San Jose Mass Casualty Workplace Shooting

Maybe companies should invest in real security. A rent a cop with a flashlight and rape whistle isn’t going to do much against anyone with any type of real weapon. I know some folks are extremely sensitive to seeing folks with real weapons to stop real threats but that’s exactly what is needed. IMO these companies should be held almost completely liable if they don’t offer any real security.
In case you haven't been paying attention, the force you just described is exactly what the left is trying to turn REAL police into.
That is the solution in Chicago. 195 black deaths alone... and counting...

but... a white cop killed George Floyd.

BLM my ass.
It is the perceived solution anywhere. Day before yesterday two young good ole boys (32 & 24) got in an argument at the Lowe’s where my wife works. The argument spilled outside in the parking lot where one boy shot the other in the leg. She said every time the automatic door would open she could hear the “victim” screaming bloody murder and when the door closed...nothing lol. Turns out the two boys were acquaintances from the town next door. “Victim” still in hospital. “Killer” in jail.
Edit: I live in Upper East Tennessee.
He had a violent criminal record, how about we focus on putting weird, violent sickos away, instead of finding ways for them to escape punishment
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He used two handguns, so Biden wants an assault weapons ban.

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