San Jose Mass Casualty Workplace Shooting

It comes down to greed. Everyone could have real security but that costs too much for these greedy CEOs. Just give them some pepper spray and hand cuffs and pay them 25k a year.

I kind of agree with you on that part. Maybe companies should allow folks with cwp’s to carry weapons at work. I’d even be inclined to let the company mandate some additional training.
Of course it can, but I don’t think offering up “mental health days” is the answer.
If you know that it is, why are you so dismissive of it? It's hard as hell to admit you're mentally ill and seek help because so many people are dismissive rather than seeing it for the real illness that it is. And like any real illness, it requires treatment. Part of what leads people to break is the stigma mental illness carries. More people might seek the help they need if not for the shame associated with mental illness.
For one they need to be aware help is available and affordable to them if they need it. If they have to pay $200 or $400 a visit it isn't going to happen.

And if it’s free they’re going to be on a 3 month+ waiting list. Have you ever known or spoken to anyone from Canada where healthcare is “free”? We have 10x their population.
If you know that it is, why are you so dismissive of it? It's hard as hell to admit you're mentally ill and seek help because so many people are dismissive rather than seeing it for the real illness that it is. And like any real illness, it requires treatment. Part of what leads people to break is the stigma mental illness carries. More people might seek the help they need if not for the shame associated with mental illness.

The same can be said for any illness. Some people ignore early warning signs of many illnesses based on a lot of factors.
The same can be said for any illness. Some people ignore early warning signs of many illnesses based on a lot of factors.
Not really. Most illnesses don't carry the stigma that mental illness does. If you're ignoring early warning signs of a regular illness, you're not doing so out of shame. You're doing it out of stubbornness, or maybe even fear of what will be found, but you're not doing it because you're afraid people will see you as weak, or crazy, or as a threat. You can't pretend regular illness and mental illness are viewed the same. They're not.
And if it’s free they’re going to be on a 3 month+ waiting list. Have you ever known or spoken to anyone from Canada where healthcare is “free”? We have 10x their population.
I'm not saying it should be free. Just affordable. There shouldn't be a situation where "my son needs help and I'm worried about him but insurance doesn't cover a therapist and I can't afford it out of pocket." I'd imagine thats exactly what happened with some of these younger mass shooters.
Not really. Most illnesses don't carry the stigma that mental illness does. If you're ignoring early warning signs of a regular illness, you're not doing so out of shame. You're doing it out of stubbornness, or maybe even fear of what will be found, but you're not doing it because you're afraid people will see you as weak, or crazy, or as a threat. You can't pretend regular illness and mental illness are viewed the same. They're not.
Someone speaking from experience. We may disagree a lot but I remember your thread and I hope you're doing well.
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A nation that’s become all about the individual’s “rights” and a moving moral compass should expect no less. Road rage shooting, workplace shootings....just the tip on the iceberg and this comes form a lack of heart and compassion for our fellow man....if it weren’t guns it’d be knives, arrows or rocks
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Thats a great start but good luck getting greedy CEOs and insurance companies to go along with it.
I know some employers have an Employee Assistance program that is free to employees in high stress jobs with access to psychologists and their family members can also use it.
In nursing if there is a patient or situation that is particularly stressful nursing management has developed programs to basically allow staff to destress afterwards to prevent burnout and high turn over rates.
Until a corporate entity sees a benefit to the corporation of giving employees those resources they are stuck finding their own.
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If you know that it is, why are you so dismissive of it? It's hard as hell to admit you're mentally ill and seek help because so many people are dismissive rather than seeing it for the real illness that it is. And like any real illness, it requires treatment. Part of what leads people to break is the stigma mental illness carries. More people might seek the help they need if not for the shame associated with mental illness.
Use a “sick day” that you already have as part of your package and go to the dr..... don’t tell anyone and no one will know.... HIPPA and what not
I think people forget that 9 families lives have changed forever as ours goes on normally. There is always a political side to everything, think of the human side also please.

My only post in this thread before this one was the original story. Don’t shoot the messenger.
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Seeking help is anything but pusilanimous.

Mental rest increases productivity and work satisfaction.

Imagine a world where people aren't miserable and taking others down with them. Nice, isn't it?

So does self responsibility , drive , determination, and accepting that something you can and should handle yourself instead of looking for a reason to be a victim .
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I wonder what would happen to the number of these incidents if we conscientiously destigmatized seeking counseling or therapy or asking for help, made mental health days part of medical leave policies, and made comprehensive mental health care accessible and affordable for all?
Except the overprescription of psych meds and the refusal to lock up mentally ill violent people against their will are the main causes of these incidents

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