Situation in Venezuela

Excellent! Thanks for sharing those.

Can't help but think about the applicability of Neyland's Maxims to the situation down there, with a few situational edits.
  1. The side that makes the fewest mistakes will win.​
  2. Fight for and make the breaks. When one comes your way—TAKE ADVANTAGE.​
  3. If at first the fight—or the breaks—go against you, don’t let up . . . put on more steam.​
  4. Protect the people, the society, and the nation's future.​
  5. Ball, oskie, cover, block, cut and slice, pursue and gang tackle for this is the WINNING EDGE. <--- Kinda lost here; I'm not sure whether oskie translates to the situation...but cut/slice/pursue/tackle sure do!
  6. Press the kicking game. Here is where the breaks are made. <--- Applicable to tear gas canisters, and Maduro regime members' skulls.
  7. Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for 60 minutes as long as it takes.​
Excellent! Thanks for sharing those.

Can't help but think about the applicability of Neyland's Maxims to the situation down there, with a few situational edits.
  1. The side that makes the fewest mistakes will win.​
  2. Fight for and make the breaks. When one comes your way—TAKE ADVANTAGE.​
  3. If at first the fight—or the breaks—go against you, don’t let up . . . put on more steam.​
  4. Protect the people, the society, and the nation's future.​
  5. Ball, oskie, cover, block, cut and slice, pursue and gang tackle for this is the WINNING EDGE. <--- Kinda lost here; I'm not sure whether oskie translates to the situation...but cut/slice/pursue/tackle sure do!
  6. Press the kicking game. Here is where the breaks are made. <--- Applicable to tear gas canisters, and Maduro regime members' skulls.
  7. Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for 60 minutes as long as it takes.​

Just don’t do a Fulmer squib kick.
That or death. IMO he'll fly off in the next 30 days
Looks like the people are closing in on him. If he wants to live he needs to get out now, like right now. The people have had enough and there are a lot of them. Large crowds like that and accountability flies out the window and often the people's oppressors do too.

When the military and police you depended on throw away their uniforms it's for good reason...... They know there are a lot of people who's loved ones disappeared or rot in a cell.

Just seeing this photo makes me so angry. I am still pissed. If there are shenanigans with the upcoming election, there better be peaceful protests demanding accountability and change at a minimum. Minimum. If not, and another election cannot be trusted due to covered windows, dismissed observers, middle of the night "counting" etc...this Republic is lost. Some say it was lost with the JFK scandal and Warren Commission bullcrap...but I lived through the 80s and 90s and from my perspective at least, the people chose our own leaders and had say in how this country is run. If we allow sham elections, obvious government setups like Jan6th guided tour and pipe bombs planted with zero repercussions or even transparency regarding the guilty...then we live in a Dictatorship/Oligarchy and none of us are actually free.

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