So I Got a Bone to Pick About Our Corporate Sponsors...

HOLY :censored: !! I see you all are still a little spaced out from 4/20! Nike beats Adidas hands down. Take off the orange glasses. It's not a huge deal that we have Adidas, but recruits as well as the rest of the fan base that doesn't post on VN would love to have Nike.
If Adidas is such a superior product, why did the NFL choose Nike instead. It's all about the money. Which company will pay a higher price is what it boils down to. I wish we would go with Nike, but Adidas is paying us more now. That is all there is to it.
HOLY :censored: !! I see you all are still a little spaced out from 4/20! Nike beats Adidas hands down. Take off the orange glasses. It's not a huge deal that we have Adidas, but recruits as well as the rest of the fan base that doesn't post on VN would love to have Nike.

why does the fanbase care so much? They can still buy their UT Nike gear if they choose
The Dish Network comparison was just stupid. But comparing Nike to Adidas is like comparing Kobe to Lebron...Kobe is just way better, and always will be :D

Anyone who's genuinely upset about the logos that appear on a university's sports uniforms needs to find a few more things to help fill up his time.
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This site is literally the only place where I see people who like Adidas more than Nike. Everyone I know would rather have Nike. My friends here at UT want Nike, and even my friends at Mississippi State (who give Adidas much more variety and freedom) want Nike. It's not even about on-field uniforms, the apparel they make is just so much better. That swoosh sells to fans and recruits.

Addressing the uniforms, people on this site automatically cry "oregon" when thinking of a Nike uniform, but what many people forget is that Nike makes damn good looking conventional uniforms as well. Look at Alabama, they have crisp, modern, yet traditional pro combats that are just as cool as Oregon's bright yellow and green.

I really don't care who makes the uniforms. I think Asics makes the most comfortable shoe so I buy those.
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Having just witnessed the "Dish Network" O&W game with our players dressed in Adidas apparel, a question just crossed my mind: Why do we have second-tier sponsors? Are we a second-tiered football team?

Let's start with Adidas. A German-based company that appeals to European soccer ("real football") fans. Great. How many Adidas shirts you got in your closet? Alternative: Nike. US-based company that dominates the world market. Guessing 90% of other D1 teams are Nike teams. Hmmmm....

Then Dish Network. IDK, I guess some people have DN, but if you are a huge NFL fan like me, you have DirecTV with its NFL Sunday Package. No. Questions. Asked.

My guess is that both Adidas and Dish pay UT handsomely to be our red-headed stepchild sponsors. Great. I says a pox on ye, second-tiered, foreign-owned lame-a$$ second-stringers!!!

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Over 10. This is a trivial complaint though sponsorship wise. When Diadora/Lotto/Umbro/Kelme start sponsoring football teams then you might have a legit gripe.
If Adidas is such a superior product, why did the NFL choose Nike instead. It's all about the money. Which company will pay a higher price is what it boils down to. I wish we would go with Nike, but Adidas is paying us more now. That is all there is to it.

The NFL had Reebok just a year ago. It is not about a superior product it is about the shoe/apparel company wanting their brand in the public eye and paying a huge price to do it.
why does the fanbase care so much? They can still buy their UT Nike gear if they choose

I don't think it's a huge deal. Nike is way better, and I think a majority of people would agree. It just makes me laugh when people defend Adidas because "We're not like everyone else" and "Adidas makes better products". Like that's really hilarious.
The NFL had Reebok just a year ago. It is not about a superior product it is about the shoe/apparel company wanting their brand in the public eye and paying a huge price to do it.

It's a system. Nike makes the best apparel, therefore they make the most money, and therefore they offered the NFL the most money.
I don't think it's a huge deal. Nike is way better, and I think a majority of people would agree. It just makes me laugh when people defend Adidas because "We're not like everyone else" and "Adidas makes better products". Like that's really hilarious.

there is nothing wrong with the product Adidas puts out (I personally prefer them to Nike). It just seems you've bought into the Nike advertising or view a brand simply as a status symbol

you also continue to ignore what Adidas offers UT in support vs what they would get with Nike. Of course acknowledging that would require you to do more than post "Nike rulezzz" in every post

It's a system. Nike makes the best apparel, therefore they make the most money, and therefore they offered the NFL the most money.

by your logic McDonald's makes the best food in the world
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It's a system. Nike makes the best apparel, therefore they make the most money, and therefore they offered the NFL the most money.

They hired Bo Jackson and Michael Jordan to endorse their products and nothing more.
I don't think it's a huge deal. Nike is way better, and I think a majority of people would agree. It just makes me laugh when people defend Adidas because "We're not like everyone else" and "Adidas makes better products". Like that's really hilarious.

You sound like my eight-year-old kid talking about how his new shoes make him jump higher. Nike makes sports shoes and clothes. Adidas makes sports shoes and clothes. Aside from marketing, exactly how are Nike's shoes and clothes "way better" in any meaningful sense?
I've always preferred Adidas and have a ton of Adidas shirts. I don't wear tennis shoes much but I like Adidas and New Balance personally. It's all personal preference for each of us.

As far as the University, the op's initial assumption is correct. We make more money and Adidas offers more personalized variety for Vol gear. Pretty simple.

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