Saudi Arabia

I'm talking about their financial reputation. Sorry it went "Wosh" for you two but a country luring in investors, only to completely screw them later, isn't a great way to get people to invest in your country.
I'm talking about their financial reputation. Sorry it went "Wosh" for you two but a country luring in investors, only to completely screw them later, isn't a great way to get people to invest in your country.

This is exactly what they did in the 50s to the west. Western companies set up all the drilling infrastructure and SA nationalized it.
This is exactly what they did in the 50s to the west. Western companies set up all the drilling infrastructure and SA nationalized it.

This is also why the situation in Iran occurred with Mossadegh, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, we deposed him, but the little bastard was trying to steal American/Western wealth and assets. It wasn't like we just deposed some fun-loving, decent human being of a democratically-elected Iranian leader, which is what some people today seem to erroneously think. We're not angels, but I wonder what any individual would do if someone had just stolen their wallet. They'd either call the police or go and get it back. Well, there were no police, and the US went and got its wallet back.
This is exactly what they did in the 50s to the west. Western companies set up all the drilling infrastructure and SA nationalized it.

The oil industry in Saudi Arabia was not "nationalized" in the sense that you imply.

Starting in 1973, the government began purchasing stock in Aramco and by 1980 it had acquired the company.
This is exactly what they did in the 50s to the west. Western companies set up all the drilling infrastructure and SA nationalized it.

If that would have happened, you would have seen an Operation Ajax overthrow like they did when Mohammad Mosaddegh did the same in Iran.
And Chevron and Texaco got paid to "beat it"

Paid like give us money or you lose your entire investment. SA basically extorted profits and share sales from the oil companies. And as it stands SA owns Aramco. They still use tons of expats to run the operations as they are completely inept. When everyone gets a gov't stipend and you have to pray 5 times a day that doesn't leave a lot of incentive to work.
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Hella trash talk right here...

Iran mocks Saudi offer to send ground troops to Syria | Reuters

Mohammad Ali Jafari's blunt words on the Fars news agency were Iran's first official reaction to a statement from its regional rival Saudi Arabia this week that it was ready to join ground operations in Syria if a U.S.-led military alliance decided to start them.

"(The Saudis) have made such a claim but I don't think they are brave enough to do so ... Even if they send troops, they would be definitely defeated ... it would be suicide,” Jafari was quoted as saying.
So the price of gas is about to go up.

My friend from UGA came back to Atlanta last weekend and was complaining about the high gas prices. He was comparing the $1.70 here to the $1.40 in Athens. I think he forgot what it was like 5 some years ago.
I think right now, Saudi Arabia will be recognized as the terrorists thugs that they are, while Iran takes on the regional leadership role.

Obama Administration Makes Stunning Admission: "Seed Money For Al Qaeda Came From Saudi Arabia" | Zero Hedge

As Politico reports, Obama's deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, while speaking to David Axelrod in Monday's edition of "The Axe Files" podcast said that the government of Saudi Arabia had paid "insufficient attention" to money that was being funneled into terror groups and fueled the rise of Al Qaeda when he was asked about the validity of the accusation that the Saudi government was complicit in sponsoring terrorism.
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So the price of gas is about to go up.

Not with Iran pumping like nobody's bidness. Maybe Obumma was right on this one, as much as it pains me to say it.
Now if he actually has the stones to release the documentation that ties Saud to 9/11, he could help his flaccid legacy.
Not with Iran pumping like nobody's bidness. Maybe Obumma was right on this one, as much as it pains me to say it.
Now if he actually has the stones to release the documentation that ties Saud to 9/11, he could help his flaccid legacy.

I dont think its up to him. There are people behind the scenes with way too much power that won't let it happen.
Our Prez on the 28 pages...

Obama weighs in on 28 classified pages of 9/11 report - CBS News

He's getting ready to visit Saudi Arabia, both sides of the aisle are pressuring for release but he hasn't read the 28 pages in question

In an interview with CBS News' Charlie Rose, the president was asked if he has read the 28 pages.

"I have a sense of what's in there.

Honestly, how much trouble would it be for him to actually read those 28 pages to help with his decision making?

I just don't get it.
Our Prez on the 28 pages...

Obama weighs in on 28 classified pages of 9/11 report - CBS News

He's getting ready to visit Saudi Arabia, both sides of the aisle are pressuring for release but he hasn't read the 28 pages in question

Honestly, how much trouble would it be for him to actually read those 28 pages to help with his decision making?

I just don't get it.

Reminds me of ACA, let's pass it and then we'll read it and find out what's in it.
The blaming of the Saudi 28 pages on Obama is freaking hilarious revisionist history. Get a grip, Obama bashing shriekers, keeping this secret spans both administrations and goes way beyond even them.
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