Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

The question that provides an insightful answer is..
"Why is right wing confirmation and propaganda so much more popular than left wing confirmation and propaganda?"
I'll comment on that. One is hatred of America. Left wing rhetoric portrays America as a racist country built upon slavery and everything we do globally is wrong and imperialism. Americans don't care to listen to their country being bashed day after day. Right wing point of view emphasizes freedom and lists all the countries we've freed such as Germany, Japan, France and Kuwait just to name a few.
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But the dems. won the impeachment hand.

This is just so laughable. The more I think on it, the more I realize just how broken from reality you are. In no way did the Dems win impeachment. But your bias won't allow you to see truth. The House passing impeachment was a foregone conclusion. Trump being acquitted was a foregone conclusion. People see it for what it was, political theater, and a colossal waste of time. People have become jaded to these types of political maneuvers, so the Dems accomplished nothing.
Because the majority of the things you hear from the left , you don’t believe are propaganda, so it’s purely a subjective point of view .
View the question this way:
Why has Rush been so popular to millions of loyal listeners over such a long period while not having even a remotely similar counter on the left? Why is Hannity such an idolized figure? Same with O'Reilly. Why are left wing talking heads not equally popular and idolized?
View the question this way:
Why has Rush been so popular to millions of loyal listeners over such a long period while not having even a remotely similar counter on the left? Why is Hannity such an idolized figure? Same with O'Reilly. Why are left wing talking heads not equally popular and idolized?

Because liberals are hard to like.
Probably because people are much more subjected to left wing propaganda through most of the MSM so they look for something different. We're far more inundated with messages from the left than we are the right, and it overwhelms the senses. You lean heavy left so you don't see it, but CNN, MSNBC, the major networks and the majority of print media push the liberal agenda. Right wing propaganda has become more popular because it's seen as pushing back.
I understand your answer but I don't share the same perspective.
I think it all sort of boils down to how people see and prioritize three things; how things used to be, are, and should be.
I'll comment on that. One is hatred of America. Left wing rhetoric portrays America as a racist country built upon slavery and everything we do globally is wrong and imperialism. Americans don't care to listen to their country being bashed day after day. Right wing point of view emphasizes freedom and lists all the countries we've freed such as Germany, Japan, France and Kuwait just to name a few.
That's ridiculous. I'm left wing and I hear little to none of that rhetoric. I think you've allowed "left wing rhetoric" to be interpreted for you by the right wing.
View the question this way:
Why has Rush been so popular to millions of loyal listeners over such a long period while not having even a remotely similar counter on the left? Why is Hannity such an idolized figure? Same with O'Reilly. Why are left wing talking heads not equally popular and idolized?

Because the left embraces identity politics and there’s only so much a talking head from the left can pontificate on before they are bashed and driven off by the social media nazis . They started the PC standard and identity politics and it has limits .
This is just so laughable. The more I think on it, the more I realize just how broken from reality you are. In no way did the Dems win impeachment. But your bias won't allow you to see truth. The House passing impeachment was a foregone conclusion. Trump being acquitted was a foregone conclusion. People see it for what it was, political theater, and a colossal waste of time. People have become jaded to these types of political maneuvers, so the Dems accomplished nothing.
Different perspectives. I think the impeachment was both warranted and appropriate. I think it is nothing more than a natural and expected result of Trumpism. That was known (or should have been).

There are certainly lessons to be learned.
Different perspectives. I think the impeachment was both warranted and appropriate. I think it is nothing more than a natural and expected result of Trumpism. That was known (or should have been).

There are certainly lessons to be learned.
You're a bundle of ethical contradictions, luther. I question whether you actually have ethics, or just politics?
People with a moral compass, for one. People who understand the dignity of an institution, for another.

That Rush Limbaugh has now been honored at the same level as Mother Theresa should make any centered person's hearts break.
I like how you always frame yourself as centered lol.
You're a bundle of ethical contradictions, luther. I question whether you actually have ethics, or just politics?
How so?
I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that had Hillary won she would have been attacked and obstructed and vilified unendingly by republicans and the right wing media. She would have been up for impeachment within the first year. She had been destroyed in the minds of the right and there was no return from that. That is why I supported Bernie; to hopefully avoid that predictable cluster f***. Many supported Trump specifically specifically to encourage that cluster.
How many times have your read on here that a poster loves Trump because he is a middle finger to the left?
Trump is worth it for no other reason than the sweet tasting liberal tears?
You would not have seen nearly as many from the left with that attitude had Hillary won.
How so?
I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that had Hillary won she would have been attacked and obstructed and vilified unendingly by republicans and the right wing media. She would have been up for impeachment within the first year. She had been destroyed in the minds of the right and there was no return from that. That is why I supported Bernie; to hopefully avoid that predictable cluster f***. Many supported Trump specifically specifically to encourage that cluster.
How many times have your read on here that a poster loves Trump because he is a middle finger to the left?
Trump is worth it for no other reason than the sweet tasting liberal tears?
You would not have seen nearly as many from the left with that attitude had Hillary won.

since you supported Bernie , how do you justify the fact that he , and his polices will crush this country . It’s simple economics .
How so?
I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that had Hillary won she would have been attacked and obstructed and vilified unendingly by republicans and the right wing media. She would have been up for impeachment within the first year. She had been destroyed in the minds of the right and there was no return from that. That is why I supported Bernie; to hopefully avoid that predictable cluster f***. Many supported Trump specifically specifically to encourage that cluster.
How many times have your read on here that a poster loves Trump because he is a middle finger to the left?
Trump is worth it for no other reason than the sweet tasting liberal tears?
You would not have seen nearly as many from the left with that attitude had Hillary won.

You talk about Trump being deserving of impeachment, yet continue to believe Clinton was unfairly impeached for committing an actual crime. You completely ignore the scandals Hillary kept finding herself in as right-wing propaganda, while declaring anything someone from the GOP(and especially Trump) gets accused of as truth, even when little to no evidence is present. The standard you hold people to depends on their politics, and has nothing to do with whether they acted in an unethical way. You contradict yourself constantly as you apply "ethics" based on politics.
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since you supported Bernie , how do you justify the fact that he , and his polices will crush this country . It’s simple economics .
His policies have as much chance of being enacted as did Trump's promise of balancing the budget and erasing the deficit.
Bernie would only move us slightly in the correct direction.
All of the Democratic candidates wish to move the country in the same direction, they just discuss doing on a different time line and with a different stated end point. No matter who wins, the movement will be measured.
His policies have as much chance of being enacted as did Trump's promise of balancing the budget and erasing the deficit.
Bernie would only move us slightly in the correct direction.
All of the Democratic candidates wish to move the country in the same direction, they just discuss doing on a different time line and with a different stated end point. No matter who wins, the movement will be measured.

So then he’s lying about his promises and what’s on his official site ? Have you went to his or EWs official sites and listened to what they are tell us the public they will do ?
You talk about Trump being deserving of impeachment, yet continue to believe Clinton was unfairly impeached for committing an actual crime. You completely ignore the scandals Hillary kept finding herself in as right-wing propaganda, while declaring anything someone from the GOP(and especially Trump) gets accused of as truth, even when little to no evidence is present. The standard you hold people to depends on their politics, and has nothing to do with whether they acted in an unethical way. You contradict yourself constantly as you apply "ethics" based on politics.
Do a quick poll.
How many believe Hillary to be "guilty" even though she was found "innocent" in every investigation?
How many believe Trump to be "guilty" even though he was found "innocent" in every investigation?

I would match my answers to those two questions against any one's.
If you don't believe that every single poster on this forum has bias, you're knowingly kidding yourself.
If you have me higher on the bias continuum scale based on my posts (which is obviously all you have to go on), then I can live with that.
Do a quick poll.
How many believe Hillary to be "guilty" even though she was found "innocent" in every investigation?
How many believe Trump to be "guilty" even though he was found "innocent" in every investigation?

I would match my answers to those two questions against any one's.
If you don't believe that every single poster on this forum has bias, you're knowingly kidding yourself.
If you have me higher on the bias continuum scale based on my posts (which is obviously all you have to go on), then I can live with that.

Hillary is guilty of being an elitist that thought her turn meant she could coast into it . She was lazy and ignored what the votes wanted . That’s what Hillary’s guilty of . Everything else is speculation.
Hillary is guilty of being an elitist that thought her turn meant she could coast into it . She was lazy and ignored what the votes wanted . That’s what Hillary’s guilty of . Everything else is speculation.
Weezer should be jumping in and saying that is just a biased opinion.
Who, in your heart of hearts, do you think is probably more guilty of the crimes of which they've been accused and found innocent?
Weezer should be jumping in and saying that is just a biased opinion.
Who, in your heart of hearts, do you think is probably more guilty of the crimes of which they've been accused and found innocent?

What I said wasn’t speculation it was proven out . I’ve already said Trump probably strong armed Ukraine ( the same way Obama and Biden did ) . Hillary was found innocent ( by Comey ) of the whole Email debacle. That was a political lie on his part , and out of his job scope . So she , I also believe was guilty of having , keeping , receiving and sending Classified emails from a non authorized server . Both guilty ( imo ) both “ acquitted “
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