Ron Paul Can't Win

Ya think just maybe you're being a wee bit dramatic?

when asked why RP is running as a Republican, we're told that he's trying to save the party.

Now that he's trying to unite the party because he realizes that four more years of Obama would be disastrous, he is called a "sellout" and his bandwagon supporters start wringing their hands.
If Ron endorses Mitt, I'd become physically sick, followed by straight anarchist (exaggeration)

*not to justify rand's decision, but unlike his son, Ron isn't running for any office next year (or the next 20). He has no reason to deliver the company line.

If he gave in and endorsed the status quo, I'd be disappointed.
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Neither did America

America got what it asked for, so how is that not winning?

And really, you got what you asked for, vfj. Romney wasn't even the the first choice of most GOP voters during the primaries. Seems like every 6 weeks or so, some other candidate was popping up to be the next "Anybody but Romney" candidate. He couldn't get traction over 25% for a long time. He was just able to finally outlast his competitors.
America got what it asked for, so how is that not winning?

And really, you got what you asked for, vfj. Romney wasn't even the the first choice of most GOP voters during the primaries. Seems like every 6 weeks or so, some other candidate was popping up to be the next "Anybody but Romney" candidate. He couldn't get traction over 25% for a long time. He was just able to finally outlast his competitors.

Romney definitely comes out looking like John Kerry and Bob Dole - the JV candidate that gets trotted out to run against the incumbent Prez.
America got what it asked for, so how is that not winning?

And really, you got what you asked for, vfj. Romney wasn't even the the first choice of most GOP voters during the primaries. Seems like every 6 weeks or so, some other candidate was popping up to be the next "Anybody but Romney" candidate. He couldn't get traction over 25% for a long time. He was just able to finally outlast his competitors.

Are meth tweakers winning when they finally score another hit?
Looks like ROMNEY can't Win because RON PAUL was not given a chance, making just about every independent and libertarian pissed at the GOP's ****ty tactics in silencing freedom. Karma is a B. It's why there will never be a republican president again until the platform is changed from neo conservative to conservative
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Sen. Jim DeMint: "If Republicans don't understand the important aspects of what Ron Paul is saying, we won't be able to exist as a party, certainly not a majority party."

Sen. Jim DeMint: "If Republicans don't understand the important aspects of what Ron Paul is saying, we won't be able to exist as a party, certainly not a majority party."


Back to back quotes for truth. Don't like his foreign policies? That's fine. Try listening to some other things and not ignoring a very intelligent and influential member of the part GOP.

The fact that McCain and Romney are the last two nominees for "fiscal conservative" Republicans is disgusting.
Back to back quotes for truth. Don't like his foreign policies? That's fine. Try listening to some other things and not ignoring a very intelligent and influential member of the part GOP.

The fact that McCain and Romney are the last two nominees for "fiscal conservative" Republicans is disgusting.

The sad thing is that Paul couldn't have stopped Congress from warring with Iran if they wanted to. All Congress would have had to do was follow the constitution and declare war. The biggest issue that the neo-cons had against Paul was the very issue they could have trumped him on.

Oh well...
Romney definitely comes out looking like John Kerry and Bob Dole - the JV candidate that gets trotted out to run against the incumbent Prez.

I have been calling Romney the GOP Kerry for a long time now. Scary how much this election reminds me of '04.

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