Sad Boys Heading to Jail

What’s taking so long? Seems that was before J6 based on the link

The vast majority of which were peaceful protesters who did nothing more than enter the Capitol through opened doors, walk around and take a few pictures and leave on their own accord.
Welcome to DC Courts. Jury of your "peers"? If you are a conservative, you have no peers in DC.

If these trials were held in the Defendants home State, most of these cases would be thrown out or sentencing would be far less.

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I chuckle when people idolize the military and demonize the federal government.
How much are you going to chuckle when the next dozen banks fail? The economy is failing under Biden's "let the 25 year olds run it" philosophy. But I'm sure that you like watching your investments tank, if you have any skin in the game. Most democrats are leaches sucking from tax payers like you.
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How are you anti-Russian? You seem to be the very Russian caricature you claim to dislike. Confession through projection, every single time.

Well let's see....I don't support the Russian like you do. And I don't support traitors trying to overthrow fair elections like you do. I'm pro-democracy and freedom, like you aren't.

So it's pretty easy, actually.
Sounds like another FBI terror plot successfully stopped by the fbi.

I didn't forget. It's just that one has nothing at all to do with the other, Strawman.

Your logical fallacy is strawman

But keep on culting, cult-follower. My goodness do you people hate America and American institutions like an impartial jury of peers. Meanwhile, know that I'm laughing, laughing, laughing at the thought of your sad boys in jail w/your rapist cult leader about to join them.

Please do yourself a favor and lay off whatever it is you are smoking
These Proud Boys playing dress-up in their wanna-be soldier costumes deserve everything coming to them.
Pansy Boys would be a far more accurate description of these clowns.

Bad dress-up:


Good dress-up?

It’s insane to think this entire group started out as a literal joke by a comedian
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Lol. Straight to Trump. Not sure which protesters you are referring to but if it’s blm or antifa they deserved worse. The Biden and Hillary corruption should’ve been dealt with before it made it that far but it looks like some of it is at least coming to a head. Can’t wait for 4 more years of Trump just to keep people like you, luther, ribs, and lg triggered and crying.

Ever notice you Orange Jeebus Cult members can't discuss Trump w/out going to Antifa? I mean F them too, you're both criminals.

And I can't wait until 4 or more years of Trump. I hope it's in Leavenworth, but any federal facility will make me happy.
Yet, you conveniently forget of the antifa protests in Washington DC weeks before that set a church in fire. You communists don't even hide your hypocrisy. Its not a surprise you praise a Cuban style kangaroo court

What about those of us who want to watch both Antifa and the Jan 6 rioters get bent over by the law?

I'd love to see the proud boys and antifa thugs shank it out on the yard.
Ever notice you Orange Jeebus Cult members can't discuss Trump w/out going to Antifa? I mean F them too, you're both criminals.

If you knew anything about this group, you’d understand why it’s difficult to bring them up without mentioning Antifa
The whole deflection of bringing up antifa as some sort of shield against the actions of the Jan 6 rioters is nonsensical.

I'd wager the overwhelming majority of American's think both groups are complete dumbasses.

I think the biggest issue for most is the differential treatment of the two groups. Like when Don Lemon did an entire segment talking about Antifa and how they’re just “anti fascist, who could be against that”
Good point as to the institution of the military, however the individual soldier is more deserving than any politician or bureaucrat by far.
I view the low level military person (soldiers) about the same as I view the low level government worker.
Many are worthy of respect and admiration for what they have chosen to do and why. And many others are doing it just because it seemed to be the easy way out at the time.
As for upper level military compared to upper level government....again, I view them as pretty similar. (some good, some bad, most in between)
I've never understood how anyone could show one so much respect while belittling the other as a leach surviving on the government teat.
Whenever I come across someone with that attitude, I immediately know they are not very bright and extremely impressionable.

And I'm not saying you have this attitude. But sometimes it seems as if you do.
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I think the biggest issue for most is the differential treatment of the two groups. Like when Don Lemon did an entire segment talking about Antifa and how they’re just “anti fascist, who could be against that”

Now do Tucker Carlson.

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