Situation in Venezuela

Are you really this stupid to believe Trump is going to be a dictator? Seriously?

Hmmm... All you have to do is just listen to Donald himself.

Trump’s vow to only be a dictator on ‘day one’ follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric

“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”

Believe Trump When He Says He Won’t Give Up Power

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore,” he told a religious group at a Florida event. “You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”
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Lol. Another take from you.

Guess socialism ain’t so great after all - proven for the 137th time now…

Awesome broseph. Well done.

Go ahead and provide me with your contact info and I'll forward you the necessary forms for you to divest yourself of that nasty, tainted Social Security you currently or will receive in your lifetime.

Make a stand against those federal government socialists destroying your capitalist freedoms!
Hmmm... All you have to do is just listen to Donald himself.

Trump’s vow to only be a dictator on ‘day one’ follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric

“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”

Believe Trump When He Says He Won’t Give Up Power

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore,” he told a religious group at a Florida event. “You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

What do you think those quotes actually say?
Awesome broseph. Well done.

Go ahead and provide me with your contact info and I'll forward you the necessary forms for you to divest yourself of that nasty, tainted Social Security you currently or will receive in your lifetime.

Make a stand against those federal government socialists destroying your capitalist freedoms!
I am interested in those forms.

Please provide link.

This is all I found:
There's no legal way to avoid paying Social Security taxes without applying and receiving approval or becoming a member of a group that's already exempt.

Oh, and this:
Since legislation enacted in 1990, government employees have been permitted to opt out of paying Social Security tax, provided their employer offers a retirement program that at least replicates the retirement benefits an individual would receive from the Social Security program.
Awesome broseph. Well done.

Go ahead and provide me with your contact info and I'll forward you the necessary forms for you to divest yourself of that nasty, tainted Social Security you currently or will receive in your lifetime.

Make a stand against those federal government socialists destroying your capitalist freedoms!
Your statement doesn't make any sense. If we don't have to pay in anymore, I will take you up on your offer immediately.
Awesome broseph. Well done.

Go ahead and provide me with your contact info and I'll forward you the necessary forms for you to divest yourself of that nasty, tainted Social Security you currently or will receive in your lifetime.

Make a stand against those federal government socialists destroying your capitalist freedoms!

Just post the link. I know a lot people that would jump at the opportunity.
Your statement doesn't make any sense. If we don't have to pay in anymore, I will take you up on your offer immediately.
Exactly.. had I gotten mine and been able to invest it, I would have been able to retire at this point.. Republicans tried to bring it up under Bush and I thought it was a fabulous suggestion.. but people are stupid in general and don’t understand money, economics, investing, etc.. they want the safe, you get peanuts route
Awesome broseph. Well done.

Go ahead and provide me with your contact info and I'll forward you the necessary forms for you to divest yourself of that nasty, tainted Social Security you currently or will receive in your lifetime.

Make a stand against those federal government socialists destroying your capitalist freedoms!
In case you wonder why folks on here think you are a fool and call you turbomonty, this post is another exhibit. You literally have no idea what you are talking about or were intentionally deceptive as there are pitifully few ways to get out of SSN, but they require being part of another "approved" plan.
Is that even possible....for real?

If is have had the opportunity to do this years ago I could probably have set myself up with a very nice retirement situation.

For the average Joe, no I don't think it's possible but TurboMonty is a highly educated individual so he might know something us peons don't.
Is that even possible....for real?

If is have had the opportunity to do this years ago I could probably have set myself up with a very nice retirement situation.
The only exemptions I saw were for clergy and government employees. I guess the Amish ans Mennonites don't participate either.
Awesome broseph. Well done.

Go ahead and provide me with your contact info and I'll forward you the necessary forms for you to divest yourself of that nasty, tainted Social Security you currently or will receive in your lifetime.

Make a stand against those federal government socialists destroying your capitalist freedoms!
Not at all surprised you’re a fan of the Social Security system here. Fits perfectly.

Please send all requisite forms with the utmost urgency to

I will eagerly await my opportunity to divest all current accruals in lieu of future contributions to the program.

As always, I remain very truly yours,
You have to ask the question "Why does SS exist?" It exist because government, rightfully so, didn't have the confidence people would save for their years after they left the workplace and couldn't/wouldn't generate income. They didn't want to see a bunch of old people homeless and starving.

Years ago, family cared for their elders when they had no means to care for themselves. I don't know the exact numbers but most families consisted of a man, a woman, and some children. The man was the bread winner and the woman managed the home. Life expectancy was shorter too. As the family aged the children assisted in taking care of their parents.

My point is the government felt the need to take over this responsibility and implemented a "retirement" plan. Problem is, as government usually does, they effed it up.

They could have just put money away toward an individual. Let It sit there growing in an interest bearing account for 40-50 years and the individual would be set for retirement. But then they would have had the problem of what to do with the non-contributors. So they took the funds from a contributor and gave it to a non-contributor. Thus we have the system we have.

Note to young people:

If your company has a company match 401K, max it out. It's free money. You're making money regardless of the stock market performance.

Open a brokerage account and contribute daily. Forego the Starbucks. Make a sammich instead of going to Chick-fil-A. Contribute those funds. It easily done with an app. Robinhood is one of the easiest. Leave it and don't touch it.

Open a Roth account and max it out annually if possible. Take the funds from your Robinhood account and dump them in at the end of the year. (I don't know if you can directly set up a Roth in Robinhood.)

Don't rely on the government, ever to take care of you.
You have to ask the question "Why does SS exist?" It exist because government, rightfully so, didn't have the confidence people would save for their years after they left the workplace and couldn't/wouldn't generate income. They didn't want to see a bunch of old people homeless and starving.

Years ago, family cared for their elders when they had no means to care for themselves. I don't know the exact numbers but most families consisted of a man, a woman, and some children. The man was the bread winner and the woman managed the home. Life expectancy was shorter too. As the family aged the children assisted in taking care of their parents.

My point is the government felt the need to take over this responsibility and implemented a "retirement" plan. Problem is, as government usually does, they effed it up.

They could have just put money away toward an individual. Let It sit there growing in an interest bearing account for 40-50 years and the individual would be set for retirement. But then they would have had the problem of what to do with the non-contributors. So they took the funds from a contributor and gave it to a non-contributor. Thus we have the system we have.

Note to young people:

If your company has a company match 401K, max it out. It's free money. You're making money regardless of the stock market performance.

Open a brokerage account and contribute daily. Forego the Starbucks. Make a sammich instead of going to Chick-fil-A. Contribute those funds. It easily done with an app. Robinhood is one of the easiest. Leave it and don't touch it.

Open a Roth account and max it out annually if possible. Take the funds from your Robinhood account and dump them in at the end of the year. (I don't know if you can directly set up a Roth in Robinhood.)

Don't rely on the government, ever to take care of you.
I do the max allowed to get the biggest 401k match I can, and the rest of the savings my wife and I have goes into real estate with some cash for an emergency. We're planning for utility and independence.
Not at all surprised you’re a fan of the Social Security system here. Fits perfectly.

Please send all requisite forms with the utmost urgency to

I will eagerly await my opportunity to divest all current accruals in lieu of future contributions to the program.

As always, I remain very truly yours,
Lol...SugarBalls. I seent it.

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