Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

The Senate is set to vote this week on a bill to codify the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections after a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a deal earlier Monday, signaling they believe they have the votes to get past a filibuster and move the measure to President Biden’s desk.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) filed cloture on the legislation on Monday, teeing up the first vote on the measure for Wednesday.

The New York Democrat’s move indicates that the updated bill has the support of 10 Senate Republicans needed. The new deal updates language from before the election, and includes provisions to assuage GOP members on religious liberty related issues.

A group of five senators — Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) — released the updated legislation, which protects nonprofit religious organizations from providing services in support of same-sex marriage.

It also would protect religious liberty and conscience protections under the Constitution and federal law.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) told The Hill that provided the religious freedom amendment is part of the final bill, he will support it. That would make four Senate Republicans who publicly back the effort.

“I’d like to get onto the bill,” Romney said, calling the amendment a “positive step.” “If that amendment is attached to the bill, I’ll vote for it.”

“Through bipartisan collaboration, we’ve crafted commonsense language to confirm that this legislation fully respects and protects Americans’ religious liberties and diverse beliefs, while leaving intact the core mission of the legislation to protect marriage equality,” the five senators backing the new deal said in a statement.

Yippee! Legalized butt sex. Anybody know how much $$$ AIDs and Monkeypox has cost taxpayers over the years?
The Senate is set to vote this week on a bill to codify the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections after a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a deal earlier Monday, signaling they believe they have the votes to get past a filibuster and move the measure to President Biden’s desk.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) filed cloture on the legislation on Monday, teeing up the first vote on the measure for Wednesday.

The New York Democrat’s move indicates that the updated bill has the support of 10 Senate Republicans needed. The new deal updates language from before the election, and includes provisions to assuage GOP members on religious liberty related issues.

A group of five senators — Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) — released the updated legislation, which protects nonprofit religious organizations from providing services in support of same-sex marriage.

It also would protect religious liberty and conscience protections under the Constitution and federal law.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) told The Hill that provided the religious freedom amendment is part of the final bill, he will support it. That would make four Senate Republicans who publicly back the effort.

“I’d like to get onto the bill,” Romney said, calling the amendment a “positive step.” “If that amendment is attached to the bill, I’ll vote for it.”

“Through bipartisan collaboration, we’ve crafted commonsense language to confirm that this legislation fully respects and protects Americans’ religious liberties and diverse beliefs, while leaving intact the core mission of the legislation to protect marriage equality,” the five senators backing the new deal said in a statement.
Even if they don’t have the votes, they should absolutely hold the vote.
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Anyone opposing this bill needs to look at the upside, even if you still oppose same sex marriage. If you take the time to read it you will see that it basically says every state must honor a valid marriage license. Well guess what other licenses they will have to honor after a few clever lawsuits.
Anyone opposing this bill needs to look at the upside, even if you still oppose same sex marriage. If you take the time to read it you will see that it basically says every state must honor a valid marriage license. Well guess what other licenses they will have to honor after a few clever lawsuits.
This isn’t a court ruling, it’s a bill. If it specifies marriage, you can’t just apply the law to random things that contain the word “license” in its name.
This isn’t a court ruling, it’s a bill. If it specifies marriage, you can’t just apply the law to random things that contain the word “license” in its name.

It’s the starting point for a case.
Anyone opposing this bill needs to look at the upside, even if you still oppose same sex marriage. If you take the time to read it you will see that it basically says every state must honor a valid marriage license. Well guess what other licenses they will have to honor after a few clever lawsuits.
They can't get passed the gay
Nope. But I am right here if you need me. It is difficult to have an honest conversation about homosexuality without some getting into insults. The facts are too disturbing.
Are you "noping" HPV? It's the second most costly STD.
as long as the government is in the marriage business any consenting adults should be able to get married
I'm all for letting consenting adults do whatever as long as they don't infringe upon the rights of others.

So that eliminates rape, murder, and pedophilia, before anyone decides to start hurling accusations.

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