Senate passes stem cell bill

I'm for it. It could hold the key to some important cures needed by many people.
(GAVol @ Jul 18 said:
I'm on the fence on this one.

People need to look at this issue from the viewpoint of the millions of people who are suffering from an illness that stem cell research could cure or at least help. I myself have someone very close to me that might be able to benefit from such things, so there's no fence for me.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 18 said:
I'm for it. It could hold the key to some important cures needed by many people.
I agree.It is a tough call though.I really have trouble with one person being at power to veto such a bill.I know that is how it works, in this case, I have trouble with it.
I'm for stem cell research. It's just a matter of where to get the new stem cells that makes me pause.
(GAVol @ Jul 18 said:
I'm for stem cell research. It's just a matter of where to get the new stem cells that makes me pause.

Agreed - that's my view. I believe it's worth a debate on the ethical and scientific issues. I don't necessarily believe an embryo is human life but I'm certainly not sure about that nor if it's not, where it starts. I not yet comfortable with creating embryos to be destroyed.

Some of the promise of stem cell research is theoretical and unknown. Likewise is the notion of when it's okay to destroy life (or the precursor) to help another. Tough issue.
(volinbham @ Jul 18 said:
Agreed - that's my view. I believe it's worth a debate on the ethical and scientific issues. I don't necessarily believe an embryo is human life but I'm certainly not sure about that nor if it's not, where it starts. I not yet comfortable with creating embryos to be destroyed.

Some of the promise of stem cell research is theoretical and unknown. Likewise is the notion of when it's okay to destroy life (or the precursor) to help another. Tough issue.

Awww isn't he/she a cutie? What are we gonna name it?


Maybe for organ donations, you just kill some homeless people too...I can not wait for W to veto this.
(utfantilidie @ Jul 18 said:
I agree.It is a tough call though.I really have trouble with one person being at power to veto such a bill.I know that is how it works, in this case, I have trouble with it.

One person can veto it but the veto can be over-ruled.
Stem cell research is not banned - the issue is 1) releasing embryos already held and 2) should the federal government fund the research.

I think it is clearly an issue for debate on many levels.
If you were to take donated eggs and donated sperm cells and use them to create embryos that would never have been created except for this research is that a bad thing?

Also in attempts to help people with problems having children many embryos are lost in vitro is that technology wrong?

Lastly, in the natural course of reproduction there are embryos that for what ever reason do not mature , those "lost" embryos might have held the key to curing cancer.

Everyday thousands of people die from causes out of our control, does that make it right to kill thousands of people a day from something we can control?
(therealUT @ Jul 18 said:
Maybe for organ donations, you just kill some homeless people too...I can not wait for W to veto this.
That's a big stretch.
(volmanjr @ Jul 18 said:
If you were to take donated eggs and donated sperm cells and use them to create embryos that would never have been created except for this research is that a bad thing?

Also in attempts to help people with problems having children many embryos are lost in vitro is that technology wrong?

Lastly, in the natural course of reproduction there are embryos that for what ever reason do not mature , those "lost" embryos might have held the key to curing cancer.

All valid questions. I don't know the answer to any of them. They are moral dilemmas. This is why I think there should be debate about the issue prior to deciding it's okay.
(volmanjr @ Jul 18 said:
That's a big stretch.

Getting to the following statement also requires a lot of stretching:
Lastly, in the natural course of reproduction there are embryos that for what ever reason do not mature , those "lost" embryos might have held the key to curing cancer.

People are going to die and babies will be lost in utero. These events will always occur in situations that are out of our control. However, it in no way makes it right to then kill people and babies.

The question comes down to what makes a living organism human? For whatever reason you decide that an unborn baby is not human, then you must apply those same logical conclusions to all of humanity. This would include the allowed and controlled killings of the homeless, mentally challenged, physically challenged, and other undesirables. It is no small coincidence that the birth control movement was started by those who wanted to control the population and rid the US of certain races...
This technology is just like any other, take the internet for example: wonderful , powerful tool for business , education and information (and Vol message boards) that can be used for evil, vile things (terrorist networking, child porn and predators). So do we scrap it because of that? No. Same goes for gun control, guns don't kill, husbands that come home early do. Take away guns and only the outlaws have guns. If I recall the 1st murder happened with a rock. Before you say it this is no farther a stretch than the killing of homeless for organ donations.
birth control movement was started by those who wanted to control the population and rid the US of certain races...
So birth control is murder?
(volmanjr @ Jul 18 said:
This technology is just like any other, take the internet for example: wonderful , powerful tool for business , education and information (and Vol message boards) that can be used for evil, vile things (terrorist networking, child porn and predators). So do we scrap it because of that? No. Same goes for gun control, guns don't kill, husbands that come home early do. Take away guns and only the outlaws have guns. If I recall the 1st murder happened with a rock. Before you say it this is no farther a stretch than the killing of homeless for organ donations.

No, killing off embryos is killing people. People may use the internet to kill people or ruin people's lives, however, the internet is only a tool in those cases (guns are also only a tool in homicides they are used in.)

Much of the 'research' done in Nazi death camps has benefitted the medical community. Would you sponsor a bill to resume that sort of 'research'?
Everyday thousands of people die from causes out of our control, does that make it right to kill thousands of people a day from something we can control?
and if we had ways to keep that from happening would it be wrong to not stop it if we could? How about this? We have a military mission to perform and we know that if we proceed soldiers will die. We can control that situation by not engaging the enemy, is it wrong to not fight?
Much of the 'research' done in Nazi death camps has benefitted the medical community. Would you sponsor a bill to resume that sort of 'research'?
No I would not , but anything that was of benifit to anyone out of that travesty is a blessing.

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