...from being a perennial challenger in the SEC E. We do seem improved on D, but even the coaches acknowledge we are undersized at the DT position. Obviously, we are young, and don't have much experience on the OL.
But after 2 games, I think we can see where our weaknesses lay. The OL is the biggest. Sure, that's obvious by now. But, I think the No.1 obstacle to our ability to win games in the SEC is that Butch and Bajakian are basically FORCING a classic pocket passer to run their read option scheme. I suspect they will look back on this and realize how bad of a mistake it was.
Dobbs is really the ONLY QB on the roster who fits the scheme. So, it's a tough choice to bench a senior in favor of a Sophomore. We fans tend to assume that because a player doesn't start, that = they suck. Not so.
I think in order for this team to have a fighting chance to prevail in this meat-grinder of a schedule, Bajakian is going to have to adapt his offense more to suit his pocket passer, rather than pretend defenses will respect the QB keeper because we make Worley run it once or twice in a game.
They don't. So, break it up a bit, mixing in some I-Formation and Pistol sets, and bring Dobbs in on critical 3rd or 4th and short, and goal line situations.
Worley is simply a bad fit for this scheme, so at least modify the scheme to fit the QB, not the other way around.
I hate to break it to you ...but this is not a 'read option ' scheme. Nor is it a zone read scheme .
This is a dive offense with a layered west coast passing attack . The zone read is simply one of a handful of counter plays to the dive play and out side power and sweep game .
Even if Dobbs or another profiecent running QB were to be at the helm ...you would see the QB keeper maybe one time a game . What is more important in this system is a guy that can check through the layered progressions and distribute the ball accurately ...which is the hallmark of the west coast game . The running game and passing game are integrated ...outside bubbles , flats to TEs and RB , H back passes are all part of the running game . The sprint draw and dive are the primary running plays in this offense , and the H back is used instead of a FB for power plays .
This offense should never be confused with a zone read O such as Oregons where everything is predicated off of that single option play ...or Auburns spread wing T . Butches offense is a pro-style passing attack and spread based power running game .