San Jose Mass Casualty Workplace Shooting

In another state/place where they have the most stringent gun laws.
That doesn’t matter as long as there’s that one gun store sitting just outside the limits of California’s gun restrictions.
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That doesn’t matter as long as there’s that one gun store sitting just outside the limits of California’s gun restrictions.

It does matter to a degree. Places with less stringent gun laws are likely to have more people with guns. Possibly one of those people put this guy down before he gets to number 8, or 7, or 6, etc.
It does matter to a degree. Places with less stringent gun laws are likely to have more people with guns. Possibly one of those people put this guy down before he gets to number 8, or 7, or 6, etc.

They’re probably going to go from 10 round mags to 5 now.
" at a light rail facility in San Jose next door to the sheriff's department and across a freeway from the airport.", got 8 right next to the cops.

hopefully the last victim pulls thru.
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How much of this could be stopped by knowing each other and seeing warning signs? We're so disconnected from each other now.

That's a good question but I'll go one many of these people might have not shot up a place if they didn't feel so disconnected to begin with?

It's brought up fairly often but we didn't have this type of thing commonly happening when people could literally have firearms ordered from Sears and delivered right to your home.
The guy literally got 8 people right next door to the Sheriff’s dept and off’d himself before they could put down the donut and run next door.

You have no solutions to address this lady that don’t focus on the implement. That cow is long out of the barn and criminalizing possessing the implement isn’t going to do anything but create a bunch of new criminals from law abiding citizens.

And nobody is interested in your gun grabbing agenda while you refuse to focus on why people think killing 8 people and then themselves is the right answer so let’s just all stay on the merry go round together.
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Read the room Gun grabbers. As these events still happen you have many states LOOSENING gun restrictions not tightening them. Just this week Texas approved constitutional carry. More states are going to follow and the already long list will continue to grow.

So by all means dig you heels in on “we’re gonna get the guns!” it’s working great thus far.
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