposure).

If you don't like his foreign policy so be it, but does that out-weigh all the things wrong with Romney?

GOP threw in the towel in 2008, and I swear the are trying to do it again. If Rubio isn't Romney's VP, I honestly think BO is elected again.

Surely if RP wins Texas ~60%/40% he gets his picture and an article on the sites and shows, right?
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