So glad we passed on Tajh Boyd

Next year may be better than people think.

The freshman coming on are going to fill a lot of starter and two deep positions and while they will be young a lot of them are going to be damn good.

Well, the problem will be youth mistakes. The talent will be there, but the OL is going to have issues. If they get some good QB play they could sneak up on some folks. 2015 is going to be the year that will tell the tale of Butch Jones.
WE (w-e) didn't pass on anything.

Us Vol fans simply watched Kiffin tell Boyd he was no longer wanted in favor of Simms and WE (w-e) as Vol fans had to deal with it.

WE are now hoping to God our current coach turns it around so there will be no more WE threads anymore.

Side note....Kiffin is a moron.

Should VOL fans be able allowed to wear "We are Tennessee" shirts?
I don't think our line is badass.

They are great at pass protection but lack the nastiness to run the ball.

Just my two cents.

Well, keeping him upright so he could get it to Hunter and Patterson still made him look better.

That said, if Hurd or someone with the talent level was in the backfield this year, the running game would look a lot better.
Had a sad moment tonight watching the Clemson game with my 8 year old son. The announcers mentioned Clemson being number 3.

Him: "Dad, how far down do the rankings go?"

Me: "They usually just talk about the top 25"

Him: "Has Tennessee ever been in that?"


Talk about a gut punch. It hurts when you think how long it has been since we were any good.
Should VOL fans be able allowed to wear "We are Tennessee" shirts?

I root for TN.

I cheer for TN when we are getting are asses handed too us.

I sit there as my wife of 10 years walks by and I tell her I swear to God we used to kill people like this and she looks at me and just rolls her eyes like sure honey.

I still will Orange atleast once a week and sometimes more...Proudly.

I am TN.


This **** crap we are in right now had nothing to do with me.
Sorry for clogging up the board with a meaningless thought. You may all now return to discussing the color of our uniforms, what you will be drinking on Saturday, and how we should start a true freshman in the Swamp. Carry on.

The heck with all that mess...more pics of Florida girls!
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They were underwhelming in pass protection last weekend too. Like they'd never seen a stunt before.

how many times did Worley actually go down? Face it, the oline isn't going to look great blocking for the run when other teams are stacking the box and daring you to pass. They aren't going to look good when the quarterback ****s himself if he even gets a whiff of pressure, either.

You can blame almost everything on the sheer incompetence of Worley
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The pity party on this board sucks. And I know, because I participate in it.

This fanbase needs something good to happen in the worst possible way. I would give just about anything if Tennessee could beat Florida this weekend, just so people can feel nice about Vols football for more than five minutes.
Had a sad moment tonight watching the Clemson game with my 8 year old son. The announcers mentioned Clemson being number 3.

Him: "Dad, how far down do the rankings go?"

Me: "They usually just talk about the top 25"

Him: "Has Tennessee ever been in that?"


I only laughed to hide the tears.
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Sorry for clogging up the board with a meaningless thought. You may all now return to discussing the color of our uniforms, what you will be drinking on Saturday, and how we should start a true freshman in the Swamp. Carry on.

Thanks for the apology and misleading thread title dr.
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