Shooting in El Paso

But by and large his statements have not been taken out of context. He said them and then his supporters tried to alter the context and say that is not what he meant. This board is replete with examples of Trump making a clear statement and his supporters saying it was being interpreted incorrectly because he meant this or he isn't articulate. OR You cannot take what he says literally. He has been the most divisive politician of my lifetime.
And of course you were in a coma during Obama's reign.
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But by and large his statements have not been taken out of context. He said them and then his supporters tried to alter the context and say that is not what he meant. This board is replete with examples of Trump making a clear statement and his supporters saying it was being interpreted incorrectly because he meant this or he isn't articulate. OR You cannot take what he says literally. He has been the most divisive politician of my lifetime.
I'll disagree that "by and large" they have not been taken out of context. No matter what he says, a very visible group will be offended even if he didnt say anything new. Trump and Obama have the same view on the border yet screeching and outrage. It's ridiculous and we look incredibly stupid as a society.

Politician? Not even close. Hillary competes with that one easily. Basket of Deplorables was the dumbest statement I've ever seen a top 2 candidate make. AOC and others, Warren, Bernie. All of these people specifically aim to ruin huge industries without knowing anything about it. Using harsh rhetoric if you simply question them. Some have even said antisemitic statements. Some have said racist things themselves.

One thing I do know after the last election, we, as a species, are not ready to travel in space. We are too stupid, collectively.
It is the shear volume of them during Trump's reign that is disturbing. I disagreed with many of Obama's statements and I had hoped he would lead a more helpful national discussion on racism, but he didn't.
The DEMs are the true race baitors. Trump is just not giving them a free pass to bash Republicans over and over.
It is the shear volume of them during Trump's reign that is disturbing. I disagreed with many of Obama's statements and I had hoped he would lead a more helpful national discussion on racism, but he didn't.
Do you blame him for the police murders across the country? Him being Obama
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Do you blame him for the police murders across the country? Him being Obama

Not anymore than I blame trump for El Paso.

I am not supporting the murder of police officers. I do understand the misdirected outrage though, because police have been getting away with murdering citizens and violating the rights of citizens for many years. People have been screaming for some sort of reform since the 80s and everyone ignored it.
Not anymore than I blame trump for El Paso.

I am not supporting the murder of police officers. I do understand the misdirected outrage though, because police have been getting away with murdering citizens and violating the rights of citizens for many years. People have been screaming for some sort of reform since the 80s and everyone ignored it.

You shouldnt blame either of them.

Just as AOC shouldnt be blamed for the firebombing. Crazy people do crazy things. I understand the firebombing. I understand the El Paso guy. I understand the police murders. But just because we understand it doesnt shift the blame away from the psychopath.
Not anymore than I blame trump for El Paso.

I am not supporting the murder of police officers. I do understand the misdirected outrage though, because police have been getting away with murdering citizens and violating the rights of citizens for many years. People have been screaming for some sort of reform since the 80s and everyone ignored it.
The police are scared which results in a heightened awareness. They are on pins and needles everytime they go into those situations. They have training but are also human. They see their fellow officers getting shot and disrepected. It plays into the situation of shootings by cop going bad at times. It will continue unfortunately.
The police are scared which results in a heightened awareness. They are on pins and needles everytime they go into those situations. They have training but are also human. They see their fellow officers getting shot and disrepected. It plays into the situation of shootings by cop going bad at times. It will continue unfortunately.

Some of the situations that have made the news involved cops that should never have allowed to become cops and who should be convicted of some sort of homicide.
And the other issue is that cops have been trained without being taught the law and feel that they can demand that citizens do anything and that by their very command citizens are required to do it. Citizens who stand up to police abuses are subject to further abuse. Our police force needs retraining to learn that they are there to protect the rights of citizens, not trample on them.
And the other issue is that cops have been trained without being taught the law and feel that they can demand that citizens do anything and that by their very command citizens are required to do it. Citizens who stand up to police abuses are subject to further abuse. Our police force needs retraining to learn that they are there to protect the rights of citizens, not trample on them.
That is most definitely correct. Many cops do not know the law they are suppose to be enforcing. To be fair to cops, there are way too many laws.
That is most definitely correct. Many cops do not know the law they are suppose to be enforcing. To be fair to cops, there are way too many laws.

