Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Ordained ministers were barred from holding public office in TN per our constitution. How was that working out?
There is a constitutional amendment defining marriage in Tennessee. It will not be overturned in my lifetime. The hatred is too deep. Look at this thread.
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There is a constitutional amendment defining marriage in Tennessee. It will not be overturned in my lifetime. The hatred is too deep. Look at this thread.

There was a constitutional amendment in TN baring ordained ministers from holding office that hasn’t been enforced.
Has nothing to do with "normalcy". Just hate, all it is. Stop hiding behind bs, just own your hatred. Stop being a coward.

That’s what you want it to be. People don’t agree with you and it’s automatically hatred or bigotry.
There was a constitutional amendment in TN baring ordained ministers from holding office that hasn’t been enforced.
If you think this state wouldn't enforce a ban on gay marriage then I need some of that weed you are smoking.
I'm not sure what that means, "Over the top to make their point."

That's a strange way of describing a request for equal protection under the law.
I can only assume he’s talking about the ones who start screeching about pedophilia whenever this comes up and the ones who say equal treatment by the government is support or whatever.
Ordained ministers were barred from holding public office in TN per our constitution. How was that working out?

It is currently prohibited from having any effect by Supreme Court first amendment jurisprudence. Overturn McDaniel v. Paty and it would go into effect.

You really are the lawgator of past events.
This is where I have an issue with politics. I’m a Christian and a pretty outspoken one (by the way I live and not by screaming from the corner of broadway and second ave.) I couldn’t be a politician due to my beliefs. I follow the Lord to love others. I also, if I was a politician and an elected one, would take an oath to my constituents and listen to them to represent their wants a needs. If their needs and wants don’t overlap, I couldn’t morally vote for it. So I stay out if and rightfully so.
With that said, I have a close friend who recently divorced his wife and is transitioning to be a woman. I don’t believe it’s right. I told him I’ll still call him Barry even if his cup size is C but I still love him. He will be at our families thanksgiving dinner since he has no one locally to be with as his family is all out of state.
We have to get past the I don’t agree with you so I must hate you standpoint. It’s not true . It’s dishonest and it’s divisive. Love others, point them to Jesus truth, biblical truth or even common sense truth sometimes, but still serve them.
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Do you not know the definition of sodomy? That's what many people keep citing. So you can pull your head out of your ass.
it's a protective instinct.
He can't be "sodomized " if his head is blocking.
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I support polygamy. Why would I not support adults doing what they want?

I could see that, I can see you supporting pedophilia in another 5 years too. Once all the sob stories of their painful life starts coming out.

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