Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Let's take this slowly. Do you agree the argument is the following?

(1) If the unemployment rate of an ethnic group X is low under leader Y, then leader Y is not racist towards group X.
(2) The unemployment rate is low for group X under leader Y.
(3) Therefore, leader Y is not racist against group X.

Next step, do you agree that under slavery black people in the south were not unemployed? Seems like most of them had jobs, but ones for which they got no money and were treated terribly. That's pretty much the definition of slavery (forced, uncompensated servitude).

So, going back to (1), the black unemployment rate in the south was very low during slavery. There was some leader Y at that time (let's call him Jefferson Davis) who was in office during this historically low black unemployment period. By the argument above, which I assume you subscribe to, you would have to conclude that Jefferson Davis wasn't racist. But of course that's false, which means (1) is not true premise. But if (1) is not true, you can't invoke it as a sufficient basis to show Trump is not racist.

Maybe you can understand this black unemployment soared under a black president?
Sorry, but a heckuva lot more people cared about Magic's HIV than those who care about Rush's cancer.

I thought so, too. I read/watch the leans left, neutral and leans right media. While they make mistakes, I respect what they do and feel like they are trying to get the facts straight.

I would guess there's not much difference in their new worth. Rush signed an 8 year $400 million deal in 08.
I'll go on the record saying democrats have traditionally been nastier than conservatives, and now conservatives have become especially nasty, and it's not helping America or conservatives, at all. I mean, besides Gorsuch, what has Trump and all this distracting divisiveness done to secure a better future? What if by the end of 2020 we end up with no wall, no reversal of Obamacare, incredible debt growth, relatively unchanged foreign policy, we're still in a trade war, the trade imbalance grew, and then we get Mayor Pete in the white house? Who the hell is going to say the last 4 years worked out for Republican supporters?

Ok so the Dems do it for approximately 35-40 years and the Republicans have been at this fighting back since the 2016 election so try again.
Mayor Pete ain't getting to the White House.
Ok so the Dems do it for approximately 35-40 years and the Republicans have been at this fighting back since the 2016 election so try again.
Mayor Pete ain't getting to the White House.

The republicans have been corrupt since the Grant Administration.
I don't think the Republicans would have been thrilled if Obama had given a SOTU and handed out the medal to Rachel Maddow.
Rachel Maddow hasn't achieved what Rush has. Just because Butch is liberal and Rush is conservative, doesn't make it an ideological analogy. Fact is no liberal has the record Rush has. Maddow hadn't even been born yet when Rush had his first radio show
Why people continue to torpedo their careers for 9 likes on social media is beyond me. The upside is nothing compared to the downside.
That pesky 1st amendment is going to remedy this situation. Dumb to say it, but a government employer can't react in this manner.
Rachel Maddow hasn't achieved what Rush has. Just because Butch is liberal and Rush is conservative, doesn't make it an ideological analogy. Fact is no liberal has the record Rush has. Maddow hadn't even been born yet when Rush had his first radio show
The question that provides an insightful answer is..
"Why is right wing confirmation and propaganda so much more popular than left wing confirmation and propaganda?"
The question that provides an insightful answer is..
"Why is right wing confirmation and propaganda so much more popular than left wing confirmation and propaganda?"

Because the majority of the things you hear from the left , you don’t believe are propaganda, so it’s purely a subjective point of view .
The question that provides an insightful answer is..
"Why is right wing confirmation and propaganda so much more popular than left wing confirmation and propaganda?"
Probably because people are much more subjected to left wing propaganda through most of the MSM so they look for something different. We're far more inundated with messages from the left than we are the right, and it overwhelms the senses. You lean heavy left so you don't see it, but CNN, MSNBC, the major networks and the majority of print media push the liberal agenda. Right wing propaganda has become more popular because it's seen as pushing back.

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