Agreed, but I think they are trained to encourage people to give up their rights instead of protecting those rights.

By way of example, several years ago I went to a halloween party. I stopped in briefly had a single red solo cup of beer and left to take my daughter trick or treating. The friend who held the party had paid off duty cops to watch the street because the party was outside. When I left, a paid, off duty cop was talking to an on duty cop. I drove by and was immediately pulled over. The cop asked me if I came from the party.

Me: Yes
Cop: Get out of the car so I can have you do some field sobriety tests.
Me: I am not going to be doing any field sobriety tests because you had no reason to pull me over.
Cop: It is just a standard license check and I smell alcohol.
Me: It is not a license check because you still haven't asked for my license. You immediately asked me to get out and do field sobriety tests.
Cop: I am going to arrest you if you don't get out of the vehicle. (Absolutely no right to ask me to do this)
Me: I told him that I wasn't inclined to exit the vehicle until he called a supervisor to the scene. However, if he wanted to check my sobriety for public safety, I would be more than happy to submit to a breathalyzer.
Cop: Why won't you get out and do field sobriety tests?
Me: Because you are asking me to do subjective tests and I would prefer an objective test.
Cop: Go home.

The entire interaction was unnecessary and the cop had no right to pull me over nor ask me to perform any tests. I should not have offered to do the test, but I wanted to de-escalate the situation. This interaction took place in my sleepy little beach community where cops have zero to fear and not much to do.
Agreed, but I think they are trained to encourage people to give up their rights instead of protecting those rights.

By way of example, several years ago I went to a halloween party. I stopped in briefly had a single red solo cup of beer and left to take my daughter trick or treating. The friend who held the party had paid off duty cops to watch the street because the party was outside. When I left, a paid, off duty cop was talking to an on duty cop. I drove by and was immediately pulled over. The cop asked me if I came from the party.

Me: Yes
Cop: Get out of the car so I can have you do some field sobriety tests.
Me: I am not going to be doing any field sobriety tests because you had no reason to pull me over.
Cop: It is just a standard license check and I smell alcohol.
Me: It is not a license check because you still haven't asked for my license. You immediately asked me to get out and do field sobriety tests.
Cop: I am going to arrest you if you don't get out of the vehicle. (Absolutely no right to ask me to do this)
Me: I told him that I wasn't inclined to exit the vehicle until he called a supervisor to the scene. However, if he wanted to check my sobriety for public safety, I would be more than happy to submit to a breathalyzer.
Cop: Why won't you get out and do field sobriety tests?
Me: Because you are asking me to do subjective tests and I would prefer an objective test.
Cop: Go home.

The entire interaction was unnecessary and the cop had no right to pull me over nor ask me to perform any tests. I should not have offered to do the test, but I wanted to de-escalate the situation. This interaction took place in my sleepy little beach community where cops have zero to fear and not much to do.
You handled that well and you were right.
To quote someone on here. “Denial is pretty this time of year” I won’t include the go back to Africa part. (Or Egypt)
So individual responsibility over government assistance, individual freedom over government intervention, state government over federal government, free market capitalism generally free from government interference and competition, fiscal responsibility, and equal protection (when the law is necessary), are now leftist ideas?

How sad.

You people think I’m a leftist because I didn’t give up my principles to follow the tribe to avoid being left in the wilderness, and I’m an ******* about it. In fact, my principles are as center right as they’ve ever been. As are the principles of most of the people who get labeled “never trump” republicans.

And I didn’t tell you to “go back to Africa.” 🙄
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Agreed, but I think they are trained to encourage people to give up their rights instead of protecting those rights.

By way of example, several years ago I went to a halloween party. I stopped in briefly had a single red solo cup of beer and left to take my daughter trick or treating. The friend who held the party had paid off duty cops to watch the street because the party was outside. When I left, a paid, off duty cop was talking to an on duty cop. I drove by and was immediately pulled over. The cop asked me if I came from the party.

