Man, LG sure gets cranky when things like this come up.
That's because I'm sick of the false Obama/Muslim equivalency. It's just a gimmick that is sooooo tired by now.
At first the shrieker talking point on this was that Obama was blocking release. The suggestion was that it was because he does not want to hurt Muslim interests. Then, when the shriekers realized, oh crap, that came out under Bush and he blocked it, first, now they have to find some other way to absurdly imply that Obama is blocking their release to help Muslims, even terrorists.
So now its that Obama, about to go visit SA, hasn't read those pages. Why, that must be because he's a Muslim in bed with the ME terrorists, right? At least that he sympathizes with them and is trying to help them save face, right?
As I say, I'd like to know what's in there. If there were people we can identify financing 9/11, then I say we go after them, no matter who they are, or who they are related to.
But the current political nutjob attacks on Obama as a Muslim sympathizer are far past pathetic. This goes back to the birther movement, of course, and the frequent irrational attacks of the far right trying to make us think there's a secret agent Muslim in the WH. For God's sake, just stop with the nonsense, ok?
I mean, you want to know what the GOP is about to nominate a guy who the majority of their own party can't stand? Its because the GOP has wasted the last 8 years doing absolutely nothing. About anything. GOP voters sit at home and get told every couple of years that the party stands for fiscal restraint, we need to control spending, we need to work on smarter, simpler, business regulation. So they vote for them.
Then what do they get? Transparently partisan committee meetings, like a dozen of them, to try to blame Obama or Clinton for every bad thing under the sun. 60 votes to repeal the ACA. Resolutions about this nonsense or that.
You want to know why the GOP is about to get its collective clock cleaned? Its because they promise to deliver on basic conservative ideals, followed by years of wasting everyone's fu$$ing time with crap like this, that's why.