Russia and the NRA

Reading the evolution of this thread is lol-worthy.

Started with utter dismissal and contempt of the idea.

Now look at what you are saying to try to dodge this. Take a long hard look at yourselves. For the love of God, stop pretending.
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Still not seeing where the NRA is entangled in this crazy conspiracy.

Still an ignorant thread.

"Authorities have been investigating whether Butina and Torshin, both gun enthusiasts who attended NRA events together, were part of a plot to funnel Russian money through the NRA to the Trump campaign, perhaps through NRA entities that were not required to disclose their funding sources."

U.S. officials charge NRA-linked Russian with acting as Kremlin agent - POLITICO
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Reading the evolution of this thread is lol-worthy.

Started with utter dismissal and contempt of the idea.

Now look at what you are saying to try to dodge this. Take a long hard look at yourselves. For the love of God, stop pretending.

Yep. I was panned. I had to explain that McClatchy was a legit news source. Now we have an indictment that specifically alleges an attempt to infiltrate the NRA to gain access to GOP politicians and they still say "nope, not seeing it."

And a little side note: McClatchy is the outfit that reported Mueller has evidence establishing that Cohen travelled to Prague in 2016, as alleged in the Steele dossier.
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Yep. I was panned. I had to explain that McClatchy was a legit news source. Now we have an indictment that specifically alleges an attempt to infiltrate the NRA to gain access to GOP politicians and they still say "nope, not seeing it."

And a little side note: McClatchy is the outfit that reported Mueller has evidence establishing that Cohen travelled to Prague in 2016, as alleged in the Steele dossier.

"Alleges" being the key word there...
Yep. I was panned. I had to explain that McClatchy was a legit news source. Now we have an indictment that specifically alleges an attempt to infiltrate the NRA to gain access to GOP politicians and they still say "nope, not seeing it."

And a little side note: McClatchy is the outfit that reported Mueller has evidence establishing that Cohen travelled to Prague in 2016, as alleged in the Steele dossier.

So I looked it up to be sure but Cohen has adamantly denied the McClatchy claims on Prague. Doubled down on it again in April?

Yeah... I know... you don’t believe him...
Thx. You should let Mueller know there's nothing to see and he should get along down the road away from the Republican's golden calf.

Maybe Mueller needs to look into the National BAR Association since Ericson is a member?
So what happened here? Is this person responsible for Hillary Clinton losing the election?
Based on the outcry from Trumps press conference, I can’t believe you people are sitting idly by while our country is being co-opted by the Russians. If you can’t take up arms and get your country back now, then what will it take? Oh damn, the Russians apparently want us to be armed don’t they.... well we can’t do that then. hmmm we’re in quite the pickle.
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Well,this is an interesting read.

NRA-linked Russian aide arrested, charged as foreign agent

As revealed in the book Russian Roulette, co-authored by this reporter with David Corn, Trump adviser Steven Bannon and Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus shared concerns about Butina and her agenda after viewing video of her questioning Trump.

“How was it that this Russian woman happened to be in Las Vegas for that event?” Bannon and Priebus discussed among themselves, according to “Russian Roulette.” “And how was it that Trump happened to call on her? And Trump’s response? It was odd, Bannon thought, that Trump had a fully developed answer. Priebus agreed there was something strange about Butina. Whenever there were events held by conservative groups, she was always around, he told Bannon.”
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The target is Paul Erickson. Paul Erickson (activist - Wikipedia)

The person who introduced this female Russian operative and Russian oligarch Andrew Torshin to all the NRA bigs like President David Keene is prominent Nashville attorney G. Kline Preston IV, who has interests in Russia. He's also Marsha Blackburn's personal attorney.

Here's an article detailing how this relationship began and how Russia courted Republicans and the NRA, particularly this now indicted likely Russian spy. What's stunning is this woman has had multiple access to the President. Seriously nasty stuff.

The Very Strange Case of Two Russian Gun Lovers, the NRA, and Donald Trump – Mother Jones
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The target is Paul Erickson. Paul Erickson (activist - Wikipedia)

The person who introduced this female Russian operative and Russian oligarch Andrew Torshin to all the NRA bigs like President David Keene is prominent Nashville attorney G. Kline Preston IV, who has interests in Russia. He's also Marsha Blackburn's personal attorney.

Here's an article detailing how this relationship began and how Russia courted Republicans and the NRA, particularly this now indicted likely Russian spy. What's stunning is this woman has had multiple access to the President. Seriously nasty stuff.

The Very Strange Case of Two Russian Gun Lovers, the NRA, and Donald Trump – Mother Jones

I had seen some mention of Marsha Blackburn and a Nashville attorney in the earlier write-ups. This can't be a good look for her.

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