Shameful and scary..

First game of the season and already a thread with the words shameful & scary.. that in its self is scary! A new era has begun with team #117!! Yes it was past 9000 degrees yesterday & I am one of the ones that was attended to by Paramedics so I, along with others, took one for the team!!! Those young men felt the electricity in Neyland, something was positively different...

GO BIG ORANGE .. :rock:
Three things to know about CDD:
1) He created VFL (thank you).
2) He failed to instill discipline.
You weren't around for the last few years of Fulmer, were you? Kiffin started instilling discipline. By the time Jones took over there were virtually no significant discipline issues.

IMHO, the sloppy play on the field was more a function of him choosing the wrong DC in Sal and his own lack of football knowledge. Saban is a first rate position coach and DC... beyond being a very good HC. Dooley was none of that and it showed. He lacked the capacity to take over a unit.
3) He was known for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Three things to know about CBJ:
1) He gets it.
2) He recruits much better, instills discipline and preaches fundamentals.
3) Winner!

On the field discipline is certainly the best it has been since Cut was around.
60 years young here and was really turned off by that freaky loud P.A. system.Ruined the whole experience!Who is the dweeb that thinks anybody enjoys that loud crap!

I'm thinking hard about this thread...

Looks like you're watching bamboo grow.
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Taking my orange tinted glasses off, (Which 99% of you guys can't)

I can make a case that says Dooley is better then Jones easy.

Dooley recruited better then Jones(At the moment Jones has signed a 22 rank class and you can't go by the 14 class bc all those are verbals.)

Dooley beat Jones head to head

Dooley has coached SEC games

Dooley has came within a touchdown or less from beating 5 or more top 10 teams. (Dont feel like looking it up)

Dooley has never lost more the 7 games, Jones has lost 8.

Etc, Etc... All those are facts^^

Stats can be twisted in anyway to fit your conclusion.

You guys make fun of Dooley for the 13 men on the field, but Jones iced the kicker vs Louisville and he missed and the 2nd try he got it. Isn't that just as embarrassing?

Let the flaming and meltdown

I'm glad we have butch, but I'm sick of people acting like Dooley is the Antichrist, he is a former Tennessee Coach and deserves more respect.

Edit: and btw you guys use the excuse talent disparity when talking about Butch's lose to Dooley, well is sure didn't matter in the Louisville vs Florida game? (Did I just blow your mind?)

You got issues dude. No attention at home?
Regarding the Shameful part of this thread, Coach Elder has weighed in....

@UTCoachElder: We had the largest attendance in the SEC this weekend!

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Taking my orange tinted glasses off, (Which 99% of you guys can't)

I can make a case that says Dooley is better then Jones easy.

Dooley recruited better then Jones(At the moment Jones has signed a 22 rank class and you can't go by the 14 class bc all those are verbals.)

Dooley beat Jones head to head

Dooley has coached SEC games

Dooley has came within a touchdown or less from beating 5 or more top 10 teams. (Dont feel like looking it up)

Dooley has never lost more the 7 games, Jones has lost 8.

Etc, Etc... All those are facts^^

Stats can be twisted in anyway to fit your conclusion.

You guys make fun of Dooley for the 13 men on the field, but Jones iced the kicker vs Louisville and he missed and the 2nd try he got it. Isn't that just as embarrassing?

Let the flaming and meltdown

I'm glad we have butch, but I'm sick of people acting like Dooley is the Antichrist, he is a former Tennessee Coach and deserves more respect.

Edit: and btw you guys use the excuse talent disparity when talking about Butch's lose to Dooley, well is sure didn't matter in the Louisville vs Florida game? (Did I just blow your mind?)

Dooley was the worst coach in this programs history. That's a d*** fact. He had a losing record coming in as a HC and he left here with a losing record as a HC. CBJ comes in with a respectable record and our team showed more discipline in game 1 than I've ever seen, even if it was AP, and you're gonna defend a guy that wasted away 3 years of this program?
99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.[/

CBJ gets it. Dooley never did. OP doesn't either.
Was that the Martin game? AP vs Martin would be a good game. Butch called off the dogs at halftime. He could have pulled a Georgia Tech if he wanted but he has class.

Tech just ran the ball and they could not stop it. Would have been worse to take a knee in the third quarter. Had backups in as well.
99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

You are clearly over thinking this.
Looks like more than 97,000 from where my son and were sitting.
Obviously the band is playing "Down The Field". :)


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99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.
understand intelligence when there is none.
I disagree with a lot of people on here but don't ignore them. I am sure I have a lot of people ignoring me though :)

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