Not disagreeing with you. Just saying if these guys get the talent and still cant coach it up, then cut them loose. Its one thing to put guys into the NFL from a small school in an easy conference. Its another thing to do it against the teams in the SEC. Besides, we have had guys go to the NFL under Dooley but it didnt product wins for us. Those are two different things.
I'm sorry. Didn't mean to come off as defensive. I was just trying to continue the conversation with you. :hi:
I agree. Dooley was a bit snake bit at times but he also didn't help himself with some pretty stupid decisions. I still do not believe he left as bad of a situation to Jones as Kiffin did to him except for the respective conditions of the '10 and '13 recruiting classes when each guy took over. Dooley appears to have quit recruiting no later than sometime around mid-season. I think he'd already determined he was gone by then.