Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Okay, yes, we are getting somewhere.

See how it some things which makes others uncomfortable are no big deal to you? Gays publicly gayying are no bid deal to others. It's the same. The comfort point on the scale of acceptibility is simply in different places for you and others.

And who said the culture is okay with 16 year olds getting hit on by older adults??? Wouldn't the vast majority of people say what you and I experienced with our kids is creepy and inappropriate?
One would hope, but the ones who are outraged are not very vocal 😂
It's the kind of thing that makes we christians insufferable. Many where I worship wanna talk about gay marriage but are uncharacteristically quiet when we're talking pre marital sex.

I hope we as a religious sect will get to the point where we are simply cleaning our own house rather than worrying about the dirt piling up in other's houses.
So you are saying that I’m insufferable? 😂 Sin is sin is sin 😂 We really aren’t supposed to applaud any of it 😂
I’m pretty firmly on the Right, but I don’t really know anyone who says anything to or ostracizes gay people lol…we work with them, get along with them, and everyone minds their own business and goes about their day.. now asking us to go totally against our beliefs in saying it’s a good and virtuous thing? That’s asking too much.. and to me, codification and essentially condoning it? I think if they just called a civil union or something it may go down a little better.. no pun intended
Maybe we could call them 3/5 married. You know, not all the way but just enough to stop the whining
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Consensual intercourse with a minor isn't even illegal in every state. People 17 and under are allowed to get married and they are allowed to marry people over 18.

The question falls apart before it even reaches the punctuation mark.

Why is it illegal any any State or most States?
I think if we just accept people regardless of their sexuality and stop advertising to the kids that it's preferable to be alphabet, the percentage would dwindle.

That is how we got here, my friend. They were accepted and then they started advertising it to our kids.
it’s a moron who ignores history.
Trying to put people in a closet. You’d make a good socialist dictator.
Funny how people like you always cry about freedom as long as it’s your freedom. If it’s something or someone you don’t like then they don’t need freedom.

People like you? As a Jewish person, you should know better than to use language like this.
I would hope not. An actual marriage where both commit to each other would drive HIV numbers down.

Federal spending is already 25 billion a year on HIV.

Are they funding the pharmaceutical companies that come out with a new drug every other week to keep those with the virus “undetectable” or the advertising that seems to promote homosexuality and transvestism? It’s like having HIV is cool and normal.
That is how we got here, my friend. They were accepted and then they started advertising it to our kids.

Advertising? lol

Perhaps they are pushing for it to be a normal condition of life. You will encounter gay people. It shouldn't be anything noteworthy, but people wanting to shield their children from seeing two men holding hands as they walk down the street perpetuates the bigotry they are fighting to eliminate.
Are they funding the pharmaceutical companies that come out with a new drug every other week to keep those with the virus “undetectable” or the advertising that seems to promote homosexuality and transvestism? It’s like having HIV is cool and normal.

We believe we can medicate anything away.
Advertising? lol

Perhaps they are pushing for it to be a normal condition of life. You will encounter gay people. It shouldn't be anything noteworthy, but people wanting to shield their children from seeing two men holding hands as they walk down the street perpetuates the bigotry they are fighting to eliminate.

You're quoting someone that said they need to go back in the closet unironically.
Advertising? lol

Perhaps they are pushing for it to be a normal condition of life. You will encounter gay people. It shouldn't be anything noteworthy, but people wanting to shield their children from seeing two men holding hands as they walk down the street perpetuates the bigotry they are fighting to eliminate.

And that is the problem. It is abnormal and should never be considered normal in a healthy society.
And that is the problem. It is abnormal and should never be considered normal in a healthy society.

You're certainly entitled to that opinion and you are part of the reason gay marriage has broad support. People are recognizing that antiquated bigoted thinking is harmful to society.

I think you'd really be happier in a middle eastern society.

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