Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Different opinions, even taken to the extreme, make for a lively and healthy board. But it only works when those ideas can be explained and thoughtful. I don't mind disagreement. Just help me understand how and why you think they way you do.

Lately there has been a severe lack of thought behind some of yall's opinions.

Please do better.
Exactly, to say that thus bill will "protect" religious organizations is laughable. This immoral will pass then another bill will come forth to erode those religious protections and on and until pastors are locked up for their beliefs. Look what has happened since sodomy marriage, the trannie movement has been preying on kids amd now the gov supports this.
Anecdotal experience, but we went to Key West two years ago with my 16 year old son, and used to love going there, but probably won’t be going back because a creepy forty year old man kept checking him out and following us all around Duval Street.. he was thirty seconds away from me throat punching him, but fortunately for him, my death stare sufficed.. not saying all gay people are predatory, because they aren’t, but they have a lot of people that make them look really bad… it’s nothing but tchotchkes with ‘any cockledo’ with a rooster on it now lol.. no reason for us to be there now, it’s a shame
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Different opinions, even taken to the extreme, make for a lively and healthy board. But it only works when those ideas can be explained and thoughtful. I don't mind disagreement. Just help me understand how and why you think they way you do.

Lately there has been a severe lack of thought behind some of yall's opinions.

Please do better.

Do healthy male/female marriages promote the healthiest most well functioning society? I say they do and history would agree. Thus govt should try and promote/incentivize that as much as possible.
Anecdotal experience, but we went to Key West two years ago with my 16 year old son, and used to love going there, but probably won’t be going back because a creepy forty year old man kept checking him out and following us all around Duval Street.. he was thirty seconds away from me throat punching him, but fortunately for him, my death stare sufficed.. not saying all gay people are predatory, because they aren’t, but they have a lot of people that make them look really bad

But it is a leap to say this event is an indicator of where society is headed. I have a similar story about my teenage daughter and a creepy heterosexual (assumed) man.
Try this on for size:

Do healthy male/female marriages promote the healthiest most well functioning society?.

I say they do and history would agree. .

Thus govt should try and promote/incentivize that as much as possible.

Why would a fairly reasonable person like me arrive at that conclusion? What is in play with the that makes the third statement a "no" even though the others were a "yes"?
But it is a leap to say this even is an indicator of where society is headed. I have a similar story about my teenage daughter and a creepy heterosexual (assumed) man.
Anything goes now… Duval street used to be okay during the day, roughly the same with Bourbon St lol..not so much now.. it’s kind of like let’s push the limits and make people super uncomfortable.. that sounds fun 😂… I don’t think it’s a leap at all… these places have all gotten much worse and people are far more emboldened to act the donkey.. it’s ‘their right’…lol Generally I just ignore people, because people are stupid, but when it comes to my family, I am bringing the uncomfortableness to you
You're playing semantics. Is consensual intercourse with a minor right or wrong?

For me, it's wrong. I'm 40.

This is an example I would use to illustrate my point, so I'm confused as to why you would use it. A 19 YO having sex with a 17 YO is probably not "wrong", but is sometimes illegal.

It's not a semantics game. You said they decide what's wrong and not wrong. It's not even close to the same thing as saying they decide what's legal and illegal.
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Anything goes now… Duval street used to be okay during the day, roughly the same with Bourbon St lol..not so much now.. it’s kind of like let’s push the limits and make people super uncomfortable.. that sounds fun 😂
There are people uncomfortable with: coed swimming, PDAs, multiple piercings/tattoos, dancing, etc. Our personal discomfort isn't the standard we should use to prohibit other free people, right?

I understand wanted to shield younglings from unsavory environments. I've never taken my kids down bourbon street.
But we have found good direction from hotel staff and the like on areas which are family friendly and areas that aren't.
For me, it's wrong. I'm 40.

This is an example I would use to illustrate my point, so I'm confused as to why you would use it. A 19 YO having sex with a 17 YO is probably not "wrong", but is sometimes illegal.

It's not a semantics game. You said they decide what's wrong and not wrong. It's not even close to the same thing as saying they decide what's legal and illegal.
Consensual intercourse with a minor isn't even illegal in every state. People 17 and under are allowed to get married and they are allowed to marry people over 18.

The question falls apart before it even reaches the punctuation mark.
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There are people uncomfortable with: coed swimming, PDAs, multiple piercings/tattoos, dancing, etc. Our personal discomfort isn't the standard we should use to prohibit other free people, right?

I understand wanted to shield younglings from unsavory environments. I've never taken my kids down bourbon street.
But we have found good direction from hotel staff and the like on areas which are family friendly and areas that aren't.
We didn’t take the kids down Bourbon St lol I’m just talking about my prissy standards lol..Dancing, tattoos, whatever, don’t give a **** lol but a culture that is okay with hitting on 16 year old boys? You’re getting your ass whipped
A few one offs was a couple of generations ago. I think you may want to get out a little more and look around at the world today. Look at the number of young adults who consider themselves to be part of the LGBTQ community.
I think if we just accept people regardless of their sexuality and stop advertising to the kids that it's preferable to be alphabet, the percentage would dwindle.
It's still a very tiny number. There isn't a huge drive for cat/human marriage

maybe also look at how unsuccessful the ideal you described actually is. How many of those male/female relationships stay together? The marriage gatekeeping should just end
And cats can't consent.

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