Neither of us was in on the negotiation, obviously, but I believe that CBJ was financially "forced" to bring his staff as there was only a $3mil allowance and he could not assemble superstars for that kind of cash.
And if the UT coach is not really handcuffed by admin, why did Charlie Strong turn down the $4mil offer from UT? Traditional SEC power, largest recruiting budget in the country, one of the largest stadiums, etc etc. There had to be some pretty powerful negatives in play to pass that up for Louisville.
You were correct in presuming that I wasn't in on any negotiation with Saban/Bama. That is all speculation based on media reports. Similarly, none of us were involved in on any negotiation with Strong/UT. It would be no less incorrect to start drawing conclusions from that sort of speculation. In my experience, it is very dangerous to start presuming that what we as fans find important about a coaching job are also as important to coaching candidates. It is a business, and the candidates passions might lie in other things. Frankly, if the 4$ million dollar figure is correct, Strong isn't worth that kind of money for UT (not in my opinion).
That being said, I can no more tell you why 4 million dollars wouldn't entice Strong away from Louisville anymore than I can tell you why Saban might turn away 10$ million a year from Texas, presuming those figures and stories are even real. Perhaps it was that he feels loyal to the first AD that gave him a job when others snubbed him, perhaps he and his wife believe that living in Knoxville would be difficult as an interracial couple, perhaps he looked at the current situation and knew it would take longer than three years to rebuild it correctly, and didn't want his coaching career cut short and his reputation killed because he thought the job was too difficult, maybe he is holding out for another specific job? Who knows why besides him and perhaps Dave Hart? Maybe the 300k difference between the supposed 4 million figure and what Louisville raised his salary to wasn't a big enough bump to be worth starting over?
Let's back away from speculation for a moment. What we really don't know is how much Strong was really offered, or how much money was discussed for assistants. We don't know that, and we don't know how much Butch was given in the same discussion. We have devolved to conjecturing on conjecture. It is public record how much Butch is paid and how much his assistants are paid, so we do know that. That doesn't mean that they were paid everything that was available to pay them. To extrapolate out from what this coaching staff is paid to saying that is all that any coaching staff
could be paid by the UT administration is a huge leap in logic that I am not comfortable making, or believing.
As I said, what I
believe is that Butch wanted to bring his assistants. This is conjecture based on my reading of the tea leaves and by putting myself in his shoes. If many of his assistants have been with him from the beginning, and he has had success, why would he dump them now? It seems logical to presume that he would want his coaching team with him, instead of jumping into a new job with real problems, and also learning/teaching a new staff. If I was him, knowing that there are some financial concerns at UT, I would make I offered "my team" enough to make coming with me beneficial to them, but would purposefully leave money on the table and assure them that when we get things turned around, we will all get substantial pay increases, that perhaps not being too greedy in this situation buys us a little more time. That seems the most pragmatic and logical conclusion to me.