Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

I wish him the best of luck. The insidious thing about lung cancer is that you think your on top then you get a setback. Then you get good news and it’s an infection or small illness that does you in. It happened to my father so I know what he’s going through. Making it a year is a blessing.
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Rush H. Limbaugh (@RealRLimbaugh) Tweeted:
Thank you so much for your overwhelming encouragement, support, and prayers out there. They absolutely work! Fear not, I plan to hang around a long time to continue to annoy the left.
I wish him the best of luck. The insidious thing about lung cancer is that you think your on top then you get a setback. Then you get good news and it’s an infection or small illness that does you in. It happened to my father so I know what he’s going through. Making it a year is a blessing.

I was 22 when I watched cancer destroy my 44 year old Mother from the inside out. It is a horrific disease that I wish on NO ONE!!
Preaches hate and intolerance to millions of mindless worshipers.

You are straight up lying here. Rush has been preaching the same conservative message since 1988. There is a reason he has the #1 rated talk show on radio and its certainly not because he preaches intolerance or hate.
please post the actual link to where this was said and I'm legit asking. I see several people like Al Franken saying this was said but I can't find an actual quote where he called him a dirt bag.

The only legit quote I find on this topic is: "Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks."

And I personally don't see anything wrong with that statement. And it should be noted that I'm a Dead fan.

ANALYSIS: Reputation recovery looks likely for Rush upon return
I'm going to assume the silence here by DJimgo means no he has no direct quote. He is basing what he said on hearsay that's been pushed around the media. From my experience this is pretty typical of people who don't listen to him. It's why he calls the media drive by's.
I'm going to assume the silence here by DJimgo means no he has no direct quote. He is basing what he said on hearsay that's been pushed around the media. From my experience this is pretty typical of people who don't listen to him. It's why he calls the media drive by's.
Rush Limbaugh: The Crown Prince of the Far Right’s Absurdist Agenda
Quote:Just another dead doper. And a dirt bag.” — On the occasion of Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia’s death.
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wtf is wicasta? give me a real source not some online blog with no credibility that u googled
The Bopst Show
"When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks. He's just another dead drug addict" (Rush Limbaugh on Jerry Garcia, 8/11/95)
Preaches hate and intolerance to millions of mindless worshipers.
The Bopst Show
"When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks. He's just another dead drug addict" (Rush Limbaugh on Jerry Garcia, 8/11/95)
And what part of that isn't true?
I never said anything about it being untrue.
I said he preaches hate and intolerance...........I stand by that.
His Garcia comments are yet another example.
I never said anything about it being untrue.
I said he preaches hate and intolerance...........I stand by that.
His Garcia comments are yet another example.
I didn't view that as hateful at all . If he actually called Garcia a dirtbag like we were told he has by numerous people, then I would agree that is unnecessary. You've basically proved my point in all of this, Al Franken started a lie/misrepresented what Rush said. Saying he called Garcia a dirtbag which he quoted in his book "Rush Is A Big Fat Idiot". Left leaning media members push it through the echo chamber as if it is fact. People who don't even listen to Rush just assume it's a correct quote and he said it. I'll gladly admit I'm wrong if I see a quote from a transcript that says differently. And DJimgo used a fake quote as justification for why someone with lung cancer shouldn't receive any sympathy.
I don't view the truth as hate and intolerance, just uncomfortable for the weak of mind.
You're smarter than that.
The truth can be stated in many different ways, and some truths don't need to be continually stated or even stated at all.
If your wife is fat, it's neither appropriate nor necessary for you to call her a fat a$$ 10 times a day. It's also neither appropriate nor necessary for someone in the general public to scream "you're grotesquely fat" when your wife walks by.
The "truth" that you choose to state and the way in which you state it shows your intent.
We all know what Rush's intent was.
I didn't view that as hateful at all . If he actually called Garcia a dirtbag like we were told he has by numerous people, then I would agree that is unnecessary. You've basically proved my point in all of this, Al Franken started a lie/misrepresented what Rush said. Saying he called Garcia a dirtbag which he quoted in his book "Rush Is A Big Fat Idiot". Left leaning media members push it through the echo chamber as if it is fact. People who don't even listen to Rush just assume it's a correct quote and he said it. I'll gladly admit I'm wrong if I see a quote from a transcript that says differently. And DJimgo used a fake quote as justification for why someone with lung cancer shouldn't receive any sympathy.
Rush has a long and well documented list of quotes that were intended to do nothing other than anger and divide.
You're smarter than that.
The truth can be stated in many different ways, and some truths don't need to be continually stated or even stated at all.
If your wife is fat, it's neither appropriate nor necessary for you to call her a fat a$$ 10 times a day. It's also neither appropriate nor necessary for someone in the general public to scream "you're grotesquely fat" when your wife walks by.
The "truth" that you choose to state and the way in which you state it shows your intent.
We all know what Rush's intent was.
So, the truth IS uncomfortable for the weak of mind?
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Rush has a long and well documented list of quotes that were intended to do nothing other than anger and divide.
All Rush did was to let people know that they weren't alone in their thinking. He let us know that things were ass backwards from the way they should be. He gave a voice to millions who feel the way he does.
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All Rush did was to let people know that they weren't alone in their thinking. He let us know that things were ass backwards from the way they should be. He gave a voice to millions who feel the way he does.
He legitimized things that should never have been legitimized.
Rush has a long and well documented list of quotes that were intended to do nothing other than anger and divide.

I think your original comment made more sense. I think your edit was counterproductive. It makes sense that he'd want to gain listeners. It makes no sense that he'd want to divide and anger people although I'm sure he knows that the truth often has that effect and he's willing to live with that
Oh yea. Rush's only true objective was self-enrichment. He found the easiest way to do that was by legitimizing a segment of societies worst traits. He enriched himself by preaching hate and intolerance to his mindless worshipers.

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