San Jose Mass Casualty Workplace Shooting

I wonder what would happen to the number of these incidents if we conscientiously destigmatized seeking counseling or therapy or asking for help, made mental health days part of medical leave policies, and made comprehensive mental health care accessible and affordable for all?
Are you suggesting the pussification of society needs a catalyst?
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I wonder what would happen to the number of these incidents if we conscientiously destigmatized seeking counseling or therapy or asking for help, made mental health days part of medical leave policies, and made comprehensive mental health care accessible and affordable for all?

Or disciplined our kids and taught them life isn’t fair so when they grow up they don’t freak out when life kicks them in the balls.
Are you suggesting the pussification of society needs a catalyst?

Seeking help is anything but pusilanimous.

Mental rest increases productivity and work satisfaction.

Imagine a world where people aren't miserable and taking others down with them. Nice, isn't it?
I wonder what would happen to the number of these incidents if we conscientiously destigmatized seeking counseling or therapy or asking for help, made mental health days part of medical leave policies, and made comprehensive mental health care accessible and affordable for all?
While I don’t disagree with you there are some areas where self regulation will nearly never occur. Take for example my field as a defense contractor with a high level clearance. For a majority of us that clearance is the enabler to working in our profession. And in the SF86 form mental health is a major area of emphasis. Now the government assures you there is no stigma associated with mental health disorders... and then proceeds to ask you fifteen plus questions that clearly indicate there is a stigma associated with mental health disorders. 🤷‍♂️

I really don’t see how they could do it any differently though the questionnaire is the primary data input that they then base the investigation around. They have to have the information
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Thats a great start but good luck getting greedy CEOs and insurance companies to go along with it.
My health insurance package from the company with my greedy CEO has comprehensive mental health services (even though most of us would never engage on our own due to our clearance) it’s par for the course to have comprehensive health care if you want to attract quality engineering and trade skill talent.
Or disciplined our kids and taught them life isn’t fair so when they grow up they don’t freak out when life kicks them in the balls.
And if you can’t reason with someone or win the argument, just shoot their dumb arse right?
My health insurance package from the company with my greedy CEO has comprehensive mental health services (even though most of us would never engage on our own due to our clearance) it’s par for the course to have comprehensive health care if you want to attract quality engineering and trade skill talent.
How many humble brags do you have in ya tonight? Congratulations.
I wonder what would happen to the number of these incidents if we conscientiously destigmatized seeking counseling or therapy or asking for help, made mental health days part of medical leave policies, and made comprehensive mental health care accessible and affordable for all?

Maybe companies should invest in real security. A rent a cop with a flashlight and rape whistle isn’t going to do much against anyone with any type of real weapon. I know some folks are extremely sensitive to seeing folks with real weapons to stop real threats but that’s exactly what is needed. IMO these companies should be held almost completely liable if they don’t offer any real security.
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Of course it can, but I don’t think offering up “mental health days” is the answer.
No one is saying that. They're talking about getting help from professionals. One should have the self-awareness when they start having thoughts about committing mass murder to say, "hey, maybe I should talk to someone about this." I understand if you have never experienced the mentally ill it can hard to comprehend.
How many humble brags do you have in ya tonight? Congratulations.
Yep I’m humble. I’m nothing special. Everybody in my industry is treated this way. In fact pretty much anybody in the STEM degree field can be treated this way. In addition to comprehensive healthcare we get great pay and a good amount of paid time off. And this is a really big field. Huge number of jobs. It’s almost like all of this is available to anybody who sees the benefit of a valuable degree and puts in the work to get it. (And thus your statement was complete bull ****)
Maybe companies should invest in real security. A rent a cop with a flashlight and rape whistle isn’t going to do much against anyone with any type of real weapon. I know some folks are extremely sensitive to seeing folks with real weapons to stop real threats. IMO these companies should be held almost completely liable if they don’t offer any real security.
It comes down to greed. Everyone could have real security but that costs too much for these greedy CEOs. Just give them some pepper spray and hand cuffs and pay them 25k a year.

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