Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

You're certainly entitled to that opinion and you are part of the reason gay marriage has broad support. People are recognizing that antiquated bigoted thinking is harmful to society.

I think you'd really be happier in a middle eastern society.

Lol, such ignorance
In a sense they do. It’s why we have a constitution and laws. Allowing a mentally ill couple to place a label on their relationship is meaningless but of course that’s not why they want it. 💵

Wait until the push to supporting polygamy and pedophilia
You're certainly entitled to that opinion and you are part of the reason gay marriage has broad support. People are recognizing that antiquated bigoted thinking is harmful to society.

I think you'd really be happier in a middle eastern society.

Being gay is abnormal. It isn't my opinion, it is the opinion of nature, unless a baby can be conceived in an anus. There are many aspects of Muslim culture I respect.
Imagine that, we aren't reproducing. Not a good sign for our society.

Lefties: Quit talking about the great replacement theory you troglodyte Trumpers!
Lefties: Having babies is bad for the environment! Quit breeding, you selfish bastards!
Also Lefties: We don't have enough citizens being born, so we have to replace them.... I mean "supplement" our work force with immigrants!
Anecdotal experience, but we went to Key West two years ago with my 16 year old son, and used to love going there, but probably won’t be going back because a creepy forty year old man kept checking him out and following us all around Duval Street.. he was thirty seconds away from me throat punching him, but fortunately for him, my death stare sufficed.. not saying all gay people are predatory, because they aren’t, but they have a lot of people that make them look really bad… it’s nothing but tchotchkes with ‘any cockledo’ with a rooster on it now lol.. no reason for us to be there now, it’s a shame

@Grand Vol was in Key West?

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