You accuse me of being caught up in a liberal news cycle, when the fact of the matter is your're caught up in the retaliation against it and I have nothing to do with it.
To argue that Trump didn't totally blow it takes some real mental gymnastics, but I applaud you for the attempt. Biden sucks eggs, but he has not called for another complete shutdown, which shows that you've proved my point.
Anyone with half any good sense knows that the shutdowns more or less worked properly everywhere else, but America has Trump and look what happens. We have 4% of the world's pop and 25% of the world's covid deaths.
But you go ahead and keep on toting that far right line and enjoy yourself.
You made the claim Trump cut CDC spending, . And
That is false, and has been since the claim was made months ago. You’ll have nothing to do with it when you no longer repeat it.
Governors will determine whether their states shut down, just as they already have. Biden’s constitutionally illiterate assertion is that he will shut down the economy if so-called experts tell him to. That would be a disaster, and ghoulish. Between February and April 41% of black businesses disappeared. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of businesses will never reopen. Those are lives, too, business owners and employees and families.
We actually do not know how many deaths can be accurately attributed to COVID-19. We are the third most populous nation on earth. We have no peers in the western world in that respect and can hardly consider stAtistics of China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, or Russia as parameters of how our response has been. Among western nations of any size our death rate is lower than some and higher than others. Your quoting death rates is of little value without objectively separating it from your dislike of Trump.
Further you talk in generalities without very much detail to substantiate your claims. We have no indication that the Obama administration would’ve handled a 100 year pandemic any better and we have every indication to think that a Biden administration would’ve handled it worse. So in fact we have no basis from which to say that the Trump administration‘s handling of the virus was any better or worse than any other administration would have been. That’s the nature of a 100 year viral pandemic.
A rational person can argue some points of the response but that’s about it. To condemn the entire response as a failure is simply TDS nonsense.
Lastly you seem to think that shutting down entire economies has no real affect and that a relative handful of deaths that might be spared worth the cost; I disagree entirely. I think people with your perspective really care nothing about human life but only about deaths from COVID-19. I don’t want blinkered, illogical people like that making decisions about the lifeblood of this country, the economy. They not only dismiss the ruination of millions of US lives, but those who are dependent upon other nations for thei very nutrition and medical supplies.
Your assertion seems to be that shut downs have had a uniformly beneficial impact. That is also not true abroad or among US states. Taiwan, South Korea, and Sweden, for example, did not lock down with variable results ; Taiwan and South Korea had quite low death rates while Sweden with higher death rates but not the highest among European peers. Some of the most draconian US states had much higher death rates than those with less restrictions or lockdowns of shorter duration .
Don’t mistake a demand for factual accuracy with being a Trump cheerleader. Improve your argument, instead.