Shameful and scary..

Dooley is like your first prison gang raping by the hung-lo ward. Let's compartmentalize that bad memory into an used sector of our brains and move on as bUTch slap our way back to national prominance. Lets be the next team to 900 wins!
Jones > dooley , the body of work is light years apart. :yes:

Taking my orange tinted glasses off, (Which 99% of you guys can't)

I can make a case that says Dooley is better then Jones easy.

Dooley recruited better then Jones(At the moment Jones has signed a 22 rank class and you can't go by the 14 class bc all those are verbals.)

Dooley beat Jones head to head

Dooley has coached SEC games

Dooley has came within a touchdown or less from beating 5 or more top 10 teams. (Dont feel like looking it up)

Dooley has never lost more the 7 games, Jones has lost 8.

Etc, Etc... All those are facts^^

Stats can be twisted in anyway to fit your conclusion.

You guys make fun of Dooley for the 13 men on the field, but Jones iced the kicker vs Louisville and he missed and the 2nd try he got it. Isn't that just as embarrassing?

Let the flaming and meltdown

I'm glad we have butch, but I'm sick of people acting like Dooley is the Antichrist, he is a former Tennessee Coach and deserves more respect.

Edit: and btw you guys use the excuse talent disparity when talking about Butch's lose to Dooley, well is sure didn't matter in the Louisville vs Florida game? (Did I just blow your mind?)
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here is a stat:
Dooley's team quit on him and UT
CBJ's teams haven't...and won't
CBJ has won 4 championships in 6 seasons
DD hasn't had a winning record in a season...
Taking my orange tinted glasses off, (Which 99% of you guys can't)

I can make a case that says Dooley is better then Jones easy.

Dooley recruited better then Jones(At the moment Jones has signed a 22 rank class and you can't go by the 14 class bc all those are verbals.)

Dooley beat Jones head to head

Dooley has coached SEC games

Dooley has came within a touchdown or less from beating 5 or more top 10 teams. (Dont feel like looking it up)

Dooley has never lost more the 7 games, Jones has lost 8.

Etc, Etc... All those are facts^^

Stats can be twisted in anyway to fit your conclusion.

You guys make fun of Dooley for the 13 men on the field, but Jones iced the kicker vs Louisville and he missed and the 2nd try he got it. Isn't that just as embarrassing?

Let the flaming and meltdown

I'm glad we have butch, but I'm sick of people acting like Dooley is the Antichrist, he is a former Tennessee Coach and deserves more respect.

This should be interesting.

No, icing a kicker is not embarassing.

While I respect Dooley for trying, I realize he was a bad coach.
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This should be interesting.

No, icing a kicker is not embarassing.

While I respect Dooley for trying, I realize he was a bad coach.

That's all I'm saying, the guy tried his best...

But I'm glad we have Butch and hope he turns it around.
You do realize we could've scored 90 pts if we'd wanted to but why do that when experience mattered more and AP is a state school also trying to get it's program started? It's not cool to humiliate just because you can and ultimately it wouldn't have given us all the reps that about a zillion players got yesterday.
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99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

If Jones is better.... he will win more year one games than Dooley did. (Not including a potential bowl)
Dooley didn't have to follow 3 years of Dooley

No... he followed much worse. Fulmer had let discipline fall apart. The roster he inherited was one step above what it would have been had UT been given the death penalty. Kiffin had just crapped on UT and taken his "dream job" in embarrassing fashion (implication that UT was a second rate job).

Jones inherited a team with holes but also some experienced talent and improved facilities. The team Jones inherited did not require anyone to be run off nor did it fill the police blotter. He inherited two QB's who had been in the program at least a year. He inherited two SEC quality RB's.... and on and on.

Dooley couldn't coach. But he was a decent administrator and whether you or anyone else is willing to open your eyes just a little.... he DID leave the program better than the catastrophe he inherited. I am NOT saying that he would have ever done anything more or better with it... but he did leave it better than he found it.
99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

It's called Austin Peay didn't bring but 4 people and 2 of them were sitting behind me! Typically home team gets 94,000 tix and visitors get 8000-10000 UT fans bought up 4000 or so of the visitors tix.

Good grief it was Austin Peay and 9000 degrees.
The VOL walk was outstanding with 30000 people or so. What an awesome debut for bUTch and this new coaching staff, and team! Better days are here!


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Three things to know about CDD:
1) He created VFL (thank you).
2) He failed to instill discipline.
3) He was known for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Three things to know about CBJ:
1) He gets it.
2) He recruits much better, instills discipline and preaches fundamentals.
3) Winner!
Lol... left field? Dooley could not win for loosing. If Butch gets a victory his team probably will not screw it up with penalty. Butch Jones team 0 penalties. That could win maybe 1 extra game for not having their head up their butts.

Vs LSU 2010 is prime example of this.
This thread man, my goodness. Can we at least wait for the awesome recruiting class to come through first before we start crushing Jones? Give the guy a chance!!M
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no penalties, no turnovers by the first team, sprinting to the other side of the field after the first quarter, no stupid play calling. But I commend you on finding those similarities.
Updated for GRUDE:

99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener
108,467 = Attendance for projected Gruden opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary 1st game similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones
677 rush yards for Gruden

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)
34-35 for 673 passing (Gruden)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)
53:33 (Gruden)
Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones), 122 (Gruden)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0
Grudens opener 108-0

I know were in better hands now but just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

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