Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Whole lot of "freedom for me, but not for thee" going on in this thread. This is all pretty simple really: if you or your church doesn't like or support gay or interracial marriage, then don't have one.

Or recognize the definition of marriage.
Whole lot of "freedom for me, but not for thee" going on in this thread. This is all pretty simple really: if you or your church doesn't like or support gay or interracial marriage, then don't have one.
I really don’t get it.
I’m guessing Errbody missed the worry about the plank in your own eye ……lesson.
I really don’t get it.
I’m guessing Errbody missed the worry about the plank in your own eye ……lesson.
Always odd that the "liberty and freedom" right-wing types are the first to say, "wait, not like that!!"
You are 100% allowed to be a bigot and define marriage as you wish. The fact you want to codify said bigotry and hatred into law is the issue.
Hold on…. Let’s let him define it anyway he wants. But first let’s make it illegal to consider marriage in any way for taxes, insurance, pretty much anything.

Problem solved
You are 100% allowed to be a bigot and define marriage as you wish. The fact you want to codify said bigotry and hatred into law is the issue.

Lol. That’s always your go to. Everyone shouldn’t be expected to normalize sodomy and mental illness.

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