Ron Paul Can't Win

Oh, I'm well aware of it. It's going to affect the outcome of nothing, however.

Explain how you know so much about the grassroots movement and planning

There are many people who want anyone but Romney and you will be surprised at how much planning has been put in the delegate committee's by Paul supporters.

They are ready to go to Tampa and are going to fight.

It is improbable that he will win, but in a bartered convention he has a great shot, like WGH did
Been monitoring it 5 years huh? You're a regular guru.
Yep its easy to be part of the movement and when others who take info from the MSM say they understand his plans, its pretty funny. RP doesnt really give 2 ****s about the primaries, its all caucus and delegate strategy
Let's tell it like it is. He "doesn't care" because he had no traction and decided to punt and put his resources elsewhere.

I won't argue that. He had much more traction in the delegate process where his supporters were in general much more politically active and he prospers there.
I think I get more irritated with people that come in this thread just to mock the positive hope of RP supporters or those who use this avenue to share links/info, than I do the lack of recognition by MSM since last fall.

Most of us realize he has a very very slim shot of even getting a brokered convention, much less the nod to take on Obama. If I didn't realize this, I would surely know from the numerous reminders of some here.

We get it already, let us enjoy our last few weeks before the results are final. Some of us are actually inspired and excited, regardless of the end result, and sure as hell regardless of this same negative bull**** we read from some everytime we post an article, video, picture, about Ron Paul, in a Ron Paul thread.
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His supporters are to be commended and i fully respect a stance such as yours. But that doesn't mean others should just be forced to ignore every time something completely goofy gets posted in the name of turning this into an online shrine.
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His supporters are to be commended and i fully respect a stance such as yours. But that doesn't mean others should just be forced to ignore every time something completely goofy gets posted in the name of turning this into an online shrine.

I understand your need to expose ignorance when present, but even so, this ONE thread is dedicated to RP. What does it matter the content posted, if it is not offensive? I'm not saying you, MGM, trut, etc should never speak up in this thread, but no one forces you to open a thread with goofy information and crazy supporters.

Without doubt I'm sure there is more valid and pertinent information in any other dozen threads in 'politics' section.

I'm not trying to be an ass, I understand how it feels to open a thread, see information from a weird source, and see someone support it to their fullest (gsvol). However I know this before I click the thread the next day.
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Paul's "Machine" | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

“Congressman and Senator Paul are both deeply dedicated to helping elect principled Constitutionalists to office and are both working directly and indirectly with dozens of candidates across the country,” said Paul campaign manager Jesse Benton.
Of the major strategic goals that Paul’s camp is focusing on now — picking up delegates, getting issues onto the platform at the convention, and getting libertarians included in the mainstream Republican party — the last is “critical,” the strategist said:“You’ve got a bunch of other people who can go and lead and build off our infrastructures…”

“These congressmen and state officials and new federal officials are lining up with us because we have the soldiers,” said Paul adviser Doug Wead. “If you want to run for office, you have to have them. They are the activist base of the Republican Party now…”
His supporters are to be commended and i fully respect a stance such as yours. But that doesn't mean others should just be forced to ignore every time something completely goofy gets posted in the name of turning this into an online shrine.

If that is in direction to me I am sincerely appalled
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Do you think Hilary Clinton and Ron Paul are of similiar capabilities as leaders or politicians?

No; however, I think Hillary and her followers were completely deluded in 2008 concerning delegates and superdelegates and I think the same of Paul supporters (those that actually think he will win the nomination).
No; however, I think Hillary and her followers were completely deluded in 2008 concerning delegates and superdelegates and I think the same of Paul supporters (those that actually think he will win the nomination).

I can handle that. For the record, you would have to lay somewhere around 20:1 for me to bet on RP actually getting the nomination.

I still will be nervous and hopeful when they vote in Tampa.
No; however, I think Hillary and her followers were completely deluded in 2008 concerning delegates and superdelegates and I think the same of Paul supporters (those that actually think he will win the nomination).

When the hell did I say he will win. I'm saying he doesn't have only 100 delegates like everyone thinks.

And I know that with all of the mayhem in the GOP the past months regarding financing their campaigns and suspending them, that the people going to Tampa will be very open to being convinced to their vote. And many are anyone but ROmney.

Hop off my nuts for a bit, you've been doing it all week. :good!:
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When the hell did I say he will win. I'm saying he doesn't have only 100 delegates like everyone thinks.

And I know that with all of the mayhem in the GOP the past months regarding financing their campaigns and suspending them, that the people going to Tampa will be very open to being convinced to their vote. And many are anyone but ROmney.

Hop off my nuts for a bit, you've been doing it all week. :good!:
uh, do what?
i dont understand sarcasm :crazy:
I know. You have no ****ing sense of humor FYI. Probably why you are on a political section of a football forum 24/7 to build your pseudo intellectual persona you define while others relax and have fun. This football forum isn't referring to those with footballs in their ass FYI
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