So how do you feel after the game?

Watched online ESPN3 while at work as much as I could:

1. It's a SPRING Scrimmage.....
2. MANY skill players didn't play--Croom, Harris, Tiny, TEs, out...and they ain't gonna show much...
3. Neal looked to be messing with AJ on a long run in the first QTR or first half going north....before he was run out of bounds...HILL looked good to me--needs a little more quickness but am encouraged...
4. Defense looked better than offense by far....but hard to tell...the DL was flying all over the place...
5. D. Sapp looked very good, Vereen, Randolph....
6. TE King looked like he hurt an ankle...

Can't really tell a lot from this scrimmage...It's spring and I wouldn't get my hopes too high or too low...But, it is obvious that we will need to RUN THE BALL and use the threat of a pass to keep 'em honest...Liked the tempo...think it will help us if Defense is better this fall.....I still predict a 7 or 8 win season. :salute:
Everybody needs to lose the Chaney gunslinging pass happy mentality. We are going to run the ball way more this year. We're going to run to set up the pass. Unlike last year where we did it backwards. I wouldn't be so quick to call this offense garbage. We didn't have 2 of our big target wrs or Lane. I'm not too worried.
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I think I love how they had the orange team wear all orange and the white team wear all white. It's about time.

Otherwise, it was a glorified scrimmage, just like always. Except a lot more fans.
Let me preface all of this by agreeing - it was just a scrimmage.

I don't think we got an accurate picture of the offense today with all of the WRs out and the QBs not being live. I would have to tip my hat to Peterman on overall performance from the QB position. He was playing with the twos except for the last drive which, I believe, would have finished with a TD but it looked as if Bowles might have ran the wrong route... Also, did anyone notice it took forever to get the plays in? Up-tempo offense? Where? "It's early, it's early" I know. Just that, coupled with the no-contact on the QBs made it a little frustrating to watch today.

130 more days!
Didn't get to see enough had to work. I did see enough to see the defense flying to the ball which is a good sign any defense at all will be better than what Dooley and Sunseri had on the field last year. The offense is probably going to struggle with the lack of receivers but i thought Neal ran hard and that the line is capable of opening up some holes. I am cautiously optimistic about a bowl birth this year. We play in the toughest conference in the nation and most of those teams are three and four deep at every position, so its not gonna happen overnite. We need to have patience but i think Butch is the man for the job. I was extremely heartened to see so many former vols at the game it would have been really nice if Sir Peyton could have taken the time to be there.
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Real Vol fans expect to not see the scoreboard read 95-71, like a blowout NBA game. Take your real fan shiz and shove it where the sun don't shine.

I'm not sure what you expected. It's a scrimmage. Most teams score their games in a similar fashion. I'm not gonna call out your fanship, but I'll bet you my life that I wouldn't have left at halftime. It sounds like it was a heck of a party.
I didn't care to make this into a poll because I want elaborations, but how does everyone feel? Anyone feel like we're screwed? Anyone feel like we may actually be competitive?

I can definitely say 2 things.... I feel a whole lot better about our defense and a little less optimistic about Peterman (although in his defense, the kid has never stepped foot on a college field, especially not one filled with 60,000+ people, and was probably stroke-level nervous. I'm still willing to give him some time. Showed great flashes)

Worley looked solid.

Neal ran with passion and stood over the DB that was unable to bring him down. Loved what I saw there.

O-Line was beastly.

D-Line was ok, but one must consider the O-Line they were against.

This new offense is extremely successful when using the screen pass it seems.

ah, the screen. I think chaney called one of those once...
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Felt peterman was the better QB today , thought he looked a little stronger and could have made some big plays with out the red jersey IMO

peterman looked shaky at times but that is because he was rushed. Many of the sacks were 1 hand touches. Peterman on 2 occasions could have ran for 20+. Worley looked better throwing the ball but still, like Peterman, tried to much with ball. I will not judge QB's until they get better WR. Blanc, Pig, DY were only good WR's out there. Bowles disappointed me. Thought he would be huge.

DLine looked quick on edges and I think interior without McCullers is weak. Corners are improved, especially one Riyad gets back. Coleman looked to break on passes quicker and Gray looked good as well. Naz is a sure tackler. Brian Randolph is a difference maker. We needed him last year. Could be the strong point on defense.

Well, Palardy looked good....but it is spring....hopefully fresh start and new coaches helps that brain out.

Overall.........still think we are 8-4....maybe 9-3....but with bad breaks to hurt our psychy.....we could be 7-5.

Great crowd, great atmosphere. Go Vols!
I think were a lot better than last year how many wins that will mean with our tough schedule will be determined.
Someone posted if this team played Alabama we would lose by 40.I was watching Bama for awhile on espn,they didn't impress,and Saban was mad.So it's too early to judge.:stop
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I'm sorry maybe some people on here saw something I didn't, but how in the world did anyone gather that Peterman looked better than Worley? I felt like it took a really long time before Peterman was able to even get anything going. I agree Worley's interception was a bad decision, but other than that I thought he had a pretty solid performance.
I just don't think anyone can get anything from this scrimmage. We're talking about how bad the offense is but we had a 10 year old boy and Martin from Duck Dynasty calling plays. We may want to hold off a little before we declare them dead.
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the only thing i have ever tried to pay attention to in a spring game are who sticks out from the others as an athlete.

you can tell which guys get to the ball quicker, which guys seem more powerful when they hit somebody, which guys are dangerous with the ball in their hands, which guys can make a play on a 50-50 ball, which guys look faster than everyone else on the field, etc, etc, etc.

i primarily look for that with young players, because i've seen the other guys in game situations.

everything else is pretty difficult to determine in a spring scrimmage
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I just don't think anyone can get anything from this scrimmage. We're talking about how bad the offense is but we had a 10 year old boy and Martin from Duck Dynasty calling plays. We may want to hold off a little before we declare them dead.

Martin's play actually worked.......
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