Russia and the NRA

I've got a solution. All of the guns confiscated from crimes, all of the guns bought back in future buy back programs, and a few more thrown in for good measure (even some AR 15's and machine guns) can be stored around the country in strategic locations (like military bases) and when Guatemala starts to invade, the guns can be quickly distributed so the American people can fight back the invading hordes.

Guns are already stored around the country in strategic locations. They're stored in every state, county, city and probably neighborhood.
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Which countries provide military weapons to the opposite side in all those conflicts. It wasn't a citizen uprising with personally owned weapons as you want to claim.

The good thing about the US, we wouldn't need to be armed by outside masters to fight off invading masters.
I've got a solution. All of the guns confiscated from crimes, all of the guns bought back in future buy back programs, and a few more thrown in for good measure (even some AR 15's and machine guns) can be stored around the country in strategic locations (like military bases) and when Guatemala starts to invade, the guns can be quickly distributed so the American people can fight back the invading hordes.

Who keeps the key Luth? And explain to me again how that helps me how I can defend my property?

Guns and insurance. Both are useless until you need it then you need it really bad.
I didn't bring it up but I will play. The Indians were armed and what happened to them? They were killed off by better weapons so unless you have jets, grenades, missiles, tanks, and rocket launchers they will call you savage hillbillies.

we out populated them, diseased them and wore them down with full blown migration. the natives in your argument slowed a developing country as individual groups, with some working with the government.America is a bit more united (if we were invaded). in this case I doubt the invaders are going to throw more than 50 million soldiers at the US, estimated gun toting population.

and as I discussed with GV in another thread its a bit easier to figure out the "bad" guys when they are a different skin color than the "good" guys. unless they are wiping out our population systematically being armed will help.

also how does your proposal of removing our guns help the safety of America from being invaded?
Which countries provide military weapons to the opposite side in all those conflicts. It wasn't a citizen uprising with personally owned weapons as you want to claim.

The hell it wasn’t.

But I’ll agree on one thing. If an indigenous population doesn’t think their frredom or land is worth fighting for I see no reason to spill our citizens blood in helping them.
OK, here we go again with the galactic level myopia. A 2A uprising as envisioned by the founders is not going to be Bubba's vs Bombers. An armed citizenry (in any near future where the US remotely resembles what we have now) is able to force reaction. Cops won't be able to handle the situation. If it's really a Constitutional "stand your ground" situation vs the Fed then you're very, very likely to have whole states in on the action. You want the Feds to toss out the Posse Comitatus Act and think there won't be major fracturing? Do you know geographically where Forts Bragg, Campbell, Hood and Benning are located? What makes you think, for even one second, that huge parts of the standing military (never mind NG) wouldn't switch sides? We don't have a conscription military...those people are US. In a genuine 2A vs Feds the "leaders" would pretty much be guaranteed to be current/former military.

The point of the 2A in modern America is not the catastrophically idiotic idea of rednecks vs 21st century military power. It's the idea of being able to force that sort of thing being needed to suppress thousands of armed people saying "No." and the domino effect that would result.

I've got a solution. All of the guns confiscated from crimes, all of the guns bought back in future buy back programs, and a few more thrown in for good measure (even some AR 15's and machine guns) can be stored around the country in strategic locations (like military bases) and when Guatemala starts to invade, the guns can be quickly distributed so the American people can fight back the invading hordes.

same issue as the cops. when seconds matter the cops, guns, are just minutes away. also how do you manage these reserves when it comes time to fight back? Who decides when the doors get opened?
we out populated them, diseased them and wore them down with full blown migration. the natives in your argument slowed a developing country as individual groups, with some working with the government.America is a bit more united (if we were invaded). in this case I doubt the invaders are going to throw more than 50 million soldiers at the US, estimated gun toting population.

and as I discussed with GV in another thread its a bit easier to figure out the "bad" guys when they are a different skin color than the "good" guys. unless they are wiping out our population systematically being armed will help.

also how does your proposal of removing our guns help the safety of America from being invaded?

Nobody has proposed that. Run as far right as you can with the assertion that someone is trying to disarm you.
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Do you keep provisions stored for extended civil emergencies?

If a tornado were to strike my neighborhood our home has a hardened FEMA P320 shelter in which is stored water and essentials to meet our needs and probably some of our neighbors in the short term while we dig out.

Now am I labeled a nut job doomsday prepper and obviously should be ignored? Do you not believe tornados are a real threat where I live and don’t constitute a civil emergency?
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It proved my argument as far as I’m concerned.

Vietnam, Afghanistan (twice), America (twice in earlier times), Syria to a large degree, Iraq.

I well armed motivated insurgent force can and has broken a more powerful invading armies will to fight. And our insurgent force is the largest and most powerful the world has ever known and its undefeated.

You’re wrong Mick. That isn’t my opinion. That is the historical record.

Afghanistan has been repelling superior forces since the Mongols.
Nobody has proposed that. Run as far right as you can with the assertion that someone is trying to disarm you.

What do you call someone saying you shouldn’t be able to own XYZ gun? If I own said gun how is that remedied?

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