I believe there is a homosexual agenda. I, however, feel it is only a symptom of a bigger problem in America today. There is a lack of family values across America today. There used to be a large enough Federal Tax Credit back in the '50s and '60s for single income earning families (i.e., mom is a housewife) that only one of the spouse's had to work ($35,000 in todays dollars.) However, the Federal Gov't in all its wisdom, let 30 years pass without adjusting that figure for inflation...forcing dual income families in lower income households. Families rarely eat dinner at a table these days, most of the time they spend dinner in front of 1 or more TVs. There is a void in much of our youth. Most social movements attract youth that need something extra in their life. So, as time has gone on, homosexuality and any movements associated with it have grown. It has grown, because where my theory of orientation stated that one orients themselves to fond familiar images and attributes, these images and attributes have been replaced by TV personalities, characters, etc. The solution is not in banning gay marriage, the solution is in turning the TV off and getting to know your children.