September 10, 2024 Presidential Debate Thread. (Insert snarky subtitles here.)

No, it's factual. Harris hasn't said that she wouldn't do a debate on a Fox News. She just said that the September 10th, which was already scheduled, would come first.

I don't see how Trump can avoid a debate on Fox News, if Harris agrees to it. The optics for him would be terrible.
Well now this has shifted.

Harris will never do a debate where the mods aren't 1000% in her favor. She won't even take normal press questions. Because she's a coward.
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She beat him a most will not care about the fact check after the debate. In that I think she got a lot of help. However the lack of prep by Trump was alarming. I have no doubt I could have done better than he did

Trump is more worried about getting points from those who are 100% going to vote for him than trying to get points from those that are undecided...
Well now this has shifted.

Harris will never do a debate where the mods aren't 1000% in her favor. She won't even take normal press questions. Because she's a coward.
What are you talking about? LOL.

Trump is the one saying that he won't do a debate on Fox News with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum as moderators .... but he would with Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters and Laura Ingraham as moderators. Trump is basically saying that he won't do a debate with moderators who aren't 1,000% in his favor. Harris hasn't said that she would never do a debate on Fox News.

Your posts go in circles and make no sense at all.
What are talking about? LOL.

Trump is the one saying that he won't do a debate on Fox News with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum as moderators .... but he would with Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters and Laura Ingraham as moderators. Trump is basically saying that he won't do a debate with moderators who aren't 1,000% in his favor. Harris hasn't said that she would never do a debate on Fox News.

Your posts go in circles and make no sense at all.
Again with Trump. I stopped reading at Trump. We're talking about your girl here. I'm not allowing this to derail an further. We'll act like this response of yours didn't happen.

Again with Trump. I stopped reading at Trump. We're talking about your girl here. I'm not allowing this to derail an further. We'll act like this response of yours didn't happen.

We are talking about both. Harris hasn't said that she would never do a debate on Fox News. I have repeated that 5 or 6 times now.
We are talking about both. Harris hasn't said that she would never do a debate on Fox News. I have repeated that 5 or 6 times now.
No, I've already given you Trump. Cool, call him whatever.

She has already turned one down. She won't do one unless the mods are 1000% in her favor. We've been over this repeatedly.

So to be clear you do not believe the CC is a coward? Not talking about Trump. Stop talking about Trump. We're talking about your girl.
I told my dog, Winston, to stay away from President Trump, because Trump really screwed the pooch in the debate. I didn't want Winston to receive the same treatment.
No, I've already given you Trump. Cool, call him whatever.

She has already turned one down. She won't do one unless the mods are 1000% in her favor. We've been over this repeatedly.

So to be clear you do not believe the CC is a coward? Not talking about Trump. Stop talking about Trump. We're talking about your girl.
Harris only turned down a proposed date for a Fox News debate. The September 10th debate had been scheduled since Biden was the presumed Democratic Party nominee. She only said that it had to be after that. That is not avoiding a debate "unless the mods are 1000% in her favor." We have been over this repeatedly.
She beat him a most will not care about the fact check after the debate. In that I think she got a lot of help. However the lack of prep by Trump was alarming. I have no doubt I could have done better than he did
Yes, you would have done better. No disrespect but millions of Americans would have done better
Not so sure. He got attention in 2016 because he was Trump the entertainer and marketer without the political baggage. The gave him free time on all channels because he made ratings. The mainstream media made him delectable then
The mainstream media, both sides of it, drive social media to a certain extent. The fringe elements take off from it
LOL Harris didn't play chess. She did better than Trump but it's absurd to say she played 3-D chess.

Trump did.

My theory is he doesn't mind losing because if he does there's a gold mine of grievance politics he can exploit for years to come.

Watch. He'll proclaim himself friend of dogs and cats and start a pet supply line. Trump Treats !!
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Harris only turned down a proposed date for a Fox News debate. The September 10th debate had been scheduled since Biden was the presumed Democratic Party nominee. She only said that it had to be after that. That is not avoiding a debate "unless the mods are 1000% in her favor." We have been over this repeatedly.
Trump did.

My theory is he doesn't mind losing because if he does there's a gold mine of grievance politics he can exploit for years to come.

Watch. He'll proclaim himself friend of dogs and cats and start a pet supply line. Trump Treats !!
He does mind losing. It hurts his ego and his brand. He can always air grievances, even when he wins. Remember how he alleged that Hillary Clinton had only won the popular vote in 2016, because millions of illegal immigrants had voted for her? Who else but Trump would even care about the popular vote after winning the election?
Bull ****.
Gotta love when people like this guy talks out of his ass on something he knows nothing about to someone who this every day for a living.
Covid did shoot construction prices up but they returned to normal. in construction we watch OSB as an indicator as to what is happening. OSB was 7$ before Covid. It made it all the way to 60$ during covid. It returned to 8$ but has climbed back to were it is today. 15.65$.
You may not like it but the last 3 years have been brutal on the poor as everything is 30%- 40% higher than it was 3 years ago. Nobody is making 30-40% higher income to offset that so it’s just another form of tax your government has saddled the people with
Think a lot of yourself I see. Actually I know a lot about construction as I was a self employed concrete finisher for 20,+ years . Lumber prices never returned to pre covid, never.

I dairy farmed in Lwarence County for a few years. One year corn harvest was so great farmers couldn't find silos to take thier grain, evening News showed the interstate lined with semi trailers of corn because of a rumor a silo was buying. Bushes ag department claimed that there was enough corn on stock for three years
Following year was a severe drought corn crops failed, dairy feed went from 150ish/ton to over 225/ton. And stayed there never coming down due to GREED.
Trump did.

My theory is he doesn't mind losing because if he does there's a gold mine of grievance politics he can exploit for years to come.

Watch. He'll proclaim himself friend of dogs and cats and start a pet supply line. Trump Treats !!
Trump is worried about losing because there is no social media in Prison.
Think a lot of yourself I see. Actually I know a lot about construction as I was a self employed concrete finisher for 20,+ years . Lumber prices never returned to pre covid, never.

I dairy farmed in Lwarence County for a few years. One year corn harvest was so great farmers couldn't find silos to take thier grain, evening News showed the interstate lined with semi trailers of corn because of a rumor a silo was buying. Bushes ag department claimed that there was enough corn on stock for three years
Following year was a severe drought corn crops failed, dairy feed went from 150ish/ton to over 225/ton. And stayed there never coming down due to GREED.

The CC only agreed to a debate where the mods were 1000% in her favor. Rejected other debates and refuses any kind of press (Also busses in supporters from way out of town - pathetic). The CC is a coward. Call Trump one all day, that's fine. The CC is a coward.
You are speaking I'll of your future president

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