So how do you feel after the game?

Peterman stares a hole in his receivers and never scans the field. That will instantly lead to picks against an Alabama or Florida defense..
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This n Peterman needs to get his passes up because he had many knocked down today. His release seemed to be slow also reminded me of Simms but with better legs.

So many fans want a running qb n I'm telling u unless they can pass also we will stink.

I agree, many many passes from Peterman that were YARDS shy of their target, bouncing off the grass to the WR or 10 feet above their heads. Lots of time to get better though :)
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I feel both of our QB's have a long way to go, but I think one of them can get us to a good place before the start of next season.

Worst case scenario is one of the incoming freshmen show them up and get the starting job.

Don't be surprised if it happens.
Coach Jones isn't happy in the presser. He is going to put the freshmen to work = Hurd and Hill on the same field. :good!:

For the record, I Liked the receivers.
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I'm sorry maybe some people on here saw something I didn't, but how in the world did anyone gather that Peterman looked better than Worley? I felt like it took a really long time before Peterman was able to even get anything going. I agree Worley's interception was a bad decision, but other than that I thought he had a pretty solid performance.

Because he looked better than Worley. Worley missed a lot of open receivers, mostly throwing the ball high.
The defense looked improved to me. The offense really needs A big playmaker at reciever or running back. They don't have one at the moment. What will make or break the Vols this year will be if they can run the ball or not.

Any defense would have looked good against what they showed us on offense today.
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Although I wasn't able to attend the game, this is an encouraging quote:

"Coach Jones has just established an environment where football is fun for us," defensive lineman Jacques Smith said. "It's no longer like a job or just something that you must do, where you come to work just to get put down. He's boosted our confidence. He's made it fun again."

To say that DD didn't exactly inspire confidence in his players would be stating the obvious. But....yeah.

Players should definitely enjoy what they do, but if Mr. Smith has any aspirations for playing beyond this year, he might want to adjust his perspective.

I think Butch Jones is gonna bring you guys back, and he seems to be doing some great things so far. For yall's sake I wish that Dobbs and Ferguson has enrolled early, just to see where they stand.:toast:
Defense will be better (can't get any worse) and our offense may very well be defensive....we'll struggle to score points...expect 4-5 wins max (possibly less)
I'm afraid my beloved Vols are indeed the Vowels for time, I do beleive we will one day be proud of the Big Orange once again
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I was there and I thought Peterman looked rough at first, but to me he played better than Worley as the game went on and he especially looked good when the first line was with him. Those plays they called him in the grass he would have broke them and he had a nice deep ball. Worley looked terrible in the second half.
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Alden Hill looked big and physical

cody blanc had a nice catch and run. pig and devrin had decent games but other than that our passing game looked terrible. we need some wr's to get healthy and freshman to come in and contribute to have any chance at being good on O

run game will be aight, esp when we get Tiny back. Neal was running more downhill today and that's encouraging.
First thought walking back to the car at halftime...

It's going to be a LONG season again.

We just don't have the playmakers that we need in this offense, and the defense can't stay out on the field all game again. I know that's not Jones' fault, and he's trying to remedy that in recruiting. That being said, I don't expect a bowl this year.

Real Vol fans don't leave at halftime, then criticize the people they ditched
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First of all, trying to make a prediction about the season based on a spring game is difficult for a lot of reasons that most of us know. Two big miracles did occur:
1. Palarady made a 52 yard field goal
(yes I know he kicked a 50 yarder against
Bama and that was a miracle too
2. J. Smith contained the edge against a
reverse pass.
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Just got back. I really liked what Jones is doing with the program all together. It was hands down the most fun I've had at a spring game. I think it made a statement with the recruits who were visiting as well. Butch is the answer, I'm just sayin'

As far as the talent, players, etc. It was very simple. A lot of read options, screens. Looked like practice. O line looks like they need to adjust somewhat. Vereen is a monster. Very underrated coming out of high school. He should see plenty of time this year.

Defense looks like a 180, still some missed tackles. But overall seemed like a complete new defense. Offense showed they could wear down a defense though.

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves, excited for the season.
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i wasn't there and had to wait for the highlights to be posted bc im in afghanistan, but my dad was messaging me during the whole game and with his input this is my summary:

OFF: Peterman struggled at first but it was with the second team. He started making plays with his feet and a few throws when he was matched with the first team. You can't judge are skill positions on today's performance. Croom and Harris being out hurt. North will have a chance to start day 1. RB's ran hard and downhill. Not trying to bounce everything and outrun anybody (which we know wont happen in the sec). OL looked about as expected without tiny. No worryies there.

DEF: looked improved. Nothing special, but they didn't look completely lost. Granted i know the offense didn't show too much. Missed a few tackles. Good to see randolph out there making plays. McCullers too! Verreen will be a good 4 year player.

No unrealistic season predictions because its spring football!! As fans we got spoiled for the past 3 years with Tyler's arm ability to stretch the field. (albeit was with alot of headscratching throws at times) We will not see anything near that from any of these QB's with downfield throws. We've also been spoiled with our WR play in past years. We have talent people. Its just going to take time to develop. If people have forgotten Da'Rick and Hunter didn't start their freshman year. Hunter was the number 3/4 wr and played alot in the slot and rogers barely saw the field except for special teams. Its going to be rough but to say we will suck is JUST DUMB. We still have talent its just young.

As far as the scoring system goes: Butch wanted to play a "real" football game as some poster put it earlier but with the injuries and lack of depth that was just impossible. Hince the OFF vs DEF. How else does a defense compete if you don't give them points for certain plays.
As expected, got a lot of work to do. The new guys coming in will add a few playmakers, hopefully.

I have 0 expectations. Just play hard, is all i can ask. It seems they are going to do just that.
Go Vols!
I didn't care to make this into a poll because I want elaborations, but how does everyone feel? Anyone feel like we're screwed? Anyone feel like we may actually be competitive?

I can definitely say 2 things.... I feel a whole lot better about our defense and a little less optimistic about Peterman (although in his defense, the kid has never stepped foot on a college field, especially not one filled with 60,000+ people, and was probably stroke-level nervous. I'm still willing to give him some time. Showed great flashes)

Worley looked solid.

Neal ran with passion and stood over the DB that was unable to bring him down. Loved what I saw there.

O-Line was beastly.

D-Line was ok, but one must consider the O-Line they were against.

This new offense is extremely successful when using the screen pass it seems.

What looked beastly? The DL was in the backfield all game.
As most everyone has been saying, "We have a looooooooong way to go." Having only 15 practices really hurts teams who are rebuilding. Another advantage for veteran and deep teams.

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