Should Churches Pay Taxes?

(GAVol @ Jul 25 said:
Even though I disagree with it, his thought makes plenty of sense. Churches do a lot of things now that they would have never considered doing just a few years ago. The line between "for profit" and "not for profit" is getting more blurry by the minute.

i prefaced it with legitimate churches, he referenced other businesses, implying churches are businesses. they are not.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
i prefaced it with legitimate churches, he referenced other businesses, implying churches are businesses. they are not.

Believe that if you want, but trust me there are tons of churches that are operated just like a business.
(GAVol @ Jul 25 said:
Believe that if you want, but trust me there are tons of churches that are operated just like a business.

for the 3RD TIME, I prefaced it with legitimate churches.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
for the 3RD TIME, I prefaced it with legitimate churches.

...and for the 3rd time I'll tell you that there are numerous legitimate churches that are operated like a business due to their fundraising activities, marketing, etc. A lot of them are churches, entertainment centers, lobbying firms etc all at the same time.
(GAVol @ Jul 25 said:
...and for the 3rd time I'll tell you that there are numerous legitimate churches that are operated like a business due to their fundraising activities, marketing, etc. A lot of them are churches, entertainment centers, lobbying firms etc all at the same time.

my point being, if they are doing that I am not grouping them in the legitimate church category that should not pay taxes.
(allvol123 @ Jul 25 said:
my point being, if they are doing that I am not grouping them in the legitimate church category that should not pay taxes.

I know what you're saying . . . The problem is that with evoloving worship styles and ministries, it's really hard to tell the difference sometimes.

But like I said earlier, what politician in his right mind is going to go on record scrutinizing the tax status of churches?
If Ping Pong and Poker make bad TV, then the dart throwing matches I've been seeing lately must be doomed to fail.

Why don't they just start ESPN-B and just show exclusive programming of games that can be played in a bar???
(GAVol @ Jul 25 said:
If Ping Pong and Poker make bad TV, then the dart throwing matches I've been seeing lately must be doomed to fail.

Why don't they just start ESPN-B and just show exclusive programming of games that can be played in a bar???

amen. I want to shoot my tv when that garbage comes on.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
This speaks volumes about where you're coming from. You're from the Jerry Fallwell chapter..

I guess you bought into the whole teletubbies are gay thing too huh?
So you wouldn't care if those things were legalized??
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
I might get berated for this, so everyone just hear me out. I believe that sexual orientation (whether straight or gay) is a subconscious choice. The only evidence I have for this, happens to be that empirical data has proven that people are attracted to people who in one way or another remind them of someone they have a lifetime bond with (mother, sister, family friend, aunt, etc.) So, if one is attracted to people that somehow relates to their previous life experiences, then isn't that who you are more sexually oriented too (i.e. maybe a person is more oriented towards brunettes with large smiles because his mom and sister are that way, or a person could be more oriented to a person with a quirkier sense of humor, etc.) Therefore, I feel ultimately, your environment shapes your sexual orientation.
I actually kind of agree with you. Thats scary.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
I'm a recovering alcoholic and I'm not offended by anyone calling it a disease, because it's just that....a disease. There is a certain gene that is passed on from you ancestors. Sometimes it skips a generation, sometimes others replace it with other things like work or religion.

However, I don't appreciate you lumping alcoholics in with thieves and the unemployed and whatever else. You have a lot to learn.
So an alcoholic inherits the problem from their ancestors. I don't know about that one.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
So an alcoholic inherits the problem from their ancestors. I don't know about that one.

Yep, most addiction is hereditary.
Just about a year ago, they identified a critical gene involved in heroin addiction relapse.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
Just about a year ago, they identified a critical gene involved in heroin addiction relapse.

I'm lucky that my grandfather only drank and smoked.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 26 said:
That's true.

When I was learning about it, I didn't buy it at first because my father wasn't an alcoholic and neither was mother, or my gradparents either. But the more we delved into it, my father's brother was an alcoholic, his nephew from a different brother was addiction proned etc etc...

The most interesting thing I found out about it is that some have this gene and replace it with work, food, sex, religion, or whatever else floats their boat. Then things started making a lot of sense.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 26 said:
I'm lucky that my grandfather only drank and smoked.

Yeah, I'm glad I never got involved with any of the hardcore stuff.. I'd probably be dead.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
When I was learning about it, I didn't buy it at first because my father wasn't an alcoholic and neither was mother, or my gradparents either. But the more we delved into it, my father's brother was an alcoholic, his nephew from a different brother was addiction proned etc etc...

The most interesting thing I found out about it is that some have this gene and replace it with work, food, sex, religion, or whatever else floats their boat. Then things started making a lot of sense.

I didn't replace drinking with anything, but I did add sex.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 26 said:
I didn't replace drinking with anything, but I did add sex.

:lol: I think you're going the wrong way. You probably shouldn't add things to your list.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
I'm a recovering alcoholic and I'm not offended by anyone calling it a disease, because it's just that....a disease. There is a certain gene that is passed on from you ancestors. Sometimes it skips a generation, sometimes others replace it with other things like work or religion.

However, I don't appreciate you lumping alcoholics in with thieves and the unemployed and whatever else. You have a lot to learn.

none of us are passed along with a perfect set of genes. I do not consider it a disease, a disorder perhaps, but a not a disease.
(allvol123 @ Jul 26 said:
none of us are passed along with a perfect set of genes. I do not consider it a disease, a disorder perhaps, but a not a disease.
I understand the fact that a person can be more likely to drink and become an alcoholic if they are raised around it. I just don't see how OWB can say it is hereditary. You have to actually drink to have any chance of becoming an alcoholic. Your not born with the alcohol gene. I agree with all vol when he says that it is a disorder not a disease.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:
I understand the fact that a person can be more likely to drink and become an alcoholic if they are raised around it. I just don't see how OWB can say it is hereditary. You have to actually drink to have any chance of becoming an alcoholic. Your not born with the alcohol gene. I agree with all vol when he says that it is a disorder not a disease.

You have to eat to actually become a diabetic...

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