Russia and the NRA

Not at all. It is clear by his post and many others on here that when the shtf it will come down to self preservation and not something noble. When that time comes one is better off if not everyone had a gun. Makes too much sense don't it.


When the **** hits the fan base human nature will take over, nobility will be rare and fleeting.

Hungry people tend to lose their manners.
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Are you safer in a room of 100 people with guns and food is running out or are you safer if you are the only one with a gun?

I choose to stay out of the room. But it’s evetybodys right to be armed in that room if they choose to be and I support that.
You inferred what I meant, and missed the boat completely. That's what you did. The above response is nothing more than agenda-driven braying.

Have you ever seen video of the LA riots (looting in Honduras, etc)? Hardly anyone had guns. What happened (by and large) was that mainly unarmed bad characters got together and created victims out of other unarmed folks. Generally speaking, the people who weren't made victims by the unarmed bad guys were the people who were armed.

There were plenty of armed guys in the LA riots, there were several shootings.
You inferred what I meant, and missed the boat completely. That's what you did. The above response is nothing more than agenda-driven braying.

Have you ever seen video of the LA riots (looting in Honduras, etc)? Hardly anyone had guns. What happened (by and large) was that mainly unarmed bad characters got together and created victims out of other unarmed folks. Generally speaking, the people who weren't made victims by the unarmed bad guys were the people who were armed.

No. It's not. I gave examples. Grand, can you weigh in with law enforcement expertise?

Nah, I'll let him sink.

However, I will give NOLA as a prime example of the government "taking charge" of security, confiscating (illegally) firearms from law abiding citizens and watching chaos ensue.
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Not at all. It is clear by his post and many others on here that when the shtf it will come down to self preservation and not something noble. When that time comes one is better off if not everyone had a gun. Makes too much sense don't it.

So nobility stops when defending your families resources.

One doesn't have control but over 1 thing. And that's whether or not they have one.
So nobility stops when defending your families resources.

One doesn't have control but over 1 thing. And that's whether or not they have one.

I'm just pointing out the counter productive arguments. In it's simplest form it's best for you to have one and not the other person. Most of the arguments I hear is about "me" and "my right" and the fear of losing it. That fear is what drives the discussion to the point that any reasonable measures to keep guns from the crazy violent irrational people are meet with unreasonable arguments.

Nobody can say they feel safer if everyone had a gun. That would completely defeat the advantage now wouldn't it? Some of these people need to realize that but unfortunately they push for the sale of more. And that is all the NRA is interested in, selling more guns and not a persons safety.
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I'm just pointing out the counter productive arguments. In it's simplest form it's best for you to have one and not the other person. Most of the arguments I hear is about "me" and "my right" and the fear of losing it. That fear is what drives the discussion to the point that any reasonable measures to keep guns from the crazy violent irrational people are meet with unreasonable arguments.

Nobody can say they feel safer if everyone had a gun. That would completely defeat the advantage now wouldn't it? Some of these people need to realize that but unfortunately they push for the sale of more. And that is all the NRA is interested in, selling more guns and not a persons safety.

Many people say that (not literally everyone, but every sane person). Last I heard, there is a town just North of Atlanta that requires adults to own a gun, just based on that logic. Robert Heinlein wrote that "An armed society is a polite society."

Every time a 2A defender makes the point that most mass shootings happen in gun-free-zones, they're alluding to that belief.

How about stop pushing your fear off on us, and stop telling us what we can believe/say?
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Many people say that (not literally everyone, but every sane person). Last I heard, there is a town just North of Atlanta that requires adults to own a gun, just based on that logic. Robert Heinlein wrote that "An armed society is a polite society."

Every time a 2A defender makes the point that most mass shootings happen in gun-free-zones, they're alluding to that belief.

How about stop pushing your fear off on us, and stop telling us what we can believe/say?

In this American town, guns are required by law - CNN

This is a good read about that town. It is just smart to own a weapon. I will not argue against that. Never have and never will.
As the patriarch of my family it is my responsibility to have some contingencies in case things went to **** for whatever reason. And if things went to **** for longer than 10 days to 2 weeks there will be violence and YOU WILL need to defend, feed and take care of your family (read the book 1 second after) because there will be no one coming to help you.

My wife, daughter and son all have a binder with instructions taking in contingencies for various scenarios and a Ranger handbook. I'm not kidding myself to think the kids could quickly lay their hands on theirs or that they have fully read them but they have them.

I don't know what you consider a "stockpile" but as with most things I'm sure we have different definitions.

I trust that you hold no responsibility higher than that of defending, feeding, and taking care of your wife and kids. I also trust that you know that it is also my highest priority and responsibility.

The fact that we interpret the fulfillment of that responsibility as requiring different actions doesn't lessen the fact that we have the same ultimate goal.
I trust that you hold no responsibility higher than that of defending, feeding, and taking care of your wife and kids. I also trust that you know that it is also my highest priority and responsibility.

The fact that we interpret the fulfillment of that responsibility as requiring different actions doesn't lessen the fact that we have the same ultimate goal.

Yeah but I’m gonna guess that a stern finger wagging and a box of chocolates won’t get it done Luth.
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I trust that you hold no responsibility higher than that of defending, feeding, and taking care of your wife and kids. I also trust that you know that it is also my highest priority and responsibility.

The fact that we interpret the fulfillment of that responsibility as requiring different actions doesn't lessen the fact that we have the same ultimate goal.

The probable difference is I’m not fooling myself in thinking someone will be there to help me fulfill my duty.

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