Shameful and scary..

I dont know how to make it any clearer.


Maybe I shouldnt have said scary, maybe I should have used eerie because the results are eeriely similar.

Why are you even a fan? It's like your looking for something to complain about.
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Its amazing to me that so many people are taking the original post completely out of context. I cant believe how sensitive people are being just because Dools and Jones are in the same sentence. IT IS NOT A COACHING COMPARISON!!!! Butch Jones is a proven winner and no one can argue against it. Everybody get your panties out of a wad and take it for what it is, simply a similar start to their careers at UT, thats all, nothing else, you bunch of whinny mofo's. :)

The idea that someone would start a negative thread like this after one game.... saying that anything that's gone on under Jones at this point is shameful? That's ridiculous. The guy that started this thread is the whiny (not whinny) mofo IMHO.
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Yes, I was pointing out some similarities. There are plenty of stats that dont look the same, I didnt mention them because they arent ....similar.:)

You only picked out the "stats" that would fit your negative narrative. It appears you were looking for stats to support your idea that Butch's first game was shameful and scary when nothing could be further from the truth.
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The idea that someone would start a negative thread like this after one game.... saying that anything that's gone on under Jones at this point is shameful? That's ridiculous. The guy that started this thread is the whiny (not whinny) mofo IMHO.

Oh my.

Please read carefully and you will notice that I stated the attendance was lower for Butch Jones' first game compared to Dooleys. That is what I said is shameful. My goodness. The saddest thing about your post is that someone actually liked it. :no:
99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

Turn in your Orange dude! You can't be serious with this post! He called the dogs off early. Hell, even the band left early!
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Oh my.

Please read carefully and you will notice that I stated the attendance was lower for Butch Jones' first game compared to Dooleys. That is what I said is shameful. My goodness. The sadest thing about your post is that someone actually liked it. :no:

Please. 97K isn't shameful, especially vs an Austin Peay team and after 3 losing seasons.
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Please. 97K isn't shameful, especially vs an Austin Peay team and after 3 losing seasons.

I just expected the turnout to be bigger considering the excitement around the program. 97k is fine, but its still 2k less than Dooleys first game, which I find shocking.
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This thread and OP
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5 years of beatdown on the coaching carousel, 3 years of losing records, and a recession had a lot to do with the attendance numbers for AP

I feel we are on a better path now with a real coaching crew and not a patchwork quilt staff in a desparate situation
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I just expected the turnout to be bigger considering the excitement around the program. 97k is fine, but its still 2k less than Dooleys first game, which I find shocking.

It's shocking because you have the benefit of knowing how awful Dooley was after 3 years. Didn't have that knowledge, obviously, for his first game. There are still some wait and see fans after that 3 year debacle. Plus, Wes Rucker tweeted out last night that the only noticeable empty seat areas were in the student section. They should stop charging students to attend IMO... different topic for another day.
5 years of beatdown on the coaching carousel, 3 years of losing records, and a recession had a lot to do with the attendance numbers for AP

I feel we are on a better path now with a real coaching crew and not a patchwork quilt staff in a desparate situation

I completely agree. It just seemed that the level of excitement was at an all time high.
You mean to tell me attendance has only dropped by 2% as the program was declined from mediocre to horrific?

That's not a shame. That's a huge compliment to our fanbase!
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5 years of beatdown on the coaching carousel, 3 years of losing records, and a recession had a lot to do with the attendance numbers for AP

I feel we are on a better path now with a real coaching crew and not a patchwork quilt staff in a desparate situation

2010 v. 2013. In 2010, we were coming off a bowl year with a big name school and glad to be rid of a coach who was too cowardly to tell his team or the fans that he was leaving. Three years and three losing seasons later, two years without a bowl game, we have 10,000 more fans show up for a opening game than the year before to a game everyone knew wouldn't be competitive. We can be disappointed that we didn't have a capacity crowd but as the posted mentions, there are more reasons than lack of enthusiasm among the fan base. Prior to the game, I was going to be satisfied with 95,000 which I felt would be a great showing under the circumstances. We did better than that. I've been going to UT games for 45 years and as openers go of this caliber, I would place the crowd enthusiasm up with any over my history. Going to a college football game these days is expensive in this economy. Perhaps I'm too optimistic but I expect a 100,000 fans for the WKU game.
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Some team call off the "dogs" at half, others by 3rd quarter. Some don't call off the dogs until their last possession.

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