Should Churches Pay Taxes?

(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
I am just wondering how Homosexuals with AIDS hurts you. The AIDS cases in Africa are not due to homosexuality. If you are worried about getting AIDS, then be more selective with who you invite into your bed.

I do not agree with gov't money being spent on passing out condoms, increasing AIDS research, or Medicare/Medicaid. However, I have a hard time seeing how gay marriage is going to increase AIDS cases. In fact, by bonding homosexual lovers in civil unions, or marriages, into monogamous relationships, wouldn't one actually decrease the spread of AIDS in the homosexual community?

gay marriage in itself, will do nothing to spread AIDS. But you have to look at things deeper than that. It sends a message that anything is ok in a society. A society has to have standards to continue. If gay marriage, then what, grown men marrying 15 year old boys. Women adopting female orphans and making them there wives. I know gay people, and nothing is black and white in this world, I have met some really fine gay people. But speaking in general it is a more deviant culture. You just have to look at the STD and AIDS rates among the gay community as opposed to the heterosexual community. Also, you are lying or not looking at it truthfully if you think it does not hurt this country. As I mentioned, the money spent on a disease that is so preventable, that is a travesty, and it does effect me, I have relatives that die from cancer, alzheimers, etc. I am not worried about any of them getting AIDS or myself.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
gay marriage in itself, will do nothing to spread AIDS. But you have to look at things deeper than that. It sends a message that anything is ok in a society. A society has to have standards to continue. If gay marriage, then what, grown men marrying 15 year old boys. Women adopting female orphans and making them there wives. I know gay people, and nothing is black and white in this world, I have met some really fine gay people. But speaking in general it is a more deviant culture. You just have to look at the STD and AIDS rates among the gay community as opposed to the heterosexual community. Also, you are lying or not looking at it truthfully if you think it does not hurt this country. As I mentioned, the money spent on a disease that is so preventable, that is a travesty, and it does effect me, I have relatives that die from cancer, alzheimers, etc. I am not worried about any of them getting AIDS or myself.

Well, as a parent send a stronger message to your kids about the values you want instilled in them. The government is not their to parent, and looking at history, when gov'ts enact legislation in which they do act as a parent, they do awful.

i.e., MPAA ratings. Prior to movie ratings and, more recently, video game ratings parents would actually preview movies and video games they allowed their children to see. Now most parents just blindly trust the rating and have absolutely no idea what their kids are watching and/or playing. Thanks Congress!
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
A society has to have standards to continue. If gay marriage, then what, grown men marrying 15 year old boys. Women adopting female orphans and making them there wives. I know gay people, and nothing is black and white in this world, I have met some really fine gay people. But speaking in general it is a more deviant culture.

This speaks volumes about where you're coming from. You're from the Jerry Fallwell chapter..

I guess you bought into the whole teletubbies are gay thing too huh?
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
Well, as a parent send a stronger message to your kids about the values you want instilled in them. The government is not their to parent, and looking at history, when gov'ts enact legislation in which they do act as a parent, they do awful.

i.e., MPAA ratings. Prior to movie ratings and, more recently, video game ratings parents would actually preview movies and video games they allowed their children to see. Now most parents just blindly trust the rating and have absolutely no idea what their kids are watching and/or playing. Thanks Congress!

hey you are preaching to the choir when talking to me on that. and I am mostly hands off from the government as you are. But there comes a point, first you have to answer the question, is there a homosexual agenda in motion. I believe yes. If I am correct, as much as I am against government, sitting idly by while their agenda is proactively acted on is trouble for us. Hands off is great, until you have an underground enemy trying to destroy your way of life. Every state that has posed a referendum to ban gay marriage has been overwhelmingly successful in favor of outlawing it. But these judges(agenda) seem to keep overruling the people. Maybe becuase the homosexual movement has been proactive? yes. every action has a consequence, and even in-action(the silent majority in this country) produces consequnces.
My theory is that all serious homophobes are afraid of their own confusion.

"If we don't outlaw it, how am I going to resist those muscular studs?"
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
hey you are preaching to the choir when talking to me on that. and I am mostly hands off from the government as you are. But there comes a point, first you have to answer the question, is there a homosexual agenda in motion. I believe yes. If I am correct, as much as I am against government, sitting idly by while their agenda is proactively acted on is trouble for us. Hands off is great, until you have an underground enemy trying to destroy your way of life. Every state that has posed a referendum to ban gay marriage has been overwhelmingly successful in favor of outlawing it. But these judges(agenda) seem to keep overruling the people. Maybe becuase the homosexual movement has been proactive? yes. every action has a consequence, and even in-action(the silent majority in this country) produces consequnces.

There is not a homosexual movement. This was a trick that Karl Rove pulled out of his hat around election time. If it seems like a movement to you, thank your President. The Gays around the world were going about their lives until the politicians started attacking them and using them for their own political gain.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
But these judges(agenda) seem to keep overruling the people.

I'll never be confused with an ACLU member, but Judges are supposed to interpret the law, not the will of the people.
(vader @ Jul 25 said:
My theory is that all serious homophobes are afraid of their own confusion.

"If we don't outlaw it, how am I going to resist those muscular studs?"

wow, you are so itelligent vader, bark up another tree. Married to a gorgreous woman here and she knows how I feel about her :D

Sorry, I don't sit like a bump on a log as you do and dribble out comments such as you just did that have been created by the homosexuals.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
wow, you are so itelligent vader, bark up another tree. Married to a gorgreous woman here and she knows how I feel about her :D

Sorry, I don't sit like a bump on a log as you do and dribble out comments such as you just did that have been created by the homosexuals.

