Scramble for Africa 2.0

Maybe it should be your friend too. He was Secretary of State. He wasn't a soldier any more. So that argument is out the window.
Once a soldier, always a soldier. Indeed, right up to his dying breath, he preferred to be referred to as General. Now, what was your job before you became a fake Trumpanese?
Once a soldier, always a soldier. Indeed, right up to his dying breath, he preferred to be referred to as General. Now, what was your job before you became a fake Trumpanese?
Even if he thought he was a soldier, he wasn't. So the rest of that song and dance doesn't work.
And that life long military man of such great conviction who surely understood what an unlawful order was went along with the plan that caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands and destroyed a country. But he had to because the man old white guys scared him? You have created a narrative and won't deviate because you want to blame the white guys and label the other parties a victim. It's the kind of narrative that holds us back
And you, dear child, want to convert a statement of fact into a pretzel lie. Next time use granulated salt instead of Himalayan pink salt nuggets. The former sticks to the bread better.
He was no Dudley Do Right but then few tyrants are, even those who are / were our bestest buds until we have no further use for them. It's heresay but a couple of people from North Africa told me that as long as you didn't rock the boat, life in Libya under Ghaddafi was pretty good, especially for North Africa.
Obama and Hillary are like a lot of people, they got power and thought they're God. They did far more harm than good at home and abroad.
agreed. life generally improves for those on a tyrants side, and gets worse for those who aren't. regardless of who the tyrant is, or where the tyranny is happening.

doesn't mean we need to stick our noses in everything, just saying it wasn't ALL lies.

Not sure why we were there in the first place. Now they are Russia's headache. Hard to manage a country successful when over 75% of your country is uninhabitable deserts.

I am of the opinion that most of Africa was never meant to house human beings with how difficult the Geography is for many of these nations.
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Not sure why we were there in the first place. Now they are Russia's headache. Hard to manage a country successful when over 75% of your country is uninhabitable deserts.

I am of the opinion that most of Africa was never meant to house human beings with how difficult the Geography is for many of these nations.
And yet by all evidence, Humanity apparently had its beginnings there. Africa is our shared cradle.
And we need influence in Nigeria to protect the Christians there. It has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for anyone professing faith in Christ
And yet by all evidence, Humanity apparently had its beginnings there. Africa is our shared cradle.
And we need influence in Nigeria to protect the Christians there. It has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for anyone professing faith in Christ

This is Niger and not Nigeria. Two different places.

Nigeria is actually a fairly alright land to live in and mostly savannah lands. 75% of Niger is basically the Sahara. It is no wonder that the nation struggles heavily.

The part of Africa people supposedly came from is the Nile. (I tend to believe we came out of Tigress/Euphrates region). Africa also had a better climate/geographical setup in the past.
This is Niger and not Nigeria. Two different places.

Nigeria is actually a fairly alright land to live in and mostly savannah lands. 75% of Niger is basically the Sahara. It is no wonder that the nation struggles heavily.

The part of Africa people supposedly came from is the Nile. (I tend to believe we came out of Tigress/Euphrates region). Africa also had a better climate/geographical setup in the past.
Ah, you are correct about my mistake on country. Sorry
In terms of culture and civilization, yes we are mostly “from” the Fertile Crescent; but that is only a 6,000 year or so story. Much further back; our DNA probably all originated in Africa.
But who knows for sure?
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The President and his VP, Dick Cheney, both Republicans, push the only Black guy on the staff to lie to the UN. Either that or they can ruin your career. You don't even have to be Black for such filth to happen, but there it was. And you know it. You just want to exhibit your azz holery. Unfortunately, Ortho doesn't manufacture a product called Azz Hole Begon.
What is Lloyd Austin's excuse?
And yet by all evidence, Humanity apparently had its beginnings there. Africa is our shared cradle.
And we need influence in Nigeria to protect the Christians there. It has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for anyone professing faith in Christ
Let Nigeria and the Christians there handle that issue. Not any of our business.
Let Nigeria and the Christians there handle that issue. Not any of our business.
Yep. Playing world policeman always was a losing bid, except when we could exploit them for some economic gain. But all that does is eventually breed hatred toward America. Familiarity breeds contempt, you know.
Not sure why we were there in the first place. Now they are Russia's headache. Hard to manage a country successful when over 75% of your country is uninhabitable deserts.

I am of the opinion that most of Africa was never meant to house human beings with how difficult the Geography is for many of these nations.
I believe we were there “helping” Niger against Islamic militants. Got sideways with their military led govt wrt the US comments about the coup, now they want us out. Good riddance. I agree, let Russia help them out. We have no business there. I read the article Ras posted saying we had forces in Chad also. WTH are we doing? Keep tabs, but also keep out.
I believe we were there “helping” Niger against Islamic militants. Got sideways with their military led govt wrt the US comments about the coup, now they want us out. Good riddance. I agree, let Russia help them out. We have no business there. I read the article Ras posted saying we had forces in Chad also. WTH are we doing? Keep tabs, but also keep out.

From what I know on the situation (which is very little), we have troops all over the world like that and they are often supporting the current government. Basically we are getting paid by that nation to help create stability. Our troops are there more to train than to fight. They may do special missions but that is about it. This former ranger was talking about being in Sudan, Chad, etc. in the 1990s and there wasn't any headlines about his activities or activities of his unit in our media. We only see a part of what is really going down across the globe in our media.

However, I thought France had Chad, Niger, Mali, etc. covered. That was there sphere of influence. (Frankly, France is part of the reason those nations are so messed up right now as they have basically kept them under colonization without having them as official colonies anymore).

The issue with Ras is he thinks we always have some nefarious purpose which isn't the case. Can we be selfish about it? Sure. However, we are not the puppet master he claims the USA to be that pulls the strings and selects governments. We did that some in the Cold War but not as much today. We do support governments that are friendly to us but every nation does that.

It is funny that Ras sees no issues with Russia who is basically doing the same thing as the USA in these instances.

I will say this, though, France has gotten the USA into a ton of crap that we have no business being in. Vietnam is the prime example. Because we were pressured to not recognize the independence movement in the late 1940s, it pushed Ho Chi Minh to turn to the USSR for support against France setting the stage for our own war with them 20 years later. Another thought is that we could be there supporting the French.
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By the way, everything that I posted in post #219 is mostly theories on why we are there based on other similar circumstances. I imagine there could be a poster on here who has more details than I do.
I am of the opinion that most of Africa was never meant to house human beings with how difficult the Geography is for many of these nations.
The Sahara region has not been a desert forever. There is plenty of evidence that the Nile Valley in Eqypt was not desert, but grasslands and scattered rainforests in the not to distant past.
And yet by all evidence, Humanity apparently had its beginnings there. Africa is our shared cradle.
And we need influence in Nigeria to protect the Christians there. It has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for anyone professing faith in Christ

It's not the US Government's role to protect Christians in the asshoIe of the earth, or anywhere outside of America for that matter.

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