Me: Yes
Cop: Get out of the car so I can have you do some field sobriety tests.
Me: I am not going to be doing any field sobriety tests because you had no reason to pull me over.
Cop: It is just a standard license check and I smell alcohol.
Me: It is not a license check because you still haven't asked for my license. You immediately asked me to get out and do field sobriety tests.
Cop: I am going to arrest you if you don't get out of the vehicle. (Absolutely no right to ask me to do this)
Me: I told him that I wasn't inclined to exit the vehicle until he called a supervisor to the scene. However, if he wanted to check my sobriety for public safety, I would be more than happy to submit to a breathalyzer.
Cop: Why won't you get out and do field sobriety tests?
Me: Because you are asking me to do subjective tests and I would prefer an objective test.
Cop: Go home.

The entire interaction was unnecessary and the cop had no right to pull me over nor ask me to perform any tests. I should not have offered to do the test, but I wanted to de-escalate the situation. This interaction took place in my sleepy little beach community where cops have zero to fear and not much to do.
99.9% of the cops around here are great. There is one, a city cop, who has the god complex. He pulled me over for a tail light out, which wasn't, and searched me and my vehicle. He told me to empty my pockets, and when I put my hand in my pocket he jumped back and pulled his gun on me. Really ticked me off. He said I can't be reaching, and I asked him how I was supposed to empty my pockets. We argued pretty heavy after that. He's done stuff like that to several people. The rest are good folks, or always have been to us, and have a good reputation around here.
You handled that well and you were right.

But people that live in higher crime areas who try to assert their rights often aren't granted the same leeway.

I just looked up the crime stats for my town... last year - no murders, rapes or assaults. 1 burglary and 11 thefts. The cops aren't real busy and shouldn't be too nervous. In a high crime area, this stop could have had disastrous consequences.
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So individual responsibility over government assistance, individual freedom over government intervention, state government over federal government, free market capitalism generally free from government interference and competition, fiscal responsibility, and equal protection (when the law is necessary), are now leftist ideas?

How sad.
I still consider those Conservative Ideas.
It is the shear volume of them during Trump's reign that is disturbing. I disagreed with many of Obama's statements and I had hoped he would lead a more helpful national discussion on racism, but he didn't.
Obama's statements were every bit as divisive as he fueled the racism chasm. ("If I had a son...") You and the rest of the left just can't seem to get past the bombastic nature of Trump. Personally I find it a refreshing change from the kiss ass nature of ALL past politicians. It is nice to have a president that is fighting FOR us for a change. I'm easily willing to give him another 5 years as opposed to anything the leftist clowns have to offer.
Agreed, but I think they are trained to encourage people to give up their rights instead of protecting those rights.

By way of example, several years ago I went to a halloween party. I stopped in briefly had a single red solo cup of beer and left to take my daughter trick or treating. The friend who held the party had paid off duty cops to watch the street because the party was outside. When I left, a paid, off duty cop was talking to an on duty cop. I drove by and was immediately pulled over. The cop asked me if I came from the party.

Me: Yes
Cop: Get out of the car so I can have you do some field sobriety tests.
Me: I am not going to be doing any field sobriety tests because you had no reason to pull me over.
Cop: It is just a standard license check and I smell alcohol.
Me: It is not a license check because you still haven't asked for my license. You immediately asked me to get out and do field sobriety tests.
Cop: I am going to arrest you if you don't get out of the vehicle. (Absolutely no right to ask me to do this)
Me: I told him that I wasn't inclined to exit the vehicle until he called a supervisor to the scene. However, if he wanted to check my sobriety for public safety, I would be more than happy to submit to a breathalyzer.
Cop: Why won't you get out and do field sobriety tests?
Me: Because you are asking me to do subjective tests and I would prefer an objective test.
Cop: Go home.

The entire interaction was unnecessary and the cop had no right to pull me over nor ask me to perform any tests. I should not have offered to do the test, but I wanted to de-escalate the situation. This interaction took place in my sleepy little beach community where cops have zero to fear and not much to do.
But you were in fact drinking and driving.

Yep. you are a lawyer.

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