There are a lot of gay people who are married to someone of the opposite sex.
(GAVol @ Jul 25 said:
I'll never be confused with an ACLU member, but Judges are supposed to interpret the law, not the will of the people.

they are not interpreting it, they are legislating from the bench.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
There is not a homosexual movement. This was a trick that Karl Rove pulled out of his hat around election time. If it seems like a movement to you, thank your President. The Gays around the world were going about their lives until the politicians started attacking them and using them for their own political gain.

no movement huh, so who started crying about not being able to get married. why do books show up in elementary schools with titles like My Two Dads. You are foolish and blind. I have never read or listened to any speech by Karl Rove.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
they are not interpreting it, they are legislating from the bench.

Agreed . . . but I was reacting to your assertion that judges are ruling against "the people". "The people" can remedy that by voting for the people who appoint the judges, but judges should never make decisions based on popular opinion.
just a quick stat. from a Journal of Sex report on gay mens activities.

24% have had over 100 partners
43% have had over 500 partners
28% have had over 1000 partners.

AIDS is really the symptom, the real disease is homosexualtiy, why do we not do research to solve this disease?
(GAVol @ Jul 25 said:
Agreed . . . but I was reacting to your assertion that judges are ruling against "the people". "The people" can remedy that by voting for the people who appoint the judges, but judges should never make decisions based on popular opinion.

you are correct on that.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
is there a homosexual agenda in motion. I believe yes.

There was no homosexual agenda prior to the 2004 election. I hate to admit that, but, it is true. The GOP in all its glory decided to make homosexuality an issue and achieved victory. I am still unsure why they needed it...only 1 state in 50 was there any question (Massachusetts.)

Same goes with immigration, there was no issue until some of our bright Rep's decided we had a problem. At that point, illegal immigrants began marching in the street and demanding citizenship (prior to that they just wanted to work and send money back to Mexico.)

My big problem with the Bush administration is that he does not fight back enough. Therefore, he gets nailed nationally for the Iraq War, Katrina, oil prices (somehow his fault???,) etc. To win votes back, the GOP jumps onto issues like Gay Marriage and immigration.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
no movement huh, so who started crying about not being able to get married. why do books show up in elementary schools with titles like My Two Dads. You are foolish and blind. I have never read or listened to any speech by Karl Rove.

Send your kids to private schools.

In fact, let your elected officials know that you do not favor public education. That you do not want your tax dollars being used as such. Enough people bark up that tree, the gov't stops public education, should also lower taxes, too. And, you send your kids to the school of your choice.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
There was no homosexual agenda prior to the 2004 election. I hate to admit that, but, it is true. The GOP in all its glory decided to make homosexuality an issue and achieved victory. I am still unsure why they needed it...only 1 state in 50 was there any question (Massachusetts.)

Same goes with immigration, there was no issue until some of our bright Rep's decided we had a problem. At that point, illegal immigrants began marching in the street and demanding citizenship (prior to that they just wanted to work and send money back to Mexico.)

My big problem with the Bush administration is that he does not fight back enough. Therefore, he gets nailed nationally for the Iraq War, Katrina, oil prices (somehow his fault???,) etc. To win votes back, the GOP jumps onto issues like Gay Marriage and immigration.

no agenda, then as i said, how does pro gay teaching end up in schools, this happened long before 2004. It didn't just accidentally fall in place.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
just a quick stat. from a Journal of Sex report on gay mens activities.

24% have had over 100 partners
43% have had over 500 partners
28% have had over 1000 partners.

AIDS is really the symptom, the real disease is homosexualtiy, why do we not do research to solve this disease?

Do you believe it is a choice or just how someone is born?
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
Send your kids to private schools.

In fact, let your elected officials know that you do not favor public education. That you do not want your tax dollars being used as such. Enough people bark up that tree, the gov't stops public education, should also lower taxes, too. And, you send your kids to the school of your choice.
my kids education will be taken care of by me and their mother no doubt, but that does not solve the problem of the millions of other kids that are fed an agenda in public schools and will coexist in this country with mine.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
my kids education will be taken care of by me and their mother no doubt, but that does not solve the problem of the millions of other kids that are fed an agenda in public schools and will coexist in this country with mine.

Not your kids, not your problem.
(vader @ Jul 25 said:
Do you believe it is a choice or just how someone is born?

can say I am not sure. I can see where some may be genetic or some may be from environment. either way, why would we not choose to try and solve a problem. If it is from birth, what other diseases that orginate from birth do we just throw our hands up and say, thats just the way it is.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
Not your kids, not your problem.

well thats where we diagree. A society is either getting better or worse, it does not stay level. It is my problem since I have kids that will inherit my country.
(vader @ Jul 25 said:
Do you believe it is a choice or just how someone is born?

I might get berated for this, so everyone just hear me out. I believe that sexual orientation (whether straight or gay) is a subconscious choice. The only evidence I have for this, happens to be that empirical data has proven that people are attracted to people who in one way or another remind them of someone they have a lifetime bond with (mother, sister, family friend, aunt, etc.) So, if one is attracted to people that somehow relates to their previous life experiences, then isn't that who you are more sexually oriented too (i.e. maybe a person is more oriented towards brunettes with large smiles because his mom and sister are that way, or a person could be more oriented to a person with a quirkier sense of humor, etc.) Therefore, I feel ultimately, your environment shapes your sexual orientation.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
can say I am not sure. I can see where some may be genetic or some may be from environment. either way, why would we not choose to try and solve a problem. If it is from birth, what other diseases that orginate from birth do we just throw our hands up and say, thats just the way it is.

I would guess that homosexuals would find your characterization of their condition as a disease offensive.

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