So how do you feel after the game?

I liked what I saw from the defense, for the most part. It's looking like we'll have a solid rotation on the DL and the secondary looked better than we saw last.

The offense was difficult to read. They looked rough, but players were out and things were very basic. I swear the coaches used the same 8 plays as were on that card fans called played from.

I have a feeling the offense will look a little better when we've got our guys back healthy and we've added in some wrinkles to the offense.

I will say though that after the QB performances I saw, I won't be surprised if Dobbs or Ferguson comes in and wins the job in the summer or fall.
the only thing i have ever tried to pay attention to in a spring game are who sticks out from the others as an athlete.

you can tell which guys get to the ball quicker, which guys seem more powerful when they hit somebody, which guys are dangerous with the ball in their hands, which guys can make a play on a 50-50 ball, which guys look faster than everyone else on the field, etc, etc, etc.

i primarily look for that with young players, because i've seen the other guys in game situations.

everything else is pretty difficult to determine in a spring scrimmage

This is why I think Vereen and Randolph will be studs on our defense next year. Those guys were everywhere yesterday.
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Jones wasn't telling them to stop calling penalties. One delay of game happened because they didn't reset the game clock. The other because they were having a fan call the play and the ref didn't know.

I kept hoping that CBJ would stop asking fans to call plays, and ask if any of them could play QB.
I just don't think anyone can get anything from this scrimmage. We're talking about how bad the offense is but we had a 10 year old boy and Martin from Duck Dynasty calling plays. We may want to hold off a little before we declare them dead.[/QUOT]

Obvious CBJ was so Upset with his OC that he was trying to find a fan out of the stands to replace him.
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Real Vol fans expect to not see the scoreboard read 95-71, like a blowout NBA game. Take your real fan shiz and shove it where the sun don't shine.

If one knew nothing about the game or the scoring system implemented, it would be easy to see the score and jump to the conclusion that Dooley and Sal had somehow wormed their way back into the locker room.
atleast we showed some signs that we can get to the ball on defence dont worry this game is like a glorified practice they only run a few basic plays on offence and deffence give butch time and get ready for some football in tn
I didn't know there was a game being played today, I thought it was a scrimmage, to which 99% of the people watching had no clue how the scoring system worked. I would have rather seen a true football game, than what they tried to pull off today.
Actually they handed out the scoring system and stated over the intercom.
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A bunch of ya'll aren't taking the O&W game in full respect.. Here's my $.02

1. Only a handful of plays were used for this game; the tempo will be faster in actual games
2. A lot of players were injured, I think the offense will be a helluva lot better than what we saw today. Croom, North, and Pig together will be dangerous for other teams in my opinion.
3. Worley > Peterman. They both left something to be desired, but Peterman looked too eager to run the ball.
4. Hill looked good! I love the kid and I hope he gets a good amount of snaps in the upcoming season. Our running game will be very good this year, this system is perfect for Lane especially
5. Defense looked very good, although I'm trying to take it into perspective with the offense they faced. Tackling looked much improved and loved seeing Randolph out there. He'll be great this year.
6. Punting needs to get better..and I'll believe Palardy has improved once I see him in an actual game.
I agree, many many passes from Peterman that were YARDS shy of their target, bouncing off the grass to the WR or 10 feet above their heads. Lots of time to get better though :)
There's no timing right now. They have the basics of the offense and will put it together during summer work outs. The playmakers are on their way.
A bunch of ya'll aren't taking the O&W game in full respect.. Here's my $.02

1. Only a handful of plays were used for this game; the tempo will be faster in actual games
2. A lot of players were injured, I think the offense will be a helluva lot better than what we saw today. Croom, North, and Pig together will be dangerous for other teams in my opinion.
3. Worley > Peterman. They both left something to be desired, but Peterman looked too eager to run the ball.
4. Hill looked good! I love the kid and I hope he gets a good amount of snaps in the upcoming season. Our running game will be very good this year, this system is perfect for Lane especially
5. Defense looked very good, although I'm trying to take it into perspective with the offense they faced. Tackling looked much improved and loved seeing Randolph out there. He'll be great this year.
6. Punting needs to get better..and I'll believe Palardy has improved once I see him in an actual game.

These are pretty much my thoughts on it too. I'm
Not expecting a spectacular season, but I am expecting a disciplined team that is capable of at least competing. If the 2015 class is as good as the 14 class is capable of being, then I think we are back competing for SEC championships in 2-3 years. I'm pretty optimistic based on EVERYTHING as a whole.
i wasn't there and had to wait for the highlights to be posted bc im in afghanistan, but my dad was messaging me during the whole game and with his input this is my summary:

OFF: Peterman struggled at first but it was with the second team. He started making plays with his feet and a few throws when he was matched with the first team. You can't judge are skill positions on today's performance. Croom and Harris being out hurt. North will have a chance to start day 1. RB's ran hard and downhill. Not trying to bounce everything and outrun anybody (which we know wont happen in the sec). OL looked about as expected without tiny. No worryies there.

DEF: looked improved. Nothing special, but they didn't look completely lost. Granted i know the offense didn't show too much. Missed a few tackles. Good to see randolph out there making plays. McCullers too! Verreen will be a good 4 year player.

No unrealistic season predictions because its spring football!! As fans we got spoiled for the past 3 years with Tyler's arm ability to stretch the field. (albeit was with alot of headscratching throws at times) We will not see anything near that from any of these QB's with downfield throws. We've also been spoiled with our WR play in past years. We have talent people. Its just going to take time to develop. If people have forgotten Da'Rick and Hunter didn't start their freshman year. Hunter was the number 3/4 wr and played alot in the slot and rogers barely saw the field except for special teams. Its going to be rough but to say we will suck is JUST DUMB. We still have talent its just young.

As far as the scoring system goes: Butch wanted to play a "real" football game as some poster put it earlier but with the injuries and lack of depth that was just impossible. Hince the OFF vs DEF. How else does a defense compete if you don't give them points for certain plays.

Amen. This team will be just fine as long as they take the summer serious. From a QB perspective I do think we need a little more mobile quarterback to move around the pocket. Defensively don't be surprised if the Dline is much improved. We've got talent.
Everybody needs to lose the Chaney gunslinging pass happy mentality. We are going to run the ball way more this year. We're going to run to set up the pass. Unlike last year where we did it backwards. I wouldn't be so quick to call this offense garbage. We didn't have 2 of our big target wrs or Lane. I'm not too worried.

Same here. This will be a decent team. We have enough serviceable backs to pound the rock and run a fee screens. The receivers out are playmakers. This defensive staff has done a good job and should be able to put consistent pressure on the QB. I didn't see a bad team. I saw a young team putting the pieces together.
I liked what I saw from the defense, for the most part. It's looking like we'll have a solid rotation on the DL and the secondary looked better than we saw last.

The offense was difficult to read. They looked rough, but players were out and things were very basic. I swear the coaches used the same 8 plays as were on that card fans called played from.

I have a feeling the offense will look a little better when we've got our guys back healthy and we've added in some wrinkles to the offense.

I will say though that after the QB performances I saw, I won't be surprised if Dobbs or Ferguson comes in and wins the job in the summer or fall.

I saw the same things. Same basic formations but running different routes. On the option you knee Worley was not going to keep the rock. So did the defense. Which is a good thing considering last year the defense would have been fooled with Sal's defense.
Thought the d-line/front seven out played the o-line, not even close...QB's unimpressive.

Bright spots, Big Dan, Vereen, Randolph and Hill. Hard to comment on wr's, given the situation...hard to tell anything at all about the kicking game...

typical spring game where hope abounds. GBO!

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