Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Marriage already exists and nobody is wanting to change it aside from getting government involvement out of it. There are plenty that don’t want to redefine it to coddle feelings regardless if government is involved or not.
That's a lie.
Didn't you just say in this thread that you want folks back in the closet?

Own your hatred. At least be consistent and not a coward.

I dont hate them. I'm not saying round them up and throw them off a building. My neighbors are gay. I have never treated them differently. However, their lifestyle isnt appropriate for children. It should largely stay in the closet for the good/health of society.
According to you. The only thing that’s a lie is your assertion that homosexuals are being treated like second class citizens.
I specifically said "ensuring" that folks will not be treated as second-class citizens. I don't think anyone disagrees that this is a proactive bill post Dodd ruling.

His bigotry manifests itself in the most respectful way possible.
"I mean, I don't hate them. I just want them to be treated differently than the rest of society. And denied equal protections under the law. And denied equal privileges under the law. And removed from view of society. Gently forced back in the closet. Segregated from society, if you will. But I don't hate them. I'm a Christian." -that guy
"I mean, I don't hate them. I just want them to be treated differently than the rest of society. And denied equal protections under the law. And denied equal privileges under the law. And removed from view of society. Gently forced back in the closet. Segregated from society, if you will. But I don't hate them. I'm a Christian." -that guy

I have never argued this issue from a religious standpoint. As I have said, healthy female/male marriages promote a stable healthy well functioning society. If that means they dont receive all the freedoms and privileges male/female couples do, so be it.
I dont hate them. I'm not saying round them up and throw them off a building. My neighbors are gay. I have never treated them differently. However, their lifestyle isnt appropriate for children. It should largely stay in the closet for the good/health of society.


  1. obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

I would say that your position is in line with the very definition of the term.

  1. obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

I would say that your position is in line with the very definition of the term.

I have given the reason for my belief. I dont find it to be unreasonable, maybe you do. So be it.
Y’all are still fighting? Cool. Kids don’t need to be around sexualized stuff … I don’t see how this is up for debate.. particularly if you don’t have children.. mike drop… bye-eee
I have given the reason for my belief. I dont find it to be unreasonable, maybe you do. So be it.

Sure. You should be openly mocked by everyone. And be a better parent. God forbid your kids see two men/women kiss and you have to have a conversation. What other issues are you wanting government to take care of so you don't have to explain life to your children?
Y’all are still fighting? Cool. Kids don’t need to be around sexualized stuff … I don’t see how this is up for debate.. particularly if you don’t have children.. mike drop… bye-eee

What about codifying protections for same sex marriages has to do with children and "sexualized stuff?" Do heterosexual marriages convey "sexualized stuff" to kids more appropriately?
I have given the reason for my belief. I dont find it to be unreasonable, maybe you do. So be it.

Still, it's a belief and it's prejudiced towards a group of people solely based on their inclusion of a group you don't like.

You can tell yourself you aren't a bigot, but you are. Just own it, and stop being such a little b***h.
This was the obvious reaction to Row vs Wade. If the Dems hadn't screwed around they could have protected abortion rights numerous times. They did not. Once Roe got overturned codifying things like this became urgent. Dems were dumb before and now are trying to fix things. My wife's anger over Roe being overturned is barely more then her realization that Dems could have prevented it many times, but didn't, because of politicians wanting to drive votes.
Sure. You should be openly mocked by everyone. And be a better parent. God forbid your kids see two men/women kiss and you have to have a conversation. What other issues are you wanting government to take care of so you don't have to explain life to your children?

My kids already know LGBTQ is a destructive lifestyle choice. They also know why it is being heavily pushed on them. Sorry.
This was the obvious reaction to Row vs Wade. If the Dems hadn't screwed around they could have protected abortion rights numerous times. They did not. Once Roe got overturned codifying things like this became urgent. Dems were dumb before and now are trying to fix things. My wife's anger over Roe being overturned is barely more then her realization that Dems could have prevented it many times, but didn't, because of politicians wanting to drive votes.

Roe cannot be codified.
By that logic, heteros shouldn't be able to get married either. Since that would be "sexualized stuff".

I mean a man and woman with an innate desire to procreate is the same as two mentally ill dudes having butt sex. Taking kids to the dildo ring toss is normal as well.

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