Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Unbelievable that you guys do not realize that Rush, just like the talk show/comedians on air today, says what ever will gain him the most listeners/viewers. The level of hate here is misplaced.
Of course I realize that. I said earlier that he doesn't believe hardly any of the crap he says. He says it because it makes him rich.
He was able to justify making our country a worse place in the name of making himself rich. That's the most pathetic of all. If a drug dealer doesn't do drugs, does that make him more or less admirable in your eyes.
It's too bad he's leaving us just when the nation is getting fed up with his brand of right wing hateful rhetoric.
Of course I realize that. I said earlier that he doesn't believe hardly any of the crap he says. He says it because it makes him rich.
He was able to justify making our country a worse place in the name of making himself rich. That's the most pathetic of all. If a drug dealer doesn't do drugs, does that make him more or less admirable in your eyes.

I am saying that anyone that lets what a person says cause the level of hate that is being displayed in this thread, needs to reevaluate their well being.
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That's just because all right wingers watch and listen to just a few shows. Most of America doesn't tune in to that **** and doesn't like hateful commentary

Rush has a following and he always has. I don't see what you're saying has changed. You've added no evidence to support your comment
Rush Limbaugh on Jerry Garcia: "Just another dead doper. And a dirt bag."

You'll have to excuse me if I forget to mourn that hypocritical ass..
please post the actual link to where this was said and I'm legit asking. I see several people like Al Franken saying this was said but I can't find an actual quote where he called him a dirt bag.

The only legit quote I find on this topic is: "Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks."

And I personally don't see anything wrong with that statement. And it should be noted that I'm a Dead fan.

ANALYSIS: Reputation recovery looks likely for Rush upon return
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Rush has a following and he always has. I don't see what you're saying has changed. You've added no evidence to support your comment
If you needed evidence to have an opinion Rush would have been long gone.
If you needed evidence to have an opinion Rush would have been long gone.

You have nothing. That's what I thought. Don't let it be said that I didn't give you a chance.

I get that you don't like him but don't lump others in with you.
I am saying that anyone that lets what a person says cause the level of hate that is being displayed in this thread, needs to reevaluate their well being.
I just have a tendency to dislike anyone who profits from the worsening of America.
He has always trafficked in conspiracy theories. Back when he had his tv show from 92-95, he talked about Vince Foster's death constantly. I would say that the right's preoccupation with nonsense such as Qanon, largely began with him.

Limbaugh doesn't say overtly racist things, but he does appeal to white resentment. He did this while on ESPN in 2003, when he said that Dononvan McNabb was only regarded as a good QB because he was black.

I don't like the guy, but I hate to hear about his lung cancer. It's a terrible death.
Exact quote:

" McNabb is overrated....what we have here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback can do well - black coaches and black quarterback doing well. There's a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

What part of that isn't true? This was Oct. 1, 2003.

Rush was right about Donovan McNabb.
Exact quote:

" McNabb is overrated....what we have here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback can do well - black coaches and black quarterback doing well. There's a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

What part of that isn't true? This was Oct. 1, 2003.

Rush was right about Donovan McNabb.
BB85 feeling was hurt! That's all
I'm like Carl Pickens, in that I haven't listened to Rush in maybe 20 years. I used to in the 1990's when I was selling on the road, and in my truck all day. I never heard him say racist things. He did make enemies of the leftists because he reported on their bullsh!t.
Exactly..... but this kind of thing makes people like loother tremble like a chihuahua and soil themselves.

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