Ryan Mallett

word from big 10 country is that he is headed to play at UCLA
Good i hope he goes there. The last thing we need in ktown is another pure pocket passer and from the scouting reports i've read mallett kills grass when he runs. We need a quarterback with some mobility.
You guys obviously dont care to communicate with NEWBIES like myself. Why be HATERS? We all are VOLS fans. I'd probably get more love posting on a GATOR Nation as a Vol fan. OUCH!
ESPN has just reported that Ryans father confirmed that he is on the way home. Names Vols as possible new destination if UM coaches are hired by CPF.
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. I don't hate Mallett, I just don't desire to have any more kids on our team who don't care more about the T on their helmet than the glorified cheerleader who'd be chest bumping them.

Probably a good kid, great tools, someone else who he didn't really want to play for can have him.

Sad for you that you don't make those decisions. I also don't get the 'don't care about the T on their helmet' comments. There are MANY players on our squad that aren't native Vols. If we had all Tenn. players, we wouldn't be as successful as we are.

If the guy wants to compete here for the QB job, I say let him compete. If Crompton/Coleman can't beat him out, then I'd say we bettered ourselves by bringing him to the program.
the fact of the matter is this, he went to Michigan because when he was a senior in high school thats where he chose to go but things change. The coach that recruited him left and he cant control that. The kid jus wants 2 play and he wants 2 play 4 a winner and the last time I checked we fit that description. His QB coach and maybe his Offensive Co-Ordinator may be coming here and he wants to follow the guys that he built a strong bond with while he was there. I welcome Ryan Mallet with open arms no matter the circumstances, If we miss out on him we will regret it I promise, This Kid has #1 pick of the draft type skills and is a good kid, if u got a problem with him then u aint a true fan because if u was then u would welcome him because he will help this team win and ultimately thats all that matters. Plz God let us get this kid.
This kid is the immediate upgrade from Ainge.. bigger, stronger, faster, better arm, better acuracy, could be more poised, and he might even be a better leader..
i bet Cutliffe would rave all about mallet.. but he cant.. haha
Mallett has one thing on his resume that no current Tennessee Quarterback does..

..a win over Florida.
The more qbs the better. Think about how many we've brought on that flopped (Suggs, Leak), moved to another position (Banks), got hurt all the time (Ainge), transfered away (Schaeffer) or just quit (Bo). Just a couple of years ago we were on our third string. And no one knows if Crompton will be up to the task.

I think qb is a position where you cant have too much talent.

Agreed. Competition never hurt anyone.. If CUM can stockpile talent so can we.

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