Russia and the NRA

The lesson on items needed was not needed.
My question is specifically, what eventualities are you preparing for and how likely do you think each is to occur?

I don't know luther. You've already shown the penchant for not wanting to educate yourself on detailed items. I just figured it might be best to break it down Sesame Street style for you.
If someone had food and supplies that could maintain ten people for a year, I would be curious as to why. If they also maintained an arsenal, my curiosity would grow. If I felt there was a legitimate possibility of civil unrest that could last an extended period of time, I would want to be prepared. If I further felt that I would have to defend myself and my family from armed insurgents, I would want to have the capability. But, I don't feel that way.

I'm ASSUMING some do. If you do, I understand your desire to stockpile. The debate would move to what I consider to be your irrational paranoia.

As the patriarch of my family it is my responsibility to have some contingencies in case things went to **** for whatever reason. And if things went to **** for longer than 10 days to 2 weeks there will be violence and YOU WILL need to defend, feed and take care of your family (read the book 1 second after) because there will be no one coming to help you.

My wife, daughter and son all have a binder with instructions taking in contingencies for various scenarios and a Ranger handbook. I'm not kidding myself to think the kids could quickly lay their hands on theirs or that they have fully read them but they have them.

I don't know what you consider a "stockpile" but as with most things I'm sure we have different definitions.
The lesson on items needed was not needed.
My question is specifically, what eventualities are you preparing for and how likely do you think each is to occur?

What happens is inconsequential because anything that happens to cause even a prolonged and widespread power outage will lead to civil unrest, a breakdown in services and violence.
The lesson on items needed was not needed.
My question is specifically, what eventualities are you preparing for and how likely do you think each is to occur?

the point is by the time you know you need to prepare its already too late. Mention the word snow in a forecast and visit the grocery store the day before. now imagine that with everything and its a real disaster that lasts a while.
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If someone had food and supplies that could maintain ten people for a year, I would be curious as to why. If they also maintained an arsenal, my curiosity would grow.

If I felt there was a legitimate possibility of civil unrest that could last an extended period of time, I would want to be prepared.

Feel free to be curious. I don't think anyone cares if that's where you stop.

And if you don't, that's your call to make. Good, bad or otherwise.
If someone had food and supplies that could maintain ten people for a year, I would be curious as to why. If they also maintained an arsenal, my curiosity would grow. If I felt there was a legitimate possibility of civil unrest that could last an extended period of time, I would want to be prepared. If I further felt that I would have to defend myself and my family from armed insurgents, I would want to have the capability. But, I don't feel that way.

I'm ASSUMING some do. If you do, I understand your desire to stockpile. The debate would move to what I consider to be your irrational paranoia.

The point is that you chastise others for their assumption while admittedly making condescending assumptions that are too closed minded to conceive of why they actually own guns and stock food. You paint it as paranoia and expectation of armed attack/insurrection when 9 times out of 10, it's a matter of prevention (no one expects or wants to shoot anyone), and personal responsibility (we are more disconnected from our food sources than any other time in history and more dependent on fragile systems to fill our grocery stores).

There is NO paranoia for most folks, looth. The entire point that started this discussion is that mass gun ownership is a preventative. And that preventative is very loosely tied to one's perceived need to stock food.

You're condescending and closed minded, guilty of what you accuse others, and too ignorant to realize just how ignorant you are when you post.
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If someone had food and supplies that could maintain ten people for a year, I would be curious as to why. If they also maintained an arsenal, my curiosity would grow. If I felt there was a legitimate possibility of civil unrest that could last an extended period of time, I would want to be prepared. If I further felt that I would have to defend myself and my family from armed insurgents, I would want to have the capability. But, I don't feel that way.

I'm ASSUMING some do. If you do, I understand your desire to stockpile. The debate would move to what I consider to be your irrational paranoia.

And as to the need for an arsenal, it does little good to store necessities for your family if you can't keep those provisions. History shows that society is a thin veneer that slips away when services stop and people get hungry. Looting is an ugly thing.
I don't know luther. You've already shown the penchant for not wanting to educate yourself on detailed items. I just figured it might be best to break it down Sesame Street style for you.

His MO is to post things that show unequivocally that he's ignorant, get called on it, act like he did't say what he clearly said, and claim "I knew that all along".
And as to the need for an arsenal, it does little good to store necessities for your family if you can't keep those provisions. History shows that society is a thin veneer that slips away when services stop and people get hungry. Looting is an ugly thing.

So you need an arsenal to protect your food stockpiles from the people without guns and food?
So you need an arsenal to protect your stockpiles from others with guns but without food? You are more afraid of the people with guns than those without. Is that correct?

I never said that. I never said I was afraid of anyone. I said I am responsible. I said that by and large, guns are a preventative.

If society stopped and looting began, I suspect there would be far fewer dangerous people with guns than those without. We saw in the LA riots, etc that people don't have to have guns to abuse others, but the people with guns are far less likely to be abused.

So, your agenda aside, why would you assume what I meant, or what there would be for me to fear?
Living the non sequitor dream today Mick. 👍

Not at all. It is clear by his post and many others on here that when the shtf it will come down to self preservation and not something noble. When that time comes one is better off if not everyone had a gun. Makes too much sense don't it.
Not at all. It is clear by his post and many others on here that when the shtf it will come down to self preservation and not something noble. When that time comes one is better off if not everyone had a gun. Makes too much sense don't it.

Nope. Not at all.
I never said that. I never said I was afraid of anyone. I said I am responsible. I said that by and large, guns are a preventative.

If society stopped and looting began, I suspect there would be far fewer dangerous people with guns than those without. We saw in the LA riots, etc that people don't have to have guns to abuse others, but the people with guns are far less likely to be abused.

So, your agenda aside, why would you assume what I meant, or what there would be for me to fear?

That is the most moronic statement ever. I'm sure you don't even believe that. Did all the criminals turn all of their guns in?
Not at all. It is clear by his post and many others on here that when the shtf it will come down to self preservation and not something noble. When that time comes one is better off if not everyone had a gun. Makes too much sense don't it.

You inferred what I meant, and missed the boat completely. That's what you did. The above response is nothing more than agenda-driven braying.

Have you ever seen video of the LA riots (looting in Honduras, etc)? Hardly anyone had guns. What happened (by and large) was that mainly unarmed bad characters got together and created victims out of other unarmed folks. Generally speaking, the people who weren't made victims by the unarmed bad guys were the people who were armed.
That is the most moronic statement ever. I'm sure you don't even believe that. Did all the criminals turn all of their guns in?

No. It's not. I gave examples. Grand, can you weigh in with law enforcement expertise?

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