Ron Paul Can't Win

I can handle that. For the record, you would have to lay somewhere around 20:1 for me to bet on RP actually getting the nomination.

I still will be nervous and hopeful when they vote in Tampa.

And I've got no problem with any of that.

Romney is going to win the nomination but I applaud Ron Paul and, of all people, Herman Cain for steering the debate on the economy with a very simple message.
And I've got no problem with any of that.

Romney is going to win the nomination but I applaud Ron Paul and, of all people, Herman Cain for steering the debate on the economy with a very simple message.

Paul was the one who brought the issues up every time in the debates until they ignored him. Since the others just fought about their bad records, he would focus on important things, being why he won every debate via the Fox voters of all things. Cain was just an idiot who proposed a terrible plan to destroy the middle class and people thought it sounded dandy.

The debates would have been awesome but they are all so corrupt that it ended up just being Gingrich this ROmney that
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Paul was the one who brought the issues up every time in the debates until they ignored him. Since the others just fought about their bad records, he would focus on important things, being why he won every debate via the Fox voters of all things. Cain was just an idiot who proposed a terrible plan to destroy the middle class and people thought it sounded dandy.

The debates would have been awesome but they are all so corrupt that it ended up just being Gingrich this ROmney that

what about the 9-9-9 plan would destroy the middle class?
what about the 9-9-9 plan would destroy the middle class?
Here's a good introduction by an austrian school economist, and a video by a chicago leaning school economist afterward

If you have a family of four with an income of just under $50,000, they would pay more under the Cain plan. Currently, they are taxed at just less than 7 percent and pay $3,400 in income tax. Under Cain’s plan, they would be taxed at 9 percent or pay $4,500.

That’s $1,100 more.

Although the family would save almost $4,000 in Social Security taxes, it would have to give up the child tax credit of $4,000. Furthermore, it would pay an additional national sales tax of 9 percent on everything purchased, including groceries and clothes, which totals about $2,000.

That means under the Cain plan that family would be almost doubling its taxes, going from $3,400 to $6,500.

The changes in income taxes would turn away from the progressive tax policy that's shaped U.S. policy for a century, based on the principle that the wealthier people are, the more they can afford to pay in taxes to the society that's enriched them.

"The plan could be expected to raise substantial amounts of revenue, but does so largely by skewing downwards the distribution of tax burdens," said a new analysis of the Cain plan this week by Edward D. Kleinbard, a professor of tax law at the University of Southern California. He's also a former chief of staff at the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, which analyzes all tax legislation for Congress. "The 9-9-9 Plan would materially raise the tax burden on many low- and middle-income taxpayers."

Others agree.

"It's regressive, relative to what we have now," said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, a joint effort of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution, center-left policy-research centers. "It would raise taxes for people at the bottom and lower taxes at the top end."

The Last Word - Secrets of Herman Cain's 999 plan revealed

Herman Cain 999 Plan = Higher Taxes - YouTube
999 Plan: Herman Cain's Proposal Would Raise Taxes On 84 Percent, Study Shows
Cain’s 999 Plan – Hell on the Middle Class and Doomsday for the Poor & Retired
Sen. Rand Paul Endorses Mitt Romney

My first reaction : "Go get that VP pick, Rand"
My reaction 10 seconds later: (no,no,no) "You bastard"

I don't care who their VP choices are, I will not vote for Obama or Romney. Rand sold out.

This is not a shocker. Rand is a republican. He and all the other republicans will end up endorsing Romney. They may not be excited with Romney as the nominee but they will all fall in line " for the good of the party".

By the end of the GOP convention, Ron will also endorse Romney, IMO.
Just like he endorsed McCain huh? He will not endorse Romney.

'I like Mitt Romney as a person. I think he's a dignified person.' 'But I have no common ground on economics. He doesn't worry about the Federal Reserve. He doesn't worry about foreign policy. He doesn't talk about civil liberties, so I would have a hard time to expect him to ever invite me to campaign with him.' April 1, 2012 Ron Paul
Just like he endorsed McCain huh? He will not endorse Romney.

'I like Mitt Romney as a person. I think he's a dignified person.' 'But I have no common ground on economics. He doesn't worry about the Federal Reserve. He doesn't worry about foreign policy. He doesn't talk about civil liberties, so I would have a hard time to expect him to ever invite me to campaign with him.' April 1, 2012 Ron Paul

Paul did not say he would not endorse or campaign for Romney.
He said
"I would have a hard time to expect him to ever invite me to campaign with him"

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