First, this applies to any fan. When you're full of bile and spite, you tend to hold grudges and are blind to any good in the object of the spite.
Second, Crompton was a player under the Kiffin regime. None of the rest of us whether viilifying JC or LK were on the team or being coached. If Crompton says LK was the cause of his improvement, he's in perfect position to know. After all, it was he and not any of us who were there and being coached.
When he says LK has "your" back, he may very well be referring to his UT career. The horrible and disgusting stuff hurled his way completely killed his confidence. This was actually commented on during the Florida game. Even a departing coach told LK to make BJ Coleman the QB. A vote of no confidence if there ever was one. LK stood by JC despite the howls of hateful words and dislike spewed at him by many. He took a QB who was a psychological wreck and patched him together. Made him a better QB than he had ever been previously.
I'm not exactly what you'd call happy to see JC addressing Bama fans on LK. I think LK actually asked JC to do this but no matter, I'm not happy about it. BUT, I got sense enough, and respect enough to understand JC has a right to his opinion just as much as I or anyone else does. It certainly is no reason for me or anyone to get so riled up they practically want to go to war about it. What it does do is make me hope all the more that the Butch Boys skin Bama and use the pelt as a door matte in front of some of those outdoor toilets you see on gameday. Or better yet, cut it into strips for use after you've done your business in one of those johns.