So we move into transition: will Trump be a baby?

What do you mean by this? Specifically, what do you think Trump should do and what would that accomplish?
Declassify everything that he possibly can. Pardon Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley/Chelsea Manning. Oh and pardon all non-violent drug offenders.
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What do you mean by this? Specifically, what do you think Trump should do and what would that accomplish?
He may also tell his voters to stay home in the Georgia Senate runoff elections in order to give Dems 50/50 voting control of the Senate, and let Sleazy Ho Camel Toe cast the deciding vote. That way he can come back in 2024 to fix things again.
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I remember the Clinton to Bush transition. Bubba’s staffers removed (vandalized) keyboard letters on the office computers. I also doubt that Melania will follow Hillary’s example of looting the White House furnishings on her way out the door. Good times.
I remember the Clinton to Bush transition. Bubba’s staffers removed (vandalized) keyboard letters on the office computers. I also doubt that Melania will follow Hillary’s example of looting the White House furnishings on her way out the door. Good times.
The W's. LOL.

Trump will be much classier than that. Probably just take a dump in the Oval Office toilet and not flush... stuff like that.
He may also tell his voters to stay home in the Georgia Senate runoff elections in order to give Dems 50/50 voting control of the Senate, and let Sleazy Ho Camel Toe cast the deciding vote. That way he can come back in 2024 to fix things again.
That would be napalm level.
Yes, it's going to get hotter as time goes.
Seemed like it was about to sputter out when ole Sid was removed to arms length last weekend.

But since that time it seems a few court calls have gone Trump’s way.

I personally think Trump needs to put his energy into helping win the Senate runoffs in GA.

On the other hand @1972 Grad suggested Trump might try to spoil those races to prop himself up for 2024 but I think he was being facetious. Or were you?
Seemed like it was about to sputter out when ole Sid was removed to arms length last weekend.

But since that time it seems a few court calls have gone Trump’s way.

I personally think Trump needs to put his energy into helping win the Senate runoffs in GA.

On the other hand @1972 Grad suggested Trump might try to spoil those races to prop himself up for 2024 but I think he was being facetious. Or were you?
I'm not saying 2024, I'm taking 2020. As for the senate runoffs, it needs to be done right.
Yea it is going to be interesting to see the panic start from the Libs that have been mocking, name calling, and saying how dumb we are.
The worm is starting to turn.
You can see it starting to turn, and we haven't seen anything yet out of the Dems, but it's going to be a scared blue wave that doesn't know what to do anymore. We're not that dumb